
    “莫迪跳舞”视频网上疯传!本人先“感谢”,再警告(图) 新闻来源: 观察者网 于 2023-11-20 0:23:42 大字阅读 综合印度新德里电视台、《印度时报》、《印度斯坦时报》等媒体报道,近日一段“印度总理莫迪跳传统舞蹈”的视频在网上疯传,莫迪本人回应表示,该视频是由人工智能(AI)合成的深度伪造视频,并警告此类深度伪造是印度目前面临的最大威胁之一,有可能造成社会混乱。 网传“莫迪跳舞”视频 /X网站截图 莫迪17日在印度人民党排灯节活动上发表讲话时引用了一段深度伪造的视频,视频中显示他和其他舞者围成一个小圈跳加尔巴舞(一种起源于印度古吉拉特邦的舞蹈)。莫迪表示对该视频的制作印象深刻,“他们做得相当好,但我从学校毕业以后就再也没有跳过加尔巴舞了”,“感谢AI让我又可以跳加尔巴舞,我自己的许多粉丝都在转发这段视频”。 莫迪随后对此类深度伪造技术表达了担忧,他表示在印度这样一个多元化的社会中,深度伪造可能会引发一场“大危机”,并可能在人们中传播不满情绪。莫迪表示,深度伪造视频是通过社交媒体传播的,而社交媒体又有大公司的背书,因此许多人信以为真,但印度的相关部门缺乏足够的技术来验证它们的真实性。 莫迪警告称,在人工智能时代,负责任地使用技术非常重要,媒体应对此类虚假视频开展相关教育。 据报道,印度多名公众人物最近成为了深度伪造技术的受害者。社交媒体上深度伪造视频的泛滥引起了民众的广泛担忧,促使印度政府向社交媒体公司发布全面的指导方针,以促进相关平台识别和删除具有误导性的视频和图片。 印度电子和信息技术部上周向大型社交媒体平台发布了一份声明,强调了涉及此类深度伪造内容的法律规定,以及制作和传播相关内容可能招致的处罚。 该部部长拉吉夫·钱德拉塞卡 (Rajeev Chandrasekhar) 表示,防止错误信息传播是在线平台的“法律义务”。他在声明中要求社交媒体平台,“在举报后36小时内删除任何此类内容,并确保在规定的时间内迅速采取行动,禁止访问这些内容或信息”。 他补充道,深度伪造品的制作和流通将受到罚款 10 万卢比和监禁 3 年的严厉处罚。 印度电子和信息技术部18日还警告社交媒体平台,如果不采取措施打击深度伪造内容,此前印度法律中的保护社交媒体平台的豁免条款可能将不再适用。 网编:睿文 鲜花 鲜花(0) 鸡蛋 鸡蛋(1) 2 条 暂时还没有出现上榜热评,快来“点”一个吧! 新闻速递 | 近期热评新闻 | 72小时神评妙论 | 即刻热度新闻 【生活原创】【三叶原创】【留园网事】【生活百态】【杂论闲侃】【婚姻家庭】 敬请注意:内容来自网络,供多视角参考,不代表本网立场!若有侵权,请联系我们 前期相关精彩 ◎ 莫迪组个局 普京好不容易来一趟 中美的反应出人预料 ◎ 解放军开赴中缅边境,告诫缅甸各方:不准越红线一步(图) ◎ 莫迪组个局 普京好不容易来一趟 中美的反应出人预料 ◎ 德国大使欢迎中国新免签政策 吁纳入所有欧盟国(图) ◎ 女子朋友圈晒图露点餐码 被恶意下单60多万菜品(图)  ☉[百家]中国为啥突然单方面免签欧洲国家?  ☉[杂侃]知青生活--水生的故事  ☉[摄影]🌎记实新闻 芝城不堪重负的难民潮  ☉[战略]红朝史八○:九二全会栽赃林彪副统帅中招  ☉[文学]感恩🈶你。老婆  ☉[唯美]红儿 新闻速递首页·海外生活投稿·返回前页 [ 留园手机网页版 ] [ 留园手机客户端 ] [ 留园条例 ] [ 广告服务 ] [ 联系我们 ] Copyright (C) All rights Reserved.
