
鸿儒私塾观察 俄乌事件 川普堪敬 英美可鄙

鸿儒私塾观察 扎哈罗娃说拜登政府团队在逃离白宫

俄罗斯卫星通讯社 简体繁體 扎哈罗娃说拜登政府团队在逃离白宫2022年4月30日, 22:08 © Sputnik / Russian Foreign Ministry / 轉到圖片庫 俄罗斯外交部发言人玛丽亚·扎哈罗娃在Telegra自己的频道上写道,美国总统乔·拜登的政府团队正在逃离白宫。 扎哈罗娃说:“所有人都在逃离。美国媒体说,白宫高官开始外流。美国专家指出的理由是在不信任政府和拜登本人背景下的一种颓废情绪。” 她还指出反俄制裁设计师、美国总统副国家安全顾问达利普·辛格产生“突然休息的愿望”。 扎哈罗娃在指出一些其它官员时写道:“原来那里这一年来有很多人都累了。据美国媒体报道,拜登白宫公共联络处高级顾问塞德里克·里士满辞职,拜登气候高级顾问吉娜·麦卡锡计划离开白宫。” 扎哈罗娃:如果俄罗斯外交部的YouTube频道被关闭,那么CNN和BBC的某些人将“回家” 昨天, 03:51 扎哈罗娃说,美国媒体还称,美国总统气候问题特使约翰··克里在考虑“这艘船是否会到年底”。 她补充说:“美国副总统卡玛拉··哈里斯干些什么,我不想写。那里只是大规模的外流。机关的领导人、新闻处将效仿数十名已经离开的主要工作人员。” 俄罗斯 美国 拜登 国际 白宫 俄罗斯卫星通讯社 中国 俄罗斯 国际 俄中关系 评论 多媒体 播客 经济 军事 科技 体育 娱乐 WeChatWeibo 关于我们 资料使用条款 反馈 © 2022 Sputnik(卫星社) 所有权利均受保护 京ICP备2020045094号-1 18+ 新闻时间线 0

鸿儒私塾观察 俄罗斯外长拉夫洛夫接受中国官媒新华社访问,痛批美国鼓励乌克兰采取“暴力反俄路线”,甚至“唆使乌克兰民族主义者破坏谈判进程”。

欺人太甚!俄外长又提新要求 双边谈判恐破裂www.creaders.net | 2022-04-30 07:49:32 上报 | 3条评论 | 查看/发表评论   俄罗斯外长拉夫洛夫接受中国官媒新华社访问,痛批美国鼓励乌克兰采取“暴力反俄路线”,甚至“唆使乌克兰民族主义者破坏谈判进程”。 北约国家公开支持乌克兰,并持续提供武器援乌,也被俄国视为阻碍谈判的因素,导致和平协议无法达成。 该访谈内容30日公布在俄国外交部网站上;拉夫洛夫称,俄国和乌克兰代表团几乎每天都透过视讯讨论条约草案,重要议程除了乌克兰实现中立和非军事化,还包含西方解除制裁。他表示,“我们赞成继续谈判,尽管谈判进展并不容易”。 路透指出,自2月底俄乌开战至今,乌克兰总统泽伦斯基一直坚持应加强对俄制裁,且制裁不能列入和谈的一部分。双方从3月29日以来,都未举行面对面的和平谈判。 乌克兰政府也再度警告,跟俄国的和平谈判濒临崩解。眼看俄国持续攻击乌克兰东部,泽伦斯基形容,俄国的残暴行径,给人的感觉是俄军彷彿有一本“谋杀手册”;对于谈判能否成功,泽伦斯基悲观看待。 过去俄国亦曾声称有意谈判,但美国对此仍抱持怀疑态度。白宫发言人莎琪29日表示,到目前为止并未看到迹象,显示俄国愿意进行具建设性的外交对话。
鸿儒私塾观察 川普清醒 力阻核战

鸿儒私塾观察 Who Is in Charge of America?

theTrumpet.com MENU Joe Biden fist bumps Barack Obama after signing an executive order aimed at strengthening the Affordable Care Act on April 5 in Washington, D.C. CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY IMAGES Who Is in Charge of America? Joe Biden is a puppet for someone who actively wants to destroy the United States of America. BY STEPHEN FLURRY • APRIL 28 Joe Biden’s cognitive decline is on full display for the world to see. On April 18, the White House held its traditional Easter Egg Roll celebration on the South Lawn. Biden had to be coached through aspects of the event by his wife and some of those around him. While some such prompts would be normal in a situation like this, they reminded the world of Biden’s gaffe-riddled Senate career, basement hideaway presidential campaign, avoidance of regular press conferences and interviews, confusingly unnecessary lies about his past, forgetting the names of major figures, calling only on preapproved journalists, dazed expressions, and watching as his aides shout to drown out the questions of reporters. Perhaps the peak example of Biden’s fitness for office, or lack thereof, came when Biden began speaking to a reporter about freedom in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Suddenly a giant, fuzzy Easter bunny mascot literally blocked him off, waving its hands in his face and gently but firmly guiding him away from the reporter. The man who supposedly won 81 million votes and who now supposedly wields more political and military power than any other single person on Earth was treated like he was senile by his wife, the bunny (White House press official Meghan Hays) and his other handlers. A lot of conservatives are angered by Biden, and even liberals are souring on him. But many if not most of them are missing the fact that Biden is not in charge. A giant bunny and a humiliation of the office of president might start to change that. People will start asking: If Biden doesn’t hold the power of the presidency—who does? People have also been talking about a recent clip from a Saudi Arabian comedic television show that mocked Biden’s mental acuity as the actor confused names and repeatedly fell asleep behind the podium. The show actually aired prior to the giant bunny incident, so what must the Saudis and the rest of the world be thinking now? Conservatives have enjoyed sharing these clips and insist that they are part of a much larger pattern showing that Biden is not in control. But conspicuous for its absence is any serious talk—or any talk at all—about who is controlling Biden. Whoever is controlling him is controlling this nation and racing it toward the moral, political, financial, demographic and military cliff. But people don’t really talk about that. Why not? Despite the involvement of the bunny, this is anything but lighthearted “soft news.” This is a symbol of America’s weak leadership, which has emboldened other nations, like Russia, to act aggressively. “Who’s in charge of America right now?” the Federalist asked. “Because it isn’t the man getting wrangled by a giant Easter bunny. Given the state of our grocery shelves, southern border, gas prices, job openings, foreign policy, public schools, inflation and health care, it would be awfully nice to know who’s really running the greatest country on Earth. … “[T]his isn’t just about pointing out the Biden gaffe machine’s perpetual blunders. It’s a serious question: Who is in charge? “We know it isn’t Joe Biden, and although his wife had the reins on Sunday, we know the first lady’s power is extremely limited. It probably isn’t the person in the bunny suit either.” Russia is invading Ukraine, China is colonizing the Solomon Islands, Germany is rearming, and Iran is pushing for nuclear weapons. They know America will not stop them. In fact, the Biden administration is encouraging Germany to rearm and helping Iran become a nuclear power. Melanie Phillips reports that the Biden administration offered to remove the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps from its list of foreign terrorist organizations if it would promise to not target the Americans who helped kill Quds Force commander Qassem Suleimani. Yet Iran rejected these terms because it knows America will ultimately give it better terms in their ongoing nuclear negotiations. Iran is negotiating with America about its maniacal nuclear program from a position of strength! The video of the White House Easter Egg Roll celebration is reminiscent of the video from the 12-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, which showed Joe Biden wandering aimlessly around the room with no one to talk to and staring at the ceiling while Democrats swarmed around Barack Obama. The Federalist and other news networks can easily recognize that Biden is not running America, but most of these outlets are still at a loss to determine who is running America. It is obviously not Jill Biden, Kamala Harris, Jen Psaki or the Easter bunny. The Federalist actually concludes that America is leaderless. This is a logical conclusion considering how bad things are getting in the nation. But the reality of the situation is far worse than a headless superpower. Someone is indeed in control, and that someone is intentionally and successfully destroying the power of the United States abroad and at home. Joe Biden’s old boss is Joe Biden’s current boss: Barack Obama. The Easter bunny led Biden away when he uttered the word “Afghanistan” because his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal was part of that deliberate, planned effort to destroy America and empower terrorists. “Many people can clearly see that Joe Biden is not really in charge of the government,” my father wrote in his 2021 article “This Isn’t Incompetence. This Is Treason!” “He has filled his administration with Obama-era officials, and Mr. Obama himself is really directing the show! Some say—correctly—that this is effectively Obama’s third term.” Meghan Hays is just one of a number of former Obama officials in and around the White House. For that matter, so is Joe Biden. “Many people can see that these are disastrous decisions,” my father writes in America Under Attack. “But we must understand that this isn’t simply the result of ineptitude on the part of this administration, or naivety about how the world really works. We are seeing the aftereffects of a calculated, aggressive, satanic attack aimed at weakening and ultimately destroying the nations of Israel, starting with the world’s most powerful nation!” 2 Kings 14:23-29 describe a Satan-led movement in the end time to “blot out the name of Israel from under heaven,” and Daniel 8:12 exposes an end-time Antiochus who “cast down the truth to the ground.” Together with Revelation 12:9, which reveals that God has cast Satan down to Earth, these verses show that there is a deliberate, planned effort to destroy America. Biden may look lost, senile and incompetent, but he is only a puppet for someone else who actively wants to destroy the United States of America. So expect the domestic and foreign-policy disasters to continue as the Easter bunny and Biden’s other handlers keep him away from the press so he doesn’t say more than he should! E-MAIL STEPHEN FLURRY OR FOLLOW STEPHEN FLURRY ON TWITTER ABOUT US CONTACT US FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS PRIVACY POLICY TERMS OF USE COPYRIGHT © 2022 PHILADELPHIA CHURCH OF GOD, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

鸿儒私塾观察 Obama’s New ‘Ministry of Truth’ Vows to Combat ‘Disinformation

theTrumpet.com MENU Obama’s New ‘Ministry of Truth’ Vows to Combat ‘Disinformation’ HOSTED BY STEPHEN FLURRY • AIRED APRIL 28 • 54 MINUTES 00:30 The Left’s Disinformation Campaign (17 minutes) Joebama has selected Russian disinformation “expert” Nina Jankowicz to be executive director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board. In October 2020, Jankowicz dismissed as disinformation campaigns both the Hunter Biden laptop story and the likelihood of voter fraud in the presidential election. Also, is it just coincidence that the Biden administration announced the formation of the Orwellian sounding Disinformation Governance Board right after Elon Musk purchased Twitter? That should tell you all you need to know about how the government was using Twitter as a propaganda platform. 17:45 ‘Red Mirage’ of the 2020 Presidential Election (13 minutes) In the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election, Axios interviewed a man named Josh Mendelssohn, who told Axios just how election night would play out. He predicted in this interview that Joe Biden would win the presidential election after a “red mirage” of Trump votes on election night. How could he have known in such detail how the night of November 3 would unfold? 31:00 Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote (15 minutes) Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote have collaborated to produce a new movie exposing how the radical left rigged the 2020 U.S. presidential election. This new movie—2,000 Mules—is drawing strong attention on Fox News and other news networks in the lead-up to its premiere in theaters next week. 46:05 Massive CNN+ Flop (3 minutes) Axios gained access to the CNN insider data that drove the company’s CNN+ success projections. CNN executives thought CNN+ would bring in more than double the profits of Fox News over the next eight years. On top of that, they believed they had 29 million “superfans” who would no doubt pay for a CNN subscription. The projections and estimates are comical but not surprising for a news network that so routinely gets its reporting wrong. 49:25 E-mail Feedback (5 minutes) Subscribe to the Trumpet Daily on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or by RSS Download past episodes here. ABOUT US CONTACT US FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS PRIVACY POLICY TERMS OF USE COPYRIGHT © 2022 PHILADELPHIA CHURCH OF GOD, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

鸿儒私塾观察 普京参会 G20

华盛顿 — 白宫正在发出信号说,今年担任20国集团(G20)主席国的印度尼西亚决定邀请乌克兰参加11月在巴厘岛举行的峰会不足以确保美国总统拜登与会,——除非俄罗斯总统普京被排除在这次峰会之外。 “我们的理解是,他们在入侵前确实邀请了俄罗斯。当然,你可以向印尼方面证实这一点。我们私下也与他们进行了接触。我们已向他们表达了我们的看法,即我们认为他们(俄罗斯)不应该参与其中,”白宫新闻秘书莎琪周五(4月29日)对记者们说。 星期五早些时候,印尼总统佐科·维多多宣布,他已邀请乌克兰总统泽连斯基参加11月在巴厘岛举行的这次经济论坛峰会。 “我们知道20国集团在全球经济复苏中发挥着催化剂的作用,当我们谈到全球经济复苏时,目前有两个重要因素:COVID-19和乌克兰战争,”维多多在一段视频中列出他邀请泽连斯基的理由时说。 维多多说,他星期三在与泽连斯基通话时发出了这个邀请。他拒绝了向乌克兰提供武器的请求,但表示愿意向乌克兰提供人道援助。他说,他星期四与普京通了电话。这位俄罗斯总统通知他,他将参加这次峰会。 “印尼希望让20国集团团结起来,”维多多说。“和平与稳定是全球经济复苏和增长的关键。” 西方领导人要求将俄罗斯踢出这个由世界20个最大经济体组成的集团,但这可能是一个比较难以实现的目标。美国总统拜登、加拿大总理特鲁多和澳大利亚总理莫里森等人对普京参加这次峰会表示了关切,并发出信号说,如果普京与会,他们将不会出席。 没有外交退路 莎琪提到,拜登政府欢迎雅加达邀请乌克兰的举动,但对莫斯科在20国集团峰会之前从这场战争中找出一个外交退路持悲观态度。 “到目前为止,我们显然还没有看到俄罗斯计划建设性地参与外交谈判的迹象,”她说。“我们当然希望这种情况会改变,因为很显然,外交会谈和对话是结束这场冲突的方式,普京总统明天就可以结束这场冲突,也可以现在就结束。” 是拜登此前提议说,如果其他成员国不同意把俄罗斯踢出20国集团,那么基辅应参加20国集团的会议。他是上个月在布鲁塞尔与北约成员国和欧洲盟国举行会议后提出这一观点的。他当时说,他们在会上讨论了将普京驱逐出20国集团的问题。 (从左到右)俄罗斯总统普京、乌克兰总统泽连斯基与美国总统拜登。 分析人士指出,在中国支持莫斯科留在20国集团的情况下,维多多的处境很艰难。最终,他的政府可能不得不决定,东道主印尼是否愿意用普京的出席来换取几位西方领导人的缺席。 战略与国际研究中心(CSIS)研究美国在亚太地区的外交政策的格雷戈里·波林(Gregory Poling)对美国之音说:“我认为对印尼来说,最好的解决办法是,他们邀请泽连斯基,然后俄罗斯方面说普京决定不来了,那么,维多多就不必做出这个决定。” 本月早些时候,拜登政府暗示,它希望20国集团讨论俄罗斯入侵对国际经济的冲击并可能讨论乌克兰重建问题。 这一想法可能会在这场经济论坛中造成进一步的分歧。20国集团包括印度、巴西、南非、墨西哥、沙特阿拉伯和其他国家在内的中等强国成员把大流行病后的复苏做为他们的议程中心,这与西方孤立普京和帮助乌克兰的重点并不吻合。 雅加达为担任20国集团轮值主席国确立了三大主轴:全球卫生架构、可持续能源转型和数字转型。印尼选择“共同复苏,强劲复苏”作为今年峰会的主题。这一提议可能会因普京发动的战争所引发的新的地缘政治竞争而土崩瓦解。 (美国之音印尼组记者马兹利娃与古那万对本文有贡献。) 维达库斯瓦拉 美国之音白宫记者站主任 订阅 脸书论坛 美国之音不会基于意识形态或政治观点而删改评论。但所有评论请遵循以下网站守则:1. 以读者个人身份就美国之音的报道及报道所涉及的话题发表评论。2. 不得在读者讨论区散发纯属推销或宣传的讯息,不得大量转抄其它媒体和网站的文章。3. 不得使用任何肮脏和亵渎的措辞,不得进行人身攻击,不得使用侮辱任何种族和民族的言语。4. 不得煽动暴力。5. 请使用汉语或英语发言。若使用其它语言,欢迎登陆美国之音其它语种的网站。 相关内容 普京是否参加G20峰会,莫斯科尚未决定,拜登立场不变 普京想去G20 中国力挺 招致批评 美欧评估推动G20排斥俄罗斯,轮值主席印尼态度暧昧处境尴尬 罗马20国集团峰会开幕,习近平普京选择视频与会 乌克兰局势最新报道 俄外长:2月24日以来100多万人从乌克兰撤离到俄罗斯 五角大楼抨击俄罗斯在乌克兰犯下“战争罪” 日本首相访问东南亚,乌克兰危机与对抗中国是关注焦点 VOA卫视热点视频 嵌入 分享 焦点对话:马斯克收购推特后 中国的影响力会增加吗? 嵌入 分享 代码已经复制到剪贴板。 宽度 px 高度 px 分享到脸书 分享到推特 网址已复制到剪贴板 没有媒体可用资源 0:00 0:29:59 0:00 焦点对话:马斯克收购推特后 中国的影响力会增加吗? 最新国际新闻 印太军备竞赛制约中国,进一步打造新“北约”可行吗? 乌兹别克斯坦:前阿富汗政府军飞行员飞入其境内飞机为美国财产 不会交给塔利班 日本首相访问东南亚,乌克兰危机与对抗中国是关注焦点 更多内容
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鸿儒私塾观察 The Most Lethal Threat to America