莫迪组个局 普京好不容易来一趟 中美的反应出人预料 新闻来源: 凤凰网 于 2023-11-24 13:32:34 大字阅读 手机网页版阅读 手机移动端下载 唐驳虎主笔 作为今年二十国集团(G20)的东道主,印度日前举办了一场线上视频峰会,俄罗斯总统普京出席,但中美元首都没有出席。这一细节迅速被“嗅觉敏锐”的乌克兰媒体发现,炒作所谓“中美无视普京”的论调,并将其用作新闻标题。 【印度日前举办了一场线上视频峰会,俄罗斯总统普京出席】 首先要指出的是,所谓“中美无视普京”的论调根本就不成立。中方元首虽然没有参加此次峰会,但政府首脑还是参加了,就像之前在印度举行的线下峰会一样;至于美国,白宫方面给出的理由是“会议当天拜登要参加感恩节活动”。 退一步来说,中俄元首一年内面对面都见过两次了,何谈所谓“无视普京”?相比之下,美国才是那个可能有意避开普京的一方,感恩节活动不能成为拜登缺席G20峰会的理由。俄乌冲突爆发后,俄美元首从来没有共同出席过任何一场多边外交活动,也没有进行过双边的直接沟通。拜登和普京,可以说都是有意互相避开对方。 一句话:拜登刻意避开普京,是美国自己的事,但不要把中国拉进来。 【拜登刻意避开普京,是美国自己的事,但不要把中国拉进来】 透过现象看本质。中美元首缺席此次G20线上峰会,其实并不令人意外。因为这次线上峰会,说句不好听的,就是莫迪政府在给自己加戏。 作为今年的G20主席国,印度的大部分任务,其实在今年9月份金砖峰会结束后就完成了。然而为了明年的总统大选,为了给自己增加外交得分,莫迪政府决定再召开一次线上的峰会,充分利用好G20主席国的这一身份的政治价值,进一步展示印度的所谓“大国形象”。 而说实在话,不论是中国、美国,还是其他国家,其实不太愿意陪印度在这儿“加戏”,但是印度既然搞了,那最起码的外交礼节还是得遵守的。20个国家,只有美国没有派出元首或者政府首脑级别的代表参加——这其实也能反映出来,美国根本就没把印度怎么放在眼里,一点尊重都不给。 【印度是今年G20的东道主】 而且对拜登来讲,很多他想跟中国谈的事情,在之前的中美元首会晤中都谈过了,而跟其他G20国家,他现在也没有什么特别想谈的,所以参加此次会晤的必要性,几乎可以说是没有。 实际上,之前在美国旧金山举行的亚太经合组织峰会,就是给中美搭建的一个外交舞台,让两国充分展现自己的外交影响力。两国暂时还不需要另一个外交舞台,中美现在要做的,是充分消化两国元首达成共识,让两国关系尽快回到正常发展的轨道。 相比之下,俄罗斯就很需要G20线上峰会这个外交舞台——虽然这个舞台不大,但仍然很重要。俄乌冲突爆发以后,西方对俄罗斯进行了全面的外交围堵,除了在联合国、金砖国家、上合峰会等少数多边平台,在其他场合,俄罗斯很难对外发出自己的声音。 【俄罗斯很难对外发出自己的声音】 更糟糕的是,普京本人也因为俄乌冲突,而大幅减少了外访活动的频率。他没能参加8月份在南非举行的金砖峰会,也没有参加9月份在印度举行的G20峰会。前者是因为今年3月,国际刑事法院对普京发出了通缉令,而南非签署了《罗马规约》。根据规约,如果普京抵达南非,那么南非就有义务逮捕他。 至于G20峰会,虽然印度并非《罗马规约》的缔约国,但考虑到普京本人的安全,以及会议期间有可能遇到的外交事故,普京才决定不参加线下的峰会。去年的G20巴厘岛峰会,和今年的G20新德里峰会,普京都是派外长拉夫罗夫代为参加。 