theTrumpet.com MENU Police and emergency responders gather at the site of a reported shooting of multiple people outside of the 36 Street subway station on April 12 in Brooklyn. SPENCER PLATT/GETTY IMAGES The Most Lethal Threat to America The left says it’s white supremacy. The truth is far worse. BY RUFARO MANYEPA • APRIL 22 Frank Robert James, a 62-year-old black man, is the suspected New York City subway shooter. In almost all reports, the media tiptoed around identifying his race. He was almost universally described only as an “individual” in a green vest with a gas mask. In a nearly 2,000-word article about the attack, the New York Times didn’t mention his race once. cnn barely did better, calling him a “black gentleman.” This in regard to the man who detonated two smoke bombs before firing 33 times into a crowded train car. He managed to shoot 10 people before his gun jammed two minutes into his shooting spree. New York City police commissioner Keechant Sewell initially said the attack wouldn’t be investigated as an act of terrorism. But after James was arrested on April 13, federal prosecutors charged him with terror-related offenses. However, the media is still taking pains to avoid mentioning James’s race. They rarely do in cases involving black suspects. The oft supplied reason is to avoid reinforcement of “negative stereotypes.” It’s the same reason why black-on-black crime is so underreported. Never mind the fact that James had been arrested nine times before. Never mind the fact that black criminals are responsible for 51 percent of murders in the United States despite making up only 13 percent of the population. Joe Biden told Congress in April 2021: “We won’t ignore what our own intelligence agencies have determined—the most lethal terrorist threat to the homeland today is from white supremacist terrorism. White supremacy is terrorism, and we will not ignore that.” You don’t even necessarily have to be criminal to be branded a white supremacist today. In many cases, you just have to be white. In contrast, there is a general belief that black people can’t be racist. Many on the left say reverse racism is a myth. But is it possible that some of the black crime is motivated by racism? Are there in fact black supremacists? A mounting body of evidence argues yes. Media Complicity As a part of the investigation into his motive, Frank James’s YouTube, Twitter and Facebook content has surfaced. All his accounts have now been deleted. But his beliefs have been discovered, and they’re pretty dark. The most consistent theme in his videos is his belief that white people are about to enact genocide on the black population. He believes that the situation in America is “no different than what happened in Europe with the Jews.” But while the Jews had the Allies’ support, he tells the black community, “The whole world is against you. And so, the message to me is: I should have gotten a gun and just started shooting ….” That’s a very clear line of reasoning and motive. The media, however, has tried to get ahead of the truth. The New York Times wrote, “Mr. James, who is black, directed much of his hatred toward black people, whom he often blamed for the way they were treated in the United States.” cnn wrote that hate speech “was a common theme throughout James’s videos, in which he repeatedly espoused hatred toward African-Americans.” The line from the media is, Since Frank James clearly hates black people, he can’t possibly be racist. Therefore, racism wasn’t a motive. They even mention James’s apparent dislike for Kamala Harris and newly confirmed Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. But in one video, he clearly expresses that his dislike for them is purely from the basis that they married white men. James is a radical separatist who thinks whites and blacks should have “no contact” with each other. This is because he believes that white people think black people’s “rightful place is as a slave.” As such, he believes that “we need to see more mass shootings.” This is to show that, it’s “not about the shooter—it’s about the environment in which he is, he has to exist.” James comes off as someone who was repeatedly told that he lives in a racist country and believed it. That’s exactly what the left tells black Americans. A study by the Washington Free Beacon found that the media is far quicker to mention the race of white killers than blacks. Fifty percent of articles about a white suspect mention his race within the first three paragraphs. This is without even factoring in stories about Kyle Rittenhouse or Derek Chauvin. In contrast, 50 percent of the articles about black suspects don’t mention the race until at least 60 percent of the way into the story, if at all. These statistics are from before the death of George Floyd. After the summer of “mostly peaceful” protests, the disparity widened even further. Reminder that our nation’s capital looked like this at the beginning of the summer and most Democrats/media shrugged it off as mostly peaceful https://t.co/1zvsLVRuQc — Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 6, 2021 Before those violent Black Lives Matter protests, the media was twice as likely to mention the race of a white suspect as opposed to a black perpetrator. After the summer riots, it became seven times more likely. When stories of white criminals are overreported and even fabricated, a deadly false narrative is created. And when stories of black criminals are underreported, a worrying trend goes unidentified. Black Nationalism On his Facebook and Twitter accounts, Frank James made several posts supporting Black Lives Matter, the Black Liberation and the Nation of Islam. He idealized radicals who attacked whites. He posted a picture of Micah Xavier Johnson who infamously shot and killed five white Dallas police officers in 2016. He even called on other people to follow suit. In another video, he also defended Anthony Ferrill, the man who shot and killed five co-workers at a Molson Coors plant last year. Ferrill was “discriminated against” according to James, and so nothing would stop “until he started shooting people,” he said. “The vast majority” of white people are racist, he later added. Frank James didn’t particularly care for other races either. He appears to hate whites the most, but he shares disdain for Asians and Hispanics too. A month ago, he posted a vitriolic video against “Spanish-speakers” on his YouTube channel. He used racial slurs, calling Hispanics “a drain on resources” and nothing more than “machines” created to be laborers. It’s no coincidence that Sunset Park, the neighborhood surrounding the 36th Street station where the shooting occurred last week, is a 42 percent Latino community. Frank James was a black supremacist in every sense of the word. “Black nationalism is black unity,” he wrote in one post. It is clear to see the effect of his ideology. He was allowed to post racist videos and statements for years on the same social media platforms that banned a sitting United States president. The left wants you to know about white supremacists, both real and fabricated. They want you to think that if they are publicly attacked and silenced, society will be perfect. But it’s the Frank Jameses that you need to know about even more. Their stories barely get any airtime. But there are lots of people like Frank James, and they are doing a lot of damage already. The Most Lethal Threat Last year, Darrell Edward Brooks was charged for driving through a Christmas Parade in Waukesha. He killed six and injured dozens more. In February, Quintez Brown was charged with attempted murder for entering Jewish Louisville mayoral candidate Craig Greenburg’s headquarters and opening fire. In April 2021, Noah Green killed one and maimed another Capitol police officer after deliberating ramming his vehicle into two police cars. In 2020, Grafton Thomas was charged with murder after allegedly charging into a Hanukah party with a machete. He killed one and injured several others. These are just a few of many racially motivated crimes over the last few years. Like Frank James, all these suspects are black. Like Frank James, their stories were all underreported. And like Frank James, they all have some ties to Black Lives Matter, Black Nationalism, anti-Semitism or people like Louis Farrakhan. They are all black supremacists. A person’s race doesn’t predispose him or her toward a particular set of actions or beliefs. That’s why it’s so important to ask why black supremacists even exist. The leftist ideology supplies the answer. We live in a society where black Americans are constantly told they are oppressed. They are repeatedly told that they live in a racist country. They are told that white people are inherently evil and racist. So they are told it’s OK to riot. They are told that they need to be violent if they are going to be free. That is the kind of ideology that can push people like Frank James over the edge. But none of this is news to the radical left. The leaders, the media—they all know the stats about black-perpetrated crime. They just choose not to report it. They also know that white supremacy isn’t the problem they show it to be. And yet they choose to call it “the most lethal threat” to America. The truth is, there’s an agenda at play. It is one that is very difficult to discern. But one man, Herbert W. Armstrong, discerned it over five decades ago. In a 1969 issue of his Plain Truth magazine, predecessor to the Trumpet, he asked: “Why are our people unable to recognize the Communist line—the Communist plan and conspiracy—in college and university riots, in propaganda accusing ‘police brutality,’ in ‘black power,’ ‘black panther’ and other slogans, even in ‘civil disobedience’ and ‘nonviolent’ movements of protest which lead to violence?” Communists are obsessed with seizing power, and they will do it at any cost. They will encourage violence and restlessness. They will create false narratives to stir up anger. They will suppress the truth to ensure their agenda continues as planned. They would rather see the country erupt in violence and chaos—even be destroyed—if it means they can attain power. America Overrun by Communists? Following the 2020 summer riots, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote: Former President Barack Obama praised the protesters and blamed the eruption of lawlessness on the nation’s history of slavery and institutionalized racism, which he called the “original sin of our society.” The idea of original sin is sin that is inborn within us because of our ancestors. Mr. Obama has previously said that racism is in America’s dna. How do you solve that? Did Abraham Lincoln, who at great cost passed a constitutional amendment to end slavery, have racism in his dna? What about the millions of men who fought in the Civil War, and the more than 100,000 who sacrificed their lives, in part to end slavery? Does Mr. Obama have any gratitude for what it has taken to achieve the equality in America today? Throughout America’s history, race relations have seen dramatic improvements in people blending together and getting along. You never hear about that from these men. You never hear about it because these people hate this country. They hate its founding principles and ideals. They hate its Judeo-Christian values. And so, they are determined to destroy it. But this hatred is much deeper than just a lust for power. It is actually spiritual in nature. Many people scoff at the existence of a devil. But the Bible calls Satan a “murderer” (John 8:44). It also says that he and his demons are actively working “in the children of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:2). “These evil spirits are stirring up destructive attitudes and violent actions,” Mr. Flurry continued. “They are behind the murders committed by policemen—and behind the murders of policemen!” America is under attack. Satan is behind all the murders and the lies by the radical left. He has an agenda to blot out the very name of Israel (2 Kings 14:27). He knows that if the whole country misidentifies the most lethal threat to America, they won’t realize that it is in fact his pernicious influence. Satan murders, lies, divides and destroys. And he is leveling all his power against the U.S. in a way very few people realize. To gain a clear picture about how serious a threat Satan poses to America, please request your free copy of America Under Attack, by Mr. Flurry. SIDEBAR Race Riots Were Prophesied! E-MAIL RUFARO MANYEPA ABOUT US CONTACT US FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS PRIVACY POLICY TERMS OF USE COPYRIGHT © 2022 PHILADELPHIA CHURCH OF GOD, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

鸿儒私塾观察 Could America Soon Look Like Sri Lanka?

theTrumpet.com MENU An opposition activist shouts slogans holding up bread as he protests along with others against rising living costs, at the entrance of the president’s office in Colombo on March 15. ISHARA S. KODIKARA/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Could America Soon Look Like Sri Lanka? BY RICHARD PALMER • APRIL 20 Sri Lanka is broken. Thousands queue daily outside petrol pumps for their ration of four gallons of fuel. Armed police, by law, guard each pump, stopping fights. Lined up for eight hours in the heat of the day leads to frayed tempers. Some have even died while queuing. Fuel prices have doubled. Vegetables are now five times more expensive than last year. Rice is up 30 percent. People have a choice: Shop at a private supermarket, or spend all day in the queue at a government-run shop, where prices are three to four times lower. At the other end, farmers can’t sell their food—they can’t get the fuel to transport them to the market. Fuel shortages are also hitting the power industry. The government has ordered 10-hour blackouts. Many are getting by on generators, which makes the queues at petrol stations even longer. With prices going up everywhere, everything is shutting down. Rickshaw drivers can’t afford petrol, have no income, fall behind on their vehicle payments, lose their whole business. Print shops can’t afford paper and have to close, sending all their workers home. Schools are also shut because paper is too pricey. With their budgets occupied with fuel purchases, people have little money left for luxuries. Even the middle class that was once comfortable is struggling to feed their families. Sellers of non-essential goods no longer have customers. People who once enjoyed holidays and meals out can no longer afford meat, or even hot food. Many are taking to the streets. Sri Lanka is experiencing some of its biggest protests in history. Police opened fire on protesters in the town of Rambukkana, killing one and injuring 14 others. Religious and ethnic tensions that had laid dormant now threaten to explode at any moment. The government is trying to crack down on the protests by declaring a state of emergency, arresting opponents and censoring the Internet. It’s the worst economic crisis in Sri Lanka’s history. But perhaps the most surprising thing about it is that so many of the factors behind it are present also in the U.S. The crisis shows how things that we know are bad—inflation, debt, societal division—can become nation-destroying problems. Corruption Sri Lankan politics is dominated by one family: the Rajapaksas. Mahinda Rajapaksa first came to power as president in 2005. He’s now prime minister, while his brother Gotabaya Rajapaksa now holds the presidency. It looks a lot like nepotism, but the family insists they’re simply choosing the best men for the jobs. And it just happens to be that around 40 family members are best qualified for various government jobs. In 2015, the Rajapaksas temporarily lost hold of office. They were accused of fraud and money laundering, stealing government money and stashing it abroad. The Seychelles and Indian governments promised to help track the funds. But on Easter Sunday, 2019, the country took a very different turn. Islamist bombings killed 270 people. Suddenly, allegations of corruption didn’t seem as important. Mahinda Rajapaksa had a reputation as a strongman, who won the war with Tamils, which ended in 2009. That autumn he was voted back into office. Unsurprisingly, the investigations have gone nowhere. Sri Lanka is a “democratic socialist” republic, with many industries under government ownership, such as the main electricity company, the Sri Lankan Airline and free universal health care. This gives anyone in government access to a lot of lucrative jobs, and a lot of cash. China Widespread corruption opens the door to foreign powers. Someone willing to toss out lucrative jobs to his family members is also the kind of person willing to direct funds to his hometown, to shore up his local support. Under the Rajapaksas, many infrastructure projects were given to China without any form of competitive bidding. They were handed to Chinese companies, who were paid above-market price. Chinese money has also flooded into what Forbes called “the world’s emptiest airport,” the Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport, near the Rajapaksa’s hometown, Hambantota. Chinese money also helped build Mahinda Rajapaksa International Cricket Stadium in Hambantota, which holds more seats than the town center’s population can fill. At the end of Mahinda Rajapaksa’s second term, in 2015, nearly 70 percent of the country’s infrastructure projects were funded by China. All this has been funded by $7 billion borrowed from China. Sri Lanka has become the poster child for China’s “debt-trap diplomacy.” China lent Sri Lanka around $1 billion to build a new port in Hambantota. When the port proved unprofitable, and Sri Lanka couldn’t pay it back, China took it over on a 99-year lease. “The acquisition provided Beijing with a deepwater port in the region in which it can dock its navy, off the coast of its key regional competitor, India,” Foreign Policy wrote. But not all of this money flowed to Beijing. In 2018, the New York Times reported that millions of dollars flowed directly from Chinese port construction funds to the 2015 Rajapaksa reelection campaign. The Chinese ambassador lobbied voters to support the family’s allies. For years prior to the vote, the Rajapaksas were consistently dogged by accusations that they’d taken bribes from Chinese government-controlled companies. Debt Spending for all these programs was fueled by massive debt. In 2010, Sri Lanka’s foreign debt was 36 percent of its annual economic output. By 2015, it was at 94 percent. One third of government revenue went to paying off Chinese debt. Now the country owes $51 billion to foreigners; $7 billion of which was due to be paid back this year. But the country only has $1.6 billion of foreign cash on hand. So last week, they defaulted on part of that debt. Sri Lanka has been trying to get a hold of foreign currency to pay off its debt. Meanwhile, potential investors have seen the writing on the wall; they don’t want to be holding currency from an economy going under. Combine that with money printing and the value of the Sri Lankan rupee having plummeted. This has made imports explosive, leading to the explosion in the cost of fuel and hyperinflation. Inflation hit 20 percent this month; for food, it is 30 percent. It’s clear that there are special causes for this bankruptcy. Sri Lanka generated a lot of foreign income through tourism. When covid hit, that dried up. So too did the money that Sri Lankans living overseas sent back to their families. The government also made things worse, abruptly banning the import of pesticides and forcing the country to switch to organic farming last year. In the long run, moving away from pesticides and herbicides has a lot of advantages. But it’s not a change that can easily be made at the drop of a hat. Food output plummeted, and the country had to import more, worsening its economic situation. Drought has also played a role. Forty percent of Sri Lanka’s electricity typically comes from hydropower. But now the lakes are running low. But the long-term causes are important too. Sri Lanka’s massive borrowing made it fragile, so that when a crisis came along, the economy disintegrated. Could It Happen to You? Corruption, dodgy links to China, massive debt, money printing—all these ingredients to total breakdown are present in the U.S. Hunter Biden’s dealings with Chinese businesses are reminiscent of some of the Rajapaksas’ dealings. And of course these include a cut for “the big guy.” The U.S. is also borrowing like there’s no tomorrow. Compared to the size of its economy, U.S. debt is even bigger than Sri Lanka’s. At over $30 trillion, U.S. debt is 125 percent the size of its annual economic output, compared to Sri Lanka’s 104 percent. Generally, over 90 percent is considered the “danger zone” where the economy risks collapse. The U.S. is also struggling with the effects of drought. Farming is already in trouble, and power generation could suffer too. Just like Sri Lanka, America imports dramatically more than it exports, having to sell much of its currency to cover the shortfall. And America is also rapidly printing money. About 30 percent of all dollars in circulation were created since covid hit. The big difference is, the U.S. dollar is the world’s reserve currency. Despite a series of horrible decisions, people are still willing to buy it: They need to, to engage in international trade. Even so, inflation is starting to bite, at 8.5 percent. No one thinks that corruption, inflation or debt are good things. But it’s easy to lose sight of how destructive they can be. Sri Lanka shows that they have potential to be nation-destroying problems. And the U.S. is walking down the same path. “True education is founded on cause and effect,” wrote Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry. We are doing the same things that are causing catastrophe in Sri Lanka. They will have the same effect. In January 1920, with the U.S. economy in full boom, statistician Roger Babson forecast “the worst business depression that our generation has ever experienced.” He could accurately forecast it because his models revolved around cause and effect. “When you want to know the temperature in the room, now, you look at the thermometer on the wall,” said Babson. “But if you want to know what the temperature will be, an hour or two from now, the thermometer can’t tell you. You go down to the boiler room, or consult the U.S. weather prophet.” Babson said that “there are laws that govern economic conditions. These laws are the factors which determine what conditions will be, a few months or a year from now. They are the causes.” To forecast the economy, Babson said, “I looked at the way people as a whole were dealing with one another. I looked to the source which determines future conditions. I have found that that source may be defined in terms of ‘righteousness.’” More righteous behavior leads to prosperity; corruption to ruin. This is a profound observation from a statistician. Herbert W. Armstrong related this incident in his autobiography and lauded Babson for his wisdom. It’s clear that a lot of immorality has caused Sri Lanka’s collapse. We’re guilty of similar immorality, and it will have similar effects. Soon all nations will be forced to confront this lesson. But you do not have to wait to learn it. You can apply principles that will cause prosperity in your life now. We have a booklet on that topic, titled Solve Your Money Troubles! But this is more than a financial lesson. There is a whole way of life that causes blessings and prosperity. You can read about that in our free book Mystery of the Ages, by Herbert W. Armstrong. E-MAIL RICHARD PALMER OR FOLLOW RICHARD PALMER ON TWITTER ABOUT US CONTACT US FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS PRIVACY POLICY TERMS OF USE COPYRIGHT © 2022 PHILADELPHIA CHURCH OF GOD, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
鸿儒私塾观察 中美良伴 deep state 问题