【普京都是派外长拉夫罗夫代为参加】 但这次举行的是G20线上峰会,可以很大程度上避免线下峰会可能遇到的种种尴尬,所以普京才决定参加,利用这个宝贵的机会,对外发出俄罗斯的声音。 事实上,就算是线上峰会,普京也遭遇了一些尴尬。峰会上,有多名西方国家的领导人直接谴责“俄罗斯侵略乌克兰”,像德国总理朔尔茨,就直接隔着屏幕对普京喊话道:“我呼吁普京总统停止对乌克兰的进攻并立即撤军,以便结束这场战争。”而对此,普京也是毫不退让,他强调,俄罗斯从来没有拒绝与乌克兰和谈,反倒是乌克兰拒绝与俄罗斯和谈。 线上的争吵尚且如此,线下面对面该是怎样的场景,不敢想。 话说回来。乌克兰这次炒作“中美无视普京”的论调,其实纯属认知作战,信息宣传,实际上的意义不大,影响力最大的几个西方媒体,都没有相关的报道。美国和西方的确“孤立”了俄罗斯,但国际社会并没有孤立俄罗斯,更不要试图把中国也拉进来——目前中美关系的确有回暖的迹象,但这并不代表中国在乌克兰问题上的立场会有所改变。 ☆留园新手机移动端下载,更快更便捷☆ 网编:和评 鲜花 鲜花(0) 鸡蛋 鸡蛋(1) 10 条 热门评论邀请评论   当前热评  更多评论... 评论:youmyyou2016[☆★声望品衔7★☆]11月24日 14:00 回复 回复1楼:-- 到处认爹的杂种。。。😂 10 1 评论:kavia[☆品衔R4☆]11月24日 13:38 回复 回复1楼:尔等黄皮狗粮只不过是白皮一条狗而已!撒泡尿自己照照,尔等黄祸够白吗??? 12 2 评论:媚眼瞟瞟[♀☆★试试有没拉黑★☆♀]11月24日 19:38 回复 告诉你们一个秘密吧。 事实上, 现在世界各国的领导人都想亲自见到普京。 2 评论:顽童在线[♂★★★声望勋衔14★★★♂]11月24日 17:25 回复 刚舔完拜登,马上舔普京? 2 评论:cccxxx[★称心儒医★]11月24日 16:00 回复 普京和其儿俄孝帝包子不但制造战争和瘟疫,更要输出暴政,独裁与腐败,来折腾世界人民! 1 2 评论:zimao[☆★★声望品衔11★★☆]11月24日 15:05 回复 阿三也要大选了 4 评论:真话难听[★品衔R6★]11月24日 13:45 回复 鼻青脸肿的普丁丁犯下滔天大罪,还有碧莲出来哔哩哔咧 1 4 评论:叹息[♂★★南郭野人★★♂]11月24日 13:35 回复 别想挑拨我们父子感情~! 4 5 》》查 看 所 有 评 论《《 新闻速递 | 近期热评新闻 | 72小时神评妙论 | 即刻热度新闻 【军政原创】【杂论闲侃】【博论天下】【军事纵横】 敬请注意:内容来自网络,供多视角参考,不代表本网立场!若有侵权,请联系我们 前期相关精彩 ◎ “莫迪跳舞”视频网上疯传!本人先“感谢”,再警告(图) ◎ 媒体:彻底没救了!为两岸和平统一之希望破灭而叹(组图) ◎ TCL旗下半导体公司解散 沃尔玛采购中心移至越南(图) ◎ 以色列驻华大使:中国扭曲报道 愿与中国民众直接对话 ◎ 看了吴亦凡的妈妈 才知道妈宝男有多可怕...(组图)  ☉[文学]《西游为鲲》第一章:三梦之秋(6)  ☉[杂侃]老烟记事(387) 故事里的事  ☉[杂侃]知青生活--水生的故事  ☉[百家]感恩节:一把经典老枪带来的历史故事  ☉[文化]抖音学对联 无情对:荒原百战鹿谁手,  ☉[四川]淡水鱼之王,香麻辣入味 新闻速递首页·海外生活投稿·返回前页 [ 留园手机网页版 ] [ 留园手机客户端 ] [ 留园条例 ] [ 广告服务 ] [ 联系我们 ] Copyright (C) All rights Reserved.
中东财富基金与中国关系增强而受到美国更严格审查据彭博社周五援引知情人士报导,拜登政府正在对中东财富基金在美国的交易进行更严格的审查,这是对被认为与北京关系密切的实体的更广泛反制的一部分。美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)正在审查今年的几笔数十亿美元的交易,因为担心这些交易可能带来国家安全风险。知情人士说,拜登总统内阁的官员们目前正审查半打以上的收购案,包括阿布扎比投资局、穆巴达拉投资公司和沙特公共投资基金的交易。 发表时间: 24/11/2023 - 14:12 13 分钟 美国财政部长耶伦资料图片 © 路透社图片 作者:弗林 广告 尽管美国仍然是中东地区最大财富基金的首选投资目的地,但中国已成为一个越来越有吸引力的司法管辖区。据全球主权财富基金数据平台Global SWF称,海湾基金在中国的收购和投资价值已从去年的约1亿美元攀升至2023年的23亿美元。这与自中国领导人习近平去年12月访问利雅得以来北京推动加强该地区政治关系的举措不谋而合。 跨国律师事务所吉布森·邓恩驻华盛顿合伙人汉德勒 (Stephenie Gosnell Handler) 在上个月的一次网络研讨会上表示:“我们开始看到海湾国家的敏感度增加,我们看到美国外国投资委员会开始提出更多问题”。 知情人士说,近几个月来,拜登政府的官员们越来越担心,流向阿联酋的关键技术、基础设施和数据有可能落入北京之手。这些人说,阿布扎比受到的审查尤为严格,因为其国家安全、外交政策和国际投资的决策都是由少数几个王室成员作出的。知情人士说,美国外国投资委员会已要求查阅几家海湾基金的内部账簿,以消除美方的顾虑,但这些中东实体对向外国政府公开全部记录的想法表示反对。 广告 彭博社此前报导称,穆巴达拉投资公司收购富通投资集团(Fortress Investment Group)股份的计划正接受有关部门的审查,该基金正在探索各种方案,包括引入一名美国投资者,以获得监管部门的批准。英国《金融时报》曾报导指,软银集团与富通投资集团的交易也面临美国外国投资委员会的审查。 阿联酋驻美大使奥泰巴(Yousef Al Otaiba)称,两国关系是一个“长达数十年的成功故事”,推动了超级计算机、半导体和人工智能领域的创新。他同时还指出,十多年来,阿联酋一直是美国在中东地区的最大出口目的地。 奥泰巴说:“阿联酋正在与包括美国外国投资委员会在内的美国(机构)进行密切和积极的合作,以促进和扩大贸易和投资,同时确保和保护敏感技术、数据和知识产权”。一位阿联酋官员在回答彭博社的提问时说,阿联酋是世界上最重要的贸易和投资中心之一,阿布扎比充分认识到自己在保护全球金融体系完整性方面的责任。 美国外国投资委员会是一个政府间跨机构委员会,由美国财政部长耶伦(Janet Yellen)担任主席,成员包括来自拜登政府内阁的代表。美国财政部发言人表示,该委员会致力于在其职权范围内采取一切必要行动,维护美国的国家安全。该发言人说:“根据法律和惯例,美国外国投资委员会不会公开评论其可能审查或可能不审查的交易”。 阿布扎比投资局和穆巴达拉投资公司拒绝发表评论,而沙特公共投资基金的代表没有回应置评请求。美国外国投资委员会对具有重要战略意义行业的入境交易进行例行审查,这些交易被称为“涵盖交易”。根据该委员会的最新年度报告,去年来自阿联酋的“涵盖交易”通知数量增至六份,而2021年为零,2020年为两份。数据显示,2022年沙特的“涵盖交易”通知增至四份,而前几年分别为三份和零份。 在一定程度上,与美国外国投资委员会互动的增加反映了海湾地区基金对美国投资的增加。