鸿儒私塾观察 人民币占尽“天时” 克宫发言人透露卢布下个动向

新闻论坛博客视频分类广告购物 简体/繁体广告服务联系我们关于万维登录/注册 万维读者网 > 世界财经 > 正文 人民币占尽“天时” 克宫发言人透露卢布下个动向www.creaders.net | 2022-04-29 13:19:21 FX168 | 2条评论 | 查看/发表评论   克里姆林宫发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫(Dmitry Peskov)周五(4月29日)表示,俄罗斯正在探索是否将卢布的价值与黄金和其他商品挂钩。 佩斯科夫周五告诉记者:“现在正在讨论这个问题,” 俄罗斯或与美元脱钩 据报道,俄罗斯联邦安全会议秘书帕特鲁舍夫日前表示,未来卢布将不再依赖美元,将完全独立。俄已经在制定一个主权金融体系项目,计划为卢布提供黄金储备,以及一组具有货币价值的商品(未明确指出),卢布汇率也将与实际购买力保持一致。该项目将允许俄货币与美元脱钩。 俄罗斯中央银行因入侵乌克兰而遭到前所未有的制裁,使其无法动用其约一半的储备,目前其仅持有黄金和人民币。战前,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京就曾多次表示,俄罗斯需要减少对美元作为全球储备货币的依赖。人民币将被广泛使用 此外,部分俄罗斯银行被逐出SWIFT支付系统,因此市场预期人民币的使用者将增加,中国也可能发展由人民币主导的国际结算系统。 德国商业银行高级经济学家Zhou Hao说,俄罗斯一直积极减持美元,增持欧元、人民币和黄金,他推测中俄贸易量将增,未来5~10年俄罗斯握有的人民币资产肯定会提高。 机会的天平倾向中国 西方国家对俄罗斯的制裁,使其倾向一个更友好的邻国——中国——的缓慢转变正在加速。在进出口方面,中国已经是俄罗斯最大的贸易伙伴。 俄罗斯转向中国,将是朝着《金融时报》所称的“中国建立后美元化世界的长期目标”迈出的重要一步。 英国《金融时报》报道中提到:“金融是与美国展开新的大国竞争的关键支柱;货币、资本流动和一带一路贸易通道都将在其中发挥作用……北京方面一直在努力提高自身体系的信任度和透明度,不仅是为了吸引非美国的外国投资,也是为了鼓励国内投资热潮……” 美元王者地位动摇 美元多年来独占鼇头。它成为世界储备货币的时间比历史上任何一种储备货币都要长得多。但现在,全球经济正实时见证那些与美元(或者更确切地说,与美元背后的政府)发生衝突的国家发生了什麽。 美国和欧洲的联合制裁正在把俄罗斯从美元生态圈中排挤出去。俄罗斯的处境,无疑让那些,希望降低成为西方主导的经济震慑行动牺牲品风险的政府,将会做必要的事情,减少它们对美元的敞口。 5 相关新闻 一赴乌参战美公民丧生 两英国救援者被俄军拘押 压力大!俄进展缓慢,一统乌东两州遥遥无期... 继Starlink不断网后 马斯克再送乌科技大礼包 乌军再炸燃料库 画面曝光 对俄乌战争这样定性!中国再度表态力挺俄罗斯 14气商屈从“卢布令” 普京能源攻势分化牌见效 冲突第65天,俄罗斯3大行动,形势对乌越发不利 为乌克兰兜底!美国挺身而出 只待拜登签字 美众院通过新“租借法案” 防舰队水下遇袭 俄军部署了一支神秘的动物军团 “俄乌战争爆发” 当前新闻共有2条评论分享到:评论前需要先 登录 或者 注册 哦 全部评论 百年未有之大骗局 今天 13:52 让独裁国家关起门来自己玩,最好带上三胖。 破棉袄 今天 13:38 机会的天平倾向中国 ================= 可是,中国自身难保,呵呵。 1/1 上一页 下一页 实用资讯 全球最大线上眼镜电商 时尚、高质量 近视镜、太阳镜应有尽有Zenni Optical 相逢时节高能开局 雷佳音袁泉直面中年危机 新年元旦大促销 电话 电视 智能安防 一律免费3个月 24小时新闻排行榜更多>> 1骑虎难下 习的形势不太妙2天津市长自杀?栗战书旧部与习亲信交集密切3点名习近平 美众院通过法案:一定要调查这件4李连杰58岁老婆近照曝光 利智美貌不减当年5范冰冰豁出去了!自泄泡澡私照 香艳画面看 48小时新闻排行榜更多>> 1要跑路回美了?谷爱凌发文谢谢中国网上炸了2忍无可忍!上海嘉定区爆发大规模示威抗议3中国这地突然宣布“封城” 全球恐慌4上海的第十波大戏也上演了5骑虎难下 习的形势不太妙6天津市长自杀?栗战书旧部与习亲信交集密切7点名习近平 美众院通过法案:一定要调查这件8李连杰58岁老婆近照曝光 利智美貌不减当年9乌克兰正规军打法很怪 国际专家推测出惊人10范冰冰豁出去了!自泄泡澡私照 香艳画面看 热门专题 1新冠疫情 2乌克兰战争 3中美冷战 4万维专稿 5东航空难 6锁链女 7中共两会 8北京冬奥 9中共20大 10谷爱凌 11彭帅 12中共19大 13韩战 14华为 15恒大危机 一周博客排行更多>> 1习近平的严重错误会影响他复辟钟明2为何兲朝迟迟走不出疫情流岛3上海抗疫告诉你们:中国该改朝xpt4“四月之声”和张维为挨揍玉米穗5上海饥民请愿团呼吁习主席二十金复新6中国人的忍耐有极限吗?福田自耕7余金彪:标本与标杆—— 虎年万维网友来8上海病毒清零与社会主义核心价文庙9关于死多维的活记忆阿妞不牛10上海文革式抗疫的四大失误米笑 一周博文回复排行榜更多>> 1我弟家的老黄人参花2请百草同学开导,俺的入党要求阿妞不牛3爱吧!能爱就爱吧!—- 李斯特木桩4关于俄乌战场使用核蛋蛋Shanechen5普京原来猪队友?(47) 北京事秋念116关于死多维的活记忆阿妞不牛7北约卖枪欧盟要饭,法国再现拜木秀于林8收房,斗智斗勇特种兵梅华书香889体老坚持友谊第一体育老师10俄国熊,中国狼,美国先该对付沽渎 关于本站 | 广告服务 | 联系我们 | 招聘信息 | 网站导航 | 隐私保护Copyright (C) 1998-2021. CyberMedia Network/Creaders.NET. All Rights Reserved.

鸿儒私塾观察 八十亿

跳到内容 国外订阅 打开菜单 主页 国外 八十亿 奥拉夫·舒尔茨和“转折点”的政治谜团 - 播客 八十亿——俄罗斯的战争“转折点”的政治谜团奥拉夫·舒尔茨总理在世纪之交的演讲将载入史册。然而,目前尚不清楚这是德国政治的一个伟大时刻,还是德国决策困难的永恒象征。 Olaf Heuser 的播客 2022 年 4 月 27 日晚上 8 点 14 分 打开评论 加入观看列表 »伙计们,事情变得越来越严重,我们必须清理我们以前的一些幻想。我们必须面对一个坚定的对手的挑战。« 2022 年 2 月 27 日,绿党前董事会成员、柏林智库 Zentrum Liberale Moderne 创始人 Ralf Fücks 在世纪之交听到 Olaf Scholz 的演讲时,他相信解放,这是朝着改变态度迈出的一大步在德国外交政策中。特别是,对侵略者俄罗斯并袭击了要求帮助和武器的乌克兰。3 月底,Fücks 与妻子、绿党政治家 Marieluise Beck 一起前往基辅,与乌克兰政界人士交谈。作为第一批德国政治家和我自己。 “首先,这是一种团结的姿态。我们在乌克兰、在乌克兰政治、在拉达、在议会和政府中都有许多合作伙伴、熟人和朋友。这已经是一个信号:你并不孤单,”他在这一集“八十亿”中说道,“同时,当然,这也是一次让我们对政治和军事有更好印象的旅行乌克兰局势«。 ANZEIGE 从那时起,弗克斯就主张用武器支持乌克兰,这样它就可以在平等的基础上抵御俄罗斯军队。并批评了这样一个事实,即总理的激动人心的演讲没有采取平等的行动,也没有摆脱长期以来的幻想,即俄罗斯只能成为一个困难的伙伴,而不是一个决心做任何事情的对手。 ANZEIGE 批评总理决策迟缓与此同时,又过了四个星期的战争,奥拉夫·肖尔茨的“Zeitenwende”很有可能成为年度词汇——或者说是坏词,因为德国联邦政府及其对决策过程迟缓的批评总理正在成长。废弃坦克现在要运往乌克兰的事实并没有改变这一点。国防部长克里斯蒂娜·兰布雷希特周二在普法尔茨州拉姆施泰因美国军事基地举行的国防峰会上宣布了什么。 “这是一个持续不断的渐进式转变。你也可以将其描述为一个学习过程,如果它真的可以被识别的话,”Ralf Fücks 说,“相反,你会得到这样的印象,即政府,尤其是总理府只是在移动一英寸,而且只是在压力之下。来自德国公众的压力,但最重要的是来自我们国际盟友的压力。 ANZEIGE 那么,德国外交政策需要什么来适应时代的转变呢?德国在多大程度上对乌克兰负有特殊责任?继续将俄罗斯视为可能的战略伙伴会有多危险?主持人 Olaf Heuser 和 SPIEGEL 外事部负责人 Mathieu von Rohr 与 Ralf Fücks 谈及此事。 在此处收听当前剧集: 加入讨论回馈 展示https://mikehistory.com/[图库] 埃尔顿鲜为人知的著名妻子 Jean Schmidt aus OhioRepublikanerin nennt Schwangerschaft nach Vergewaltigung »Chance« für FrauenIm US-Bundesstaat Ohio wollen die Republikaner Abtreibungen weitestgehend verbieten. Die erzkonservative Abgeordnete Jean Schmidt sorgte nun mit einer Aussage in einem Ausschuss für Aufsehen. Offensive im DonbassWarum der russische Vormarsch stocktRusslands Offensive in der Ostukraine kommt nur schleppend voran, der Verschleiß auf beiden Seiten ist enorm. Die möglicherweise entscheidende Phase des Kriegs hat nun begonnen, die wohl vorerst letzte große Schlacht. In Istanbul wird eine unbekannte Frau von Polizisten festgenommen. Mit Hunderten Türkinnen und Türken demonstrierte sie gegen die lebenslange Haftstrafe von Kulturförderer Osman Kavala und die mehrjährigen Haftstrafen von sieben weiteren Verurteilten. Kavala saß bereits seit 2017 in Haft, am Montag sprach ihn ein Gericht in Istanbul wegen eines vermeintlichen Umsturzversuches im Zusammenhang mit den Gezi-Protesten 2013 für schuldig. Nicht nur in der Türkei, auch international werden die...Bild der WocheDER SPIEGEL Spekulationen über ComebackKönnte Donald Trump nochmal US-Präsident werden?Er ist zurück im Wahlkampfmodus, liebäugelt mit einer erneuten Präsidentschaftskandidatur. Hören Sie, mit welcher Strategie Donald Trump ins Weiße Haus zurückkehren will und wie seine Chancen stehen. ANZEIGE検索 | Read More Media, SL千葉県の葬儀の平均費用はあなたを驚かせるかもしれません ANZEIGE「ティップアンドトリック」里庭に穴を掘ってみたらとんでもない大発见! 展示日本紧缩地球に住む危険な生物とは? SPIEGEL 的产品测试 测试中的紧凑型相机拍出更好的照片(比任何智能手机都好)凭借大镜头和照片传感器,紧凑型相机经得起拍照智能手机的优势。我们测试了五个模型——结果出奇的好。 测试中的电动剃须刀胡子必须去胡须佩戴者现在必须勇敢:我们已经尝试过强力剃须刀。测试揭示了他们是否能够将面部从胡茬变成桃皮。 测试中的平底锅什么烤最好——铸铁、铁氟龙还是陶瓷?从煎饼到上等牛排,没有任何一种平底锅可以做得同样出色。我们的厨房专家展示了三种具有截然不同优势的模型。 Mehr lesen überAcht MilliardenPodcasts vom SPIEGELRusslands Krieg gegen die Ukraine Spielemehr Spiele Kreuzworträt­sel Solitaire Sudoku Mahjong Bubble-Shooter Exchange 2048 Doppel Rushtower Sudoken Street Wortblitz Fibonacci Gumblast Wimmelbild Skiracer Trivial Pursuit Serviceangebote von SPIEGEL-Partnern Gutscheine ANZEIGE Booking Gutscheine Eis.de Gutscheine HelloFresh Gutscheine OTTO Gutscheine Top Gutscheine Alle Shops Auto Job Finanzen Freizeit Alle Magazine des SPIEGEL DER SPIEGEL SPIEGEL GESCHICHTE SPIEGEL EDITION SPIEGEL GELD SPIEGEL BESTSELLER S-Magazin SPIEGEL CHRONIK SPIEGEL WISSEN SPIEGEL COACHING SPIEGEL LEBEN SPIEGEL START SPIEGEL BIOGRAFIE Dein SPIEGEL SPIEGEL Gruppe Abo Shop manager magazin 哈佛业务经理 读后感 广告 工作 生产 镜子学院 镜子版 印记 隐私 使用条款 Cookie 和跟踪 通讯 接触 帮助 文本和使用权 Facebook推特您还可以在哪里关注我们 1欧元一个月测试 只需 1 欧元,您就可以在每个星期五下午 1 点访问所有文章和数字杂志 DER SPIEGEL 一个月。 现在测试 1 欧元
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鸿儒私塾观察 AXIS Act,即为“轴心法”

点名习近平!美众院通过法案调查中国是否助俄逃避制裁李逸华 2022年4月29日 01:15 美国国会众议院星期三(4月27日)通过法案,要求国务院针对中国是否协助俄罗斯逃避国际制裁提交评估报告,并定期进行更新。法案接下来将送交参议院等待审议。有议员表示,中国在这场俄乌战争中的应对和态度已表明他们“可悲地放弃了自己宣称的负责任大国角色”。 众议院星期三傍晚以394票赞成、3票反对的压倒性结果通过了由共和党人提出的关于评估习近平如何干预和妨碍美国对俄罗斯制裁的法案(Assessing Xi's Interference and Subversion Act),其英文简称为AXIS Act,即为“轴心法”。 这项以习近平为名的“轴心法”将要求国务院在法案生效后30天内向国会提交非机密的评估报告,说明中国和俄罗斯之间的合作情况、中国是否提供俄罗斯任何援助,或协助俄罗斯逃避国际制裁。法案还要求国务院在提交报告后必须每90天对内容进行更新。 “中国共产党和加入克里姆林宫的威权寡头间的邪恶联盟对美国和我们的盟友构成了严重威胁,并助长了对乌克兰的非法侵略,”提出法案的肯塔基州共和党联邦众议员巴尔(Rep. Andy Barr, R-KY)星期三在院会发言说,“我们需要一份关于俄罗斯和中国合作情况的完整报告,让公众了解,也帮助立法者得以开始为美国克服地缘政治挑战进行定位。” “现在是美国直面对抗这个新邪恶轴心的时候了,”巴尔说。 巴尔曾在这个月初众议院外交事务委员会有关这项法案的审议会议上直言,美国有合理依据相信中国正在对俄罗斯提供某种形式的支持,这项法案将揭露中国是否在破坏美国及国际社会试图结束乌克兰危机的努力。 法案提到俄罗斯与中国近来多次强调两国将发展战略合作和双边关系。法案写道,“在与习近平3月18日的通话中,拜登总统表示,如果中国在俄罗斯对乌克兰城市和平民发动残忍袭击时向俄罗斯提供物质支持,将会有‘影响和后果’。” 俄罗斯总统普京在对乌克兰展开入侵行动前,曾在2月初造访北京与中国国家主席习近平会晤,并发表联合声明,宣示两国伙伴关系“没有上限”。在俄罗斯正式对乌克兰发动战争后,中国外交部长王毅在3月表示,中俄是彼此最重要的紧密邻邦和战略伙伴,中俄关系为“世界上最关键的双边关系之一”。 俄乌战争爆发至今已超过两个月,尽管国际社会批评声浪不断,多国相继祭出联合或单独的制裁措施,但中国仍尚未公开谴责俄罗斯对乌克兰进行的军事入侵行动。国会两党议员纷纷对中国在这场乌克兰危机中所扮演的角色提出质疑。 来自明尼苏达州的民主党联邦众议员菲利普斯(Rep. Dean Phillips, D-MN)在星期三院会发言时批评中国对俄罗斯行为的回应等于自我放弃了一个身为负责任大国的地位。 “自入侵开始以来,中国从未谴责俄罗斯的入侵行动,也没有谴责俄罗斯的人权暴行,”菲利普斯众议员说,“尽管中国一直试图与俄罗斯发动乌克兰战争的选择保持距离,但面对这场暴力冲突,中国最多也只能保持中立,这表明了中国可悲地放弃了自己宣称的负责任的大国角色。更糟糕的是,愈来愈多迹象显示中国正与俄罗斯更紧密地结盟。” 菲利普斯进一步谴责北京当局在这起军事冲突中协助普京散播假信息。他说,“中国还选择了进行虚假信息运动,在国内外散播有关俄罗斯攻击乌克兰的有害言论。中国正帮忙推动俄罗斯的战争宣传,呼应俄罗斯入侵的荒谬理由,甚至指责美国造成了俄罗斯单方面的行为。” 众议院外交事务委员会首席共和党议员麦考尔(Rep. Michael McCaul, R-TX)联署了这项法案。麦考尔星期四在一份声明中对法案通过众议院表示赞扬。 “中国共产党已经表明了他们不愿意或者无法在这场俄罗斯无端对乌克兰发起的攻击行动中作为一个有建设性的伙伴,”麦考尔说。他称这部法案将有助于让美国民众了解中国和俄罗斯之间合作的程度。 美国国务卿布林肯星期四在众议院外委会一场有关2023财政年度国务院预算的听证会上回答巴尔提问时承诺,如果法案生效,将全力配合法案的要求,针对中国是否有向俄罗斯提供任何协助进行调查。 法案接下来将送交参议院等候审议。在获得两院通过后,法案才能提交到白宫,由总统签署成法。 “谈到中国和俄罗斯,我不信任空泛的言语,我要确认,”作为法案联署人的菲利普斯说,“这项法案将帮助国会和美国人了解,如果有的话,中国是如何支持俄罗斯及其对乌克兰无端发起的、不正义的、不合法的入侵行动。” “对国会和世界来说,最重要的是了解中国是否在对乌克兰人民的严重暴行和战争罪中犯有 同谋,”菲利普斯说。 相关内容皮尤:多数美国民众视中俄联手“很严重” 对习近平“没信心” 2022年4月29日 00:42 为投资自由而付出小代价:拜登请求国会批准330亿美元额外援乌案,国会通过《租借法案》加快对乌军援 2022年4月28日 20:05 联合国秘书长在基辅誓言向乌克兰提供更多帮助 2022年4月28日 22:20 “屈服于侵略的代价会更大” 拜登再增援乌克兰330亿美元 2022年4月28日 17:38 有可能与普京谈判达成协议吗? 2022年4月28日 19:42 乌东战况激烈,普京扬言对西方国家“闪电报复” 2022年4月28日 13:50 这是美国之音的多媒体播放器。 当您选择一个伴随音频或视频的故事时,它在这里播放。 您可以随时查看原始故事或查找新故事,而无需通过在此页面上向下滑动来停止音频或视频。 通过从屏幕底部的圆形蓝色多媒体按钮向上滑动来再次打开此屏幕。 通过点击多媒体按钮启动和停止音频或视频。 安全访问已启动 设置