根据Global SWF的数据,在2022年这些实体用于投资的890亿美元中,有520亿美元流向了欧洲和北美。Global SWF编制的数据显示,这种情况一直持续到2023年,这些财富基金参与了价值超过230亿美元的美国交易。 下载法广应用程序跟踪国际时事 彭博社报导指,穆巴达拉投资公司是阿联酋政府支持的投资者之一,正在加大在中国的业务。科技控股公司G42一直处于阿联酋推动人工智能领域的最前沿,该公司聘请了京东的一位前高管为其100亿美元的科技基金,并组建了一支中国团队。 G42以阿布扎比的穆巴达拉投资公司为股东之一,主席为阿联酋国家安全顾问谢赫·塔赫农·本·扎耶德·阿勒纳哈扬,其商业帝国包括投资公司皇家集团(Royal Group)、阿布扎比主权财富基金ADQ和价值1万亿美元的阿布扎比投资局。 海湾官员表示,进军中国并不是为了取代美国作为主要投资伙伴。即便如此,在拜登政府普遍加强对进出中国投资的审查之际,与北京的联系还是引起了华盛顿的担忧。上个月,美国众议院“美国与中国共产党战略竞争特设委员会”寻求有关红杉资本对中国人工智能、半导体和量子计算公司投资的信息。美国立法者呼吁对包括字节跳动在内的公司进行投资,声称它们是红杉资本在华“有问题的众所周知的合作伙伴关系”。 当拜登和习近平本月在旧金山峰会上一年来首次会面时,两国贸易成为议程的首要议题。华盛顿智库、新美国安全中心的高级研究员基尔克雷斯(Emily Kilcrease)说:“随着海湾国家继续努力实现经济多元化,并在全球范围内对科技领域进行大规模投资,人们预计,即使最终获得批准,它们也会有一定数量的投资流经美国外国投资委员会”。基尔克雷斯曾领导美国贸易代表办公室在该委员会方面的工作。 分享 : 同一主题 中国/美国/中东 美国敦促中国利用影响促进缓解巴以危机 北京促华盛顿采负责任做法 俄罗斯/中国/国际 乌截获通信称,俄中企业高管讨论建设克里米亚隧道项目 美国/中国/科技 中国特供版英伟达H20 AI芯片推迟到明年首季发布 继续阅读相同主题内容: 美国 中东 中国 其他新闻 以色列/巴勒斯坦/中东 首批13名以色列人质在加沙被关押49天后获释进入埃及 美国/中东/中国 中东财富基金与中国关系增强而受到美国更严格审查 以色列/巴勒斯坦/中东 卡塔尔:停火将于周五早7时开始,首批13名人质将在下午获释 以色列/巴勒斯坦/中东 以色列与哈马斯就释放50名人质达成协议 以色列/加沙/哈马斯/卡塔尔 哈马斯称接近与以色列达成停火协议 解救人质 拜登“相信”释放哈马斯扣押人质协议即将达成 解救人质 伦敦:盼望人质归来的亲人遭受着“噩梦”般的折磨 卡塔尔/以色列/加沙 卡塔尔斡旋以哈战争释放人质:或接近协议? 中东/以色列/加沙 加沙战斗继续打 医院遭殃告急 婴儿受困 以空军继续轰炸 希法医院部分早产儿撤离 以色列/哈马斯/加沙 五国对以哈战争兴诉 以色列/哈马斯/加沙 加沙战火周日正愈加炽烈 以色列/加沙/哈马斯 加沙或停战5天?前景与人质下落均不明 实时 中国 美国 拜登 习近平 政治 美国 香港 日本 新加坡 台湾 澳大利亚 德国 马来西亚 英国 国际 我们是谁? 与法广联系 广告部 销售法广产品 加入我们 关于法广 学法语 法广音乐 法广音乐库 世界博客 法国24电视台 蒙特卡洛中东电台 移民信息 CFI 新闻学部 法国世界媒体集团 (France Médias Monde) FRANCE MÉDIAS MONDE 集团其他网站 服务 电邮新闻 如何收听法广 应用 应用 应用 France Médias Monde 版本说明 个人信息保护政策 小型文本文件 / Cookies Facebook X (Twitter) Instagram YouTube Telegram TuneIn © 2023 RFI – 版权所有版权所有。法广对非本网站内容不承担责任。通过 ACPM/OJD 认证。ACPM / OJD 我的「节目播放目录」 您的Playlist尚无内容 请收听播客