鸿儒私塾观察 关于“核战争


鸿儒私塾观察 ,局势已恶化到存在“真正和严重威胁”的地步






鸿儒私塾观察 战争以核打击结束的可能性比其他结果更大。这让我感到恐惧,但我也知道这就是事实。”


鸿儒私塾观察 核战争将不得不成为一种可能


鸿儒私塾观察 要么我们在乌克兰失败,要么第三次世界大战开

据葡萄牙媒体Observador(观察员)4月28日报道,《今日俄罗斯》(RT)电视台总编玛格丽特·西蒙延(Margarita Simonyan)在周二(4月26)的电视节目《弗拉基米尔·索洛维约夫之夜》中讨论俄乌危机中发生核战争的可能性时说:“要么我们在乌克兰失败,要么第三次世界大战开始。”

鸿儒私塾观察 中俄同时面临艰难的战略抉择

新闻论坛博客视频分类广告购物 简体/繁体广告服务联系我们关于万维登录/注册 万维读者网 > 中国嘹望 > 正文 中俄同时面临艰难的战略抉择www.creaders.net | 2022-04-29 07:51:09 大纪元 | 1条评论 | 查看/发表评论   2002年4月26日,在德国拉姆施泰因空军基地,美国防长劳埃德‧奥斯汀与北约等国防长会晤,讨论乌克兰当前和未来的国防需求。(美国国防部网站) 杨威评论文章:美国联合了更多的西方盟友准备在乌克兰战场上打垮俄罗斯,克里姆林宫正面临关乎俄罗斯未来命运的抉择。中共领导人也不得不做出相应的选择,但又几乎没有选择。不同的选择自然会有不同的结果,俄罗斯、中国以致更多国家的命运,都会因不同的选择而产生不同的巨变。 美国及其盟友的战略目标清晰 4月26日,美国国防部长奥斯汀在德国拉姆施泰因空军基地与40个国家的官员会面,共同协商如何进一步援助乌克兰抵抗俄罗斯的入侵。 在美国驻德国军事基地内召开的这次会议,是一次军事会议。参加这次会议的国家政府都清楚,这意味着他们决定承担可能被俄罗斯视作敌人而带来的风险,也可以说,他们都认为俄罗斯必败无疑。俄罗斯外长威胁可能导致第三次世界大战,但这些国家共同参加的军事会议表明,各国军队已经在某种程度上开始准备可能的世界大战。据称,这些国家的GDP总和占全世界的60%,约为56.96万亿美元;其中,美国2021年GDP约22.94万亿美元,约占世界的24.16%。2021年,俄罗斯GDP总额约1.65万亿美元,排名第11位,约占全世界GDP总和的1.74%。 如此悬殊的对比,多少已经反映在目前的俄乌战场上;如果再继续下去,看不到俄罗斯取胜的机会。 4月26日,美国国防部发言人科比(John Kirby)说,“他们是一支较弱的军队,他们现在是一个较弱的国家,一次又一次地孤立了自己”;“我们希望俄罗斯以后不能再威胁邻国。” 美国及其盟国已经设定了这场俄乌的战争结局,不但要打败俄军,还要让俄罗斯无力再战。美国国防部长奥斯汀说,“我们希望看到俄罗斯被削弱到这样一个程度——无法再入侵乌克兰”;“乌克兰显然相信自己能赢。这里的每个人也是如此。” 俄罗斯已经放弃了进攻基辅,从最初的战略目标后退,希望至少占领乌克兰东部领土,还有南部地区。如今,克里姆林宫再次面临选择。 俄罗斯硬扛的可能结局 俄军在乌克兰东部的进攻已经展开,也迅速催生了美国为首的40国军事会议,联军的前线指挥机构已现雏形。 一场消耗战将拖垮俄罗斯,无论俄军被彻底赶出乌克兰,还是俄军大量损耗后无力再战、被迫撤离,俄罗斯的军事实力将不复存在,经济将千疮百孔、一蹶不振,在国际政治上将失去大国地位。 类似的战局,前苏联在入侵阿富汗时已经演绎过一次,也成了前苏联解体的重要原因之一。俄罗斯联邦因为入侵乌克兰而分崩离析,这样的可能结局不能排除,克里姆林宫的主人不可避免地会更迭。 俄罗斯领导人威胁会拚死一搏,不惜动用核武器;但无论是否能对美国或西方国家造成严重伤害,俄罗斯领导人本人的性命都难保。俄罗斯领导人或许会拿俄罗斯人的性命和亡国的命运做赌注,但很难想像会拿自己的性命做赌注;包括最高层的俄军领导人们,很难想像他们也会愿意赌上自己的性命。这和中共领导人和中共军事将领面临核战选择时的处境相同。 俄罗斯在常规战事中失败的结果,可能会葬送掉克里姆林宫主人的政治生命,但应该能保住性命。 俄罗斯是否愿意主动撤军 克里姆林宫若清醒的话,应该知道在乌克兰战场的败局已定,此时若主动撤军,不失是一种明智的选择,至少可以保存实力。而且俄罗斯领导人可以继续利用民族主义,暂时保住目前的政治地位。 克里姆林宫很可能不甘心放弃已经占领的乌克兰南部和东部地区,或者仍然被俄军和情报机构误导,认为在乌克兰战场还有优势,那么,俄罗斯最终被削弱的结局似乎不可避免。 俄罗斯领导人可能还抱有侥幸心理,先继续观察战场形势,若确定无法取胜时再撤兵,甚至期望乌克兰在谈判中让步,割让领土换取停战,仍然是克里姆林宫的胜利。不过,目前乌克兰人应该不会接受类似的和谈结果,乌克兰内部罕见没有听到投降的言论,或者至少没有市场,更多人满怀同仇敌忾的豪气,这也是各国愿意支持的基础。 乌克兰领导人不会愿意搭上自己的政治生涯,背上丧权辱国的千古骂名;相反,乌克兰领导人会意识到,此时能获得美国等40国的支持,应该是乌克兰从未有过的机遇,凭此一战收复失地、奠定乌克兰的主权和国际地位,可谓千载难逢。乌克兰战后重建也必然获得西方的支持。 俄罗斯领导人可以继续观望,但将付出军力和国力不断损失的代价;若等到无法支撑时才被迫撤军,会失掉更多本钱。美国10万大军正在中东欧边界高度戒备,一旦反攻,俄罗斯将难以抵挡。俄罗斯越早撤军,越能更多留住家底,否则可能满盘皆输。 中共没有更多选择 俄罗斯的选择,必然会影响到中共的选择;但相比之下,中共的选择十分有限。 若俄罗斯继续硬抗而被打垮,背后的中共立刻就会被暴露出来,那时中共再选择与俄罗斯切割已经太晚,更可能不得不继续支撑俄罗斯、防止其崩盘。中共也希望俄罗斯被削弱,从而令克里姆林宫被迫接受中共的摆布。不过,中共的算盘却可能落空。 俄罗斯正因为看到中共和美国、西方的对抗态势,才产生误判、入侵乌克兰。克里姆林宫曾认为,战前拉住中共是一大妙笔;如今,克里姆林宫恐怕开始醒悟,试图利用中共的同时,也被中共利用了。中共至今也没有表达希望俄罗斯撤军的态度,而是希望俄罗斯继续耗下去,俄罗斯不但可能无法再与美国和北约抗衡,最后连身边的中共也防不住了。 俄罗斯若被拖垮,在中美之间充当第三者的战略地位不再,克里姆林宫易主后,或者不得不在中共和西方之间做出战略选择。俄罗斯可能仍然不会与美国和西方十分交好,但靠近中共将继续被西方削弱,为了摆脱中共的威胁、操控,俄罗斯将来需要疏远中共、适当靠拢西方。 俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的误判,至少一半因为克里姆林宫与中共走得太近,吞下苦果之后的俄罗斯,若不想重蹈覆辙,就需要与中共适当切割。 若俄罗斯迅速撤军,保存了一些实力,中共还会试图利用俄罗斯对抗美国和西方。无论俄罗斯如何选择,中共都难以主动与俄罗斯分割,也因此不得不走上对抗美国和西方的前台,印太北约或许因此很快就被催生。 中共难以抛下俄罗斯 中共唯一的机会,就是现在立刻表态,一百八十度大转弯,不但谴责俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,还要迅速地给予乌克兰实质性的援助。但目前情况下,中共领导人对美国和西方示好的可能性几乎不存在。至少在二十大之前,中共领导人不会承认自己的外交政策失败;二十大之后再试图重新调整,俄乌战争的结局恐怕已见分晓。 4月28日的中共外交部记者会上,发言人汪文斌称,北约“不断制造对抗、制造事端”;“搞乱了欧洲,难道还要搞乱亚太,搞乱全世界吗?”他仍然称,中方在乌克兰问题上的立场“是一贯和明确的”。 可见,中共没打算与俄罗斯切割,也没打算与美国和北约缓和关系。中共领导人的“清零”防疫自乱阵脚,经济困境难解,二十大内斗正酣,此时恐怕没有太多精力应付国际局势,从根本上转变对外政策几乎不可能;为了摆脱俄乌危机的窘境,中共大概也只能被动地尽量保持低调。 美国及其盟友的目标明确,先打垮俄罗斯,清除北约的威胁;同时也在故意给中共看,至少令中共不敢轻举妄动。等搞定了俄罗斯,西方将回过手来一心一意地针对中共,无论冷战、热战,中共的结局也都不远了。俄罗斯或许只希望吞并邻国,中共却要争霸、统治全世界。 克里姆林宫尚有选择的机会,俄罗斯人民也还有选择的机会。中共的机会不再有了,但中国人民还有选择自己命运的机会,只是机会确实不多了。 7 当前新闻共有1条评论分享到:评论前需要先 登录 或者 注册 哦 全部评论 心的自由 32分钟前 中共二十大今年下半年召开,俄杂可得要争气,挺尸也要挺到中共二十大开完后啊! 1/1 上一页 下一页 实用资讯 全球最大线上眼镜电商 时尚、高质量 近视镜、太阳镜应有尽有Zenni Optical 相逢时节高能开局 雷佳音袁泉直面中年危机 新年元旦大促销 电话 电视 智能安防 一律免费3个月 24小时新闻排行榜更多>> 1骑虎难下 习的形势不太妙2天津市长自杀?栗战书旧部与习亲信交集密切3范冰冰豁出去了!自泄泡澡私照 香艳画面看4点名习近平 美众院通过法案:一定要调查这件5案情大翻转 空难夺走全机生命 只因机长一个 48小时新闻排行榜更多>> 1要跑路回美了?谷爱凌发文谢谢中国网上炸了2忍无可忍!上海嘉定区爆发大规模示威抗议3中国这地突然宣布“封城” 全球恐慌4上海的第十波大戏也上演了5骑虎难下 习的形势不太妙6乌克兰正规军打法很怪 国际专家推测出惊人7天津市长自杀?栗战书旧部与习亲信交集密切8范冰冰豁出去了!自泄泡澡私照 香艳画面看9王思聪“奴性”发言惹怒中共 疯传被捕全网10点名习近平 美众院通过法案:一定要调查这件 热门专题 1新冠疫情 2乌克兰战争 3中美冷战 4万维专稿 5东航空难 6锁链女 7中共两会 8北京冬奥 9中共20大 10谷爱凌 11彭帅 12中共19大 13韩战 14华为 15恒大危机 一周博客排行更多>> 1习近平的严重错误会影响他复辟钟明2为何兲朝迟迟走不出疫情流岛3上海抗疫告诉你们:中国该改朝xpt4“四月之声”和张维为挨揍玉米穗5上海饥民请愿团呼吁习主席二十金复新6中国人的忍耐有极限吗?福田自耕7余金彪:标本与标杆—— 虎年万维网友来8上海病毒清零与社会主义核心价文庙9关于死多维的活记忆阿妞不牛10上海文革式抗疫的四大失误米笑 一周博文回复排行榜更多>> 1我弟家的老黄人参花2请百草同学开导,俺的入党要求阿妞不牛3爱吧!能爱就爱吧!—- 李斯特木桩4关于俄乌战场使用核蛋蛋Shanechen5普京原来猪队友?(47) 北京事秋念116关于死多维的活记忆阿妞不牛7北约卖枪欧盟要饭,法国再现拜木秀于林8收房,斗智斗勇特种兵梅华书香889体老坚持友谊第一体育老师10老钱:再评X教授挺普京的荒谬老钱 关于本站 | 广告服务 | 联系我们 | 招聘信息 | 网站导航 | 隐私保护Copyright (C) 1998-2021. CyberMedia Network/Creaders.NET. All Rights Reserved.