🇨🇳 🇹🇼 🇭🇰 自中国入境车队遭炸毁,北京吁撤离上报/中央社 |2023-11-24 声明: 本消息或因风格和篇幅原因进行过编辑,但消息未经核实,也不代表我们的立场、观点和思想,且不可理解为是我们的建议。[ 使用条款 ] 赞助信息 近来在缅甸北部政府军与反抗军之间的冲突愈演愈烈,军方23日表示反抗军无人机向贸易区进行攻击,并且炸毁约120辆当地用来与中国进行贸易的货运卡车,中国驻缅甸使馆24日则向滞留在果敢老街地区的中国籍人士发出通知,强调当地冲突升温,呼吁尽快撤离以避免遭受损失。 美联社指出,缅甸军事委员会发言人绍敏通(Zaw Min Tun)23日证实,当日上午近10时,武装分子利用无人机,向木姐(Muse)市中心附近的贸易区停车场发动攻击,当地258辆卡车至少约120辆遭摧毁,这是缅甸民间武装力量组成“三兄弟联盟”(Three Brotherhood Alliance),于10月27日发起“1027行动”对抗军政府以来,其中一次最具戏剧性、造成财产损失最为严重的行动。 由于邻近中国边界的果敢地区,近日冲突持续升温,因此中国驻缅甸使馆在24日时,对果敢老街地区发出撤离通知,中国驻缅甸大使陈海也与该国外长丹瑞(Than Shwe)会面,针对动乱情势交换意见,中国外交部亚洲司司长刘劲松则在北京会见缅甸驻华大使丁貌瑞,就涉及共同利益的问题交换意见,但未透露具体细节。 缅甸形势日严峻 传从中国入境车队遇袭部分烧毁 缅甸从中国运送商品入境的卡车车队惊传部分烧毁,国营媒体今天报道那是遭到叛乱分子攻击所致。缅甸安全形势日益严峻,已经引发毗邻的中国忧心。 路透社报道,东北边境掸邦(Shan State)木姐镇(Muse)火烧车发生之际,中国驻缅甸大使陈海正在首都奈比多与高阶官员针对边境稳定举行会谈,两国关系近期罕见地出现紧张迹象。 国营“缅甸环球新光报”(Global New Light of Myanmar)报道:“由于这种恐怖主义行径,载运家用品、消费品、衣服和建材的258部车其中约120部遭火焚毁。”报道指的是反对势力联盟一个月前对军政府发起攻势。 点 击 图 片 看 原 图 缅甸北部反抗军利用无人机,攻击当地与中国贸易用的卡车,是迄今规模最大的行动之一。(取自缅甸金凤凰报) 其中一支叛军发言人李卡温(Li Kyar Win,译音)否认纵火,强调此一“破坏人民利益”的攻击行动不是他们所为。缅甸军方已经失去对东北部等地区数座城镇及军事前哨的控制。军政府正致力应对2021年夺权以来最大一波协同攻势。 您或许还感兴趣下面几条新闻■ 缅甸果敢紧张局势升级(图) ■ 缅甸形势严峻:从中国入境车队遇袭部分烧毁(图) 赞助信息 您的观点至关重要点击朱笔,直抒胸臆 0 0 1E0Playwer: super cool 相关图集 缅北升温:中国入境车队遭炸毁 2 / 2 中时电子报 © 2023 八阕之地™ by Towards Digital Group反馈意见 | 隐私政策 | 使用条款 1
🇨🇳 🇹🇼 🇭🇰 中国爆发新肺炎疫情,美大使:北京别再欺骗拖延 自由时报 |2023-11-24 声明: 本消息或因风格和篇幅原因进行过编辑,但消息未经核实,也不代表我们的立场、观点和思想,且不可理解为是我们的建议。[ 使用条款 ] 赞助信息 中国近来爆发多种呼吸道疾病疫情,各地医院人满为患,儿童感染“支原体肺炎”(霉浆菌肺炎)病例更急剧攀升。由于中国曾有隐瞒武汉肺炎(新型冠状病毒病,COVID-19)的情况,世卫组织(WHO)已正式要求中国提供相关信息。美国驻日本大使易曼纽(Rahm Emanuel)更暗示,北京应在新肺炎问题上与国际合作,不要再欺骗和故意拖延。 易曼纽23日在社交媒体X(推特前身)发文指出:“中国最近的肺炎爆发引发了严重的问题,WHO正在询问情况。现在是放弃武肺的欺骗和延迟的时候了,因为透明和及时的信息能够挽救生命。” 易曼纽写道:“与国际社会的全面合作不是1种选择,而是公共卫生的当务之急。北京会加紧行动吗?” 这篇推文凸显易曼纽仍对北京是否会积极有效地合作来因应疫情,存在一定程度的担忧。 监测全球疾病爆发的机构“新发疾病监测计划”(ProMED)本周连续2天警告,中国的儿童中爆发一种“不明呼吸道疾病”(肺炎),而且从初步报告来看,这种“不明肺炎”跟官方所称的支原体肺炎不一样。 ProMED是最早发现包括严重急性呼吸道症候群(SARS)、中东呼吸症候群冠状病毒感染症(MERS)和武肺等病毒爆发的机构之一。2019年12月下旬,ProMed首先向全球发出武肺疫情爆发的警报,称呼吸道疾病正在席卷武汉市。 最近中国医院挤满了这种神秘肺炎的患病儿童。多个大城市包括北京、天津、深圳及吉林、辽宁等地的儿童医院都人满为患,甚至连打完点滴请护士拔针都要排队。 在ProMED发出预警后,WHO在22日要求中国提交详细的数据报告,说明近期中国呼吸道疾病和儿童聚集性肺炎病例激增的详细情况。 点击图片看原样大小图片 点 击 图 片 看 原 图 美国驻日本大使易曼纽(Rahm Emanuel)暗示,北京应在新肺炎问题上与国际合作,不要再欺骗和故意拖延。 您或许还感兴趣下面几条新闻 ■ 美国大使:北京别再欺骗拖延(组图) ■ 中国不明肺炎重症激增,5岁童半夜上呼吸机(图) ■ 日本将检测中国游客,美大使翻中国旧账(组图) ■ 中国回复世卫组织并未发现异常病原体(图) ■ 中国回复WHO:未有不寻常(图) ■ 中国儿童医院日接诊量超万人,各地医院挤爆(组图) ■ 世卫:中国没有通报任何“新的或异常病原体”(图) ■ 国际机构示警:大陆儿童爆发“不明肺炎”(图) ■ 世卫组织要求中国提供儿童肺炎具体信息(图) ■ 中国呼吸道感染疫情严重,世卫组织敦促做好自我保护(图) 赞助信息 您的观点至关重要 点击朱笔,直抒胸臆 0 0 Google: super cool 15 相关图集 中国儿童医院日接诊量超万人,各地医院挤爆13 / 32 凤凰网 © 2023 八阕之地™ by Towards Digital Group 反馈意见 | 隐私政策 | 使用条款 1 中国爆发新肺炎疫情,美大使:北京别再欺骗拖延
🇨🇳 🇹🇼 🇭🇰 台湾大选民调:他支持度破5成,强力辗压对手风传媒 |2023-11-25 声明: 本消息或因风格和篇幅原因进行过编辑,但消息未经核实,也不代表我们的立场、观点和思想,且不可理解为是我们的建议。[ 使用条款 ] 赞助信息 2024总统大选倒数40多天,蓝白正副总统参选人24日拉尾盘完成登记,三脚督战局正式成形。《台湾民意基金会》今(25)日公布最新民调,结果显示,有过半的国人看好民进党参选人赖清德当选,结果一面倒,虽较上期减少,但仍大幅领先蓝白对手。 点 击 图 片 看 原 图 《台湾民意基金会》于19至21日进行大选民调,结果显示,在三人竞逐的情况下,50.9%的国人看好赖清德当选、22%看好民众党参选人柯文哲,国民党参选人侯友宜看好度为14.7%居末,另有7.8%没意见,4.6%不知道、拒答。与3个月前调查相比,赖清德的看好度明显减少5.7个百分点,柯、赖则分别增加2.4个、2.3个百分点。 