鸿儒私塾观察 川普突然发文:我回来了!马斯克收购推特才4天

新闻论坛博客视频分类广告购物 简体/繁体广告服务联系我们关于万维登录/注册 万维读者网 > 美国看台 > 正文 川普突然发文:我回来了!马斯克收购推特才4天www.creaders.net | 2022-04-28 21:07:46 世界日报 | 7条评论 | 查看/发表评论   前总统川普28日在他的自创社交媒体“真实社群”发表首篇贴文,高呼“我回来了!”(取自Truth Social) 前总统川普28日傍晚在他的自创社交媒体“真实社群”(Truth Social)发表首篇贴文,高呼“我回来了!”,并标记他先前备受争议的不明推文“covfefe”。在川普的新贴文下,他放上自己照片,照片中他站在佛罗里达州棕榈滩(Palm Beach)“海湖庄园”(Mar-a-Lago)的绿草坪上看手机。 自去年1月6日国会暴动后,川普已断开社群媒体逾一年,他坚称不会重返推特,并将推特视为竞争对手。 川普和马斯克 88 相关新闻 法官裁决川普藐视法庭 不缴资料“每天罚1万” 马斯克成功收购推特 川普、白宫纷纷回应 美中期选举即将开打 川普或有大动作 川普炮轰拜登:“我们国家正走向地狱” 太劲爆:川普发飙骂主持人“傻瓜” 直接走人 川普促俄乌尽快签和平协议 否则“所有人都会死” 最新民调:川普支持率超过拜登 马斯克入股推特 事关川普2024大业 最新民调:川普在重要摇摆州支持率超高 川普在宾州背书电视名医代表共和党参选参议员 “美国总统川普” 当前新闻共有7条评论分享到:评论前需要先 登录 或者 注册 哦 全部评论 [31415926] 13分钟前 80million fans should be back too..... WHBD 43分钟前 我胡汉三回来了。哈哈哈。左棍们的噩梦! ------------------------------------------------- 哈哈,的確是左棍们的噩梦! 司机 今天 04:37 老头身体真好,打不死的老强。 这么大年纪了,还是没有看清楚,争个啥呢? cmll 今天 00:29 万维的黄左们在哭。 tony qu 2022年04月28日 22:27 哈哈哈 must 2022年04月28日 21:39 馬猶白左取消文化的一大挫折。 amituofo 2022年04月28日 21:12 我胡汉三回来了。哈哈哈。左棍们的噩梦! 1/1 上一页 下一页 实用资讯 全球最大线上眼镜电商 时尚、高质量 近视镜、太阳镜应有尽有Zenni Optical 相逢时节高能开局 雷佳音袁泉直面中年危机 新年元旦大促销 电话 电视 智能安防 一律免费3个月 24小时新闻排行榜更多>> 1要跑路回美了?谷爱凌发文谢谢中国网上炸了2忍无可忍!上海嘉定区爆发大规模示威抗议3中国这地突然宣布“封城” 全球恐慌4上海的第十波大戏也上演了5乌克兰正规军打法很怪 国际专家推测出惊人 48小时新闻排行榜更多>> 1要跑路回美了?谷爱凌发文谢谢中国网上炸了2忍无可忍!上海嘉定区爆发大规模示威抗议3又一红三代发话 胡锡进暗示情况不妙4中国这地突然宣布“封城” 全球恐慌5震撼视频!上海居民山呼海啸般喊楼6快讯!五常动用否决权需有正当性 联大表决7上海的第十波大戏也上演了8美国新战略凑效 中南海末日在望9中国昔日最大飞地 今成亚洲最穷 首府落后如10乌克兰正规军打法很怪 国际专家推测出惊人 热门专题 1新冠疫情 2乌克兰战争 3中美冷战 4万维专稿 5东航空难 6锁链女 7中共两会 8北京冬奥 9中共20大 10谷爱凌 11彭帅 12中共19大 13韩战 14华为 15恒大危机 一周博客排行更多>> 1习近平的严重错误会影响他复辟钟明2为何兲朝迟迟走不出疫情流岛3上海抗疫告诉你们:中国该改朝xpt4“四月之声”和张维为挨揍玉米穗5上海饥民请愿团呼吁习主席二十金复新6中国人的忍耐有极限吗?福田自耕7余金彪:标本与标杆—— 虎年万维网友来8上海病毒清零与社会主义核心价文庙9关于死多维的活记忆阿妞不牛10戎小捷:早期中华文明的地理环万维网友来 一周博文回复排行榜更多>> 1我弟家的老黄人参花2请百草同学开导,俺的入党要求阿妞不牛3爱吧!能爱就爱吧!—- 李斯特木桩4普京原来猪队友?(47) 北京事秋念115关于俄乌战场使用核蛋蛋Shanechen6关于死多维的活记忆阿妞不牛7北约卖枪欧盟要饭,法国再现拜木秀于林8收房,斗智斗勇特种兵梅华书香889体老坚持友谊第一体育老师10老钱:再评X教授挺普京的荒谬老钱 关于本站 | 广告服务 | 联系我们 | 招聘信息 | 网站导航 | 隐私保护Copyright (C) 1998-2021. CyberMedia Network/Creaders.NET. All Rights Reserved.