经交叉分析,从年龄层看,除25至34岁选民较看好柯文哲外,其他各年龄群组皆呈现一面倒看好赖清德当选;地理位置部分,每个行政区域选民都呈现一面倒看好赖清德当选。另外,不分教育程度高低及职业,皆一面倒看好赖清德当选,唯看好柯文哲当选者则明显集中在高中/高职以上教育程度者。 9成民进党支持者对赖有信心、不到半数国民党支持者看好侯 政党倾向部分,当民进党支持者对赖清德怀有高度信心时,国民党与民众党支持者对自己参选人相对较无信心。民进党支持者中9成1看好赖清德当选、4.1%看好柯文哲、1.3%看好侯友宜;4成5国民党支持者看好侯友宜、3成7看好赖清德、1成1看好柯文哲;民众党支持者中,6成3看好柯文哲、2成9看好赖清德、4.6%看好侯友宜;中性选民中,4成6看好赖清德、8.1%看好侯友宜、6%看好柯文哲。 赞助信息 民调提到,整体来看,台湾选民不分性别、年龄、教育程度、职业背景及居住地,都仍呈现一面倒看好赖清德将赢得2024台湾总统大选,一定程度上反映了政治现实。但在2000年及2004年民进党提名总统候选人陈水扁曾经一路不被看好,最终却打败了被一路看好的国民党候选人连战。 本次调查由台湾民意基金会游盈隆教授负责问卷设计、报告撰写、研究发现的判读、及相关公共政策与政治意涵的解析;山水民意研究公司受基金会委托,主要负责抽样设计、电话访谈、资料清理与统计分析。访问期间是2023年10月19至21日;对象以全国为范围的20岁以上成年人;抽样方法采市话与手机并用的双底册随机抽样(dual-frame random sampling),市话占70%,手机占730%。有效样本1076人,市话755人,手机321人;抽样误差在95%信心水准下约正负2.99个百分点。并依内政部最新人口统计资料进行地区、性别、年龄及教育程度加权,以符合母体结构。经费来源是财团法人台湾民意教育基金会,简称台湾民意基金会(TPOF)。 最新民调显示,在三脚督战局下,民进党总统参选人赖清德看好度一面倒,力压蓝白对手。 赞助信息 您的观点至关重要点击朱笔,直抒胸臆 0 0 1E0Playwer: super cool 暂无相关图集 看场时装秀吧 © 2023 八阕之地™ by Towards Digital Group反馈意见 | 隐私政策 | 使用条款 12
人民币对美元汇率大幅升值的背后,未来是否能持续走强?王刚 2023年11月25日 01:08 进入11月以来,在岸和离岸人民币对美元的即期汇率呈现强劲的升值趋势。11月20日,二者均升破7.17,日内分别超涨800个基点和500个基点。然后,离岸人民币在11月21日最高点达7.1278,创下四个月来的最高值。 总部位于深圳的中国官媒《证券时报》在11月20日的报道用了非常激动的标题:“刚刚,央行重磅出手!人民币暴涨800点,这一数据首超欧元!七大利好齐发,A股迎舒心时刻?”文章用“人民币发飙了!”和“气势如虹”作为开头和小标题,称人民币走强不是单个突发事件,而是有一连串的利好作为“人民币的大好局面”的铺垫。 根据报道,这“一连串利好”包括:“监管针对人民币汇率不断发声稳定汇率预期,逆周期政策持续出台,持续化解金融风险,美中等地缘局势缓解,美元见顶回落,季节性结汇时点的到来,以及人民币中间价持续维持在低位等等。” 人民币升值的背后推手 位于北京的经济学家保罗·匡(Paul Kuang)(应本人要求隐去真实姓名)告诉美国之音,某种货币的升值或贬值有各种原因,也是常见现象,“发飙”的说法显得有点可笑。他分析说:“此次人民币的升值的驱动因素来自多方面,包括美元指数下跌以及两国元首会面带来的中美关系阶段性回暖。假如美联储停止加息,人民币的升值趋势会是大概率事件。” 保罗·匡认为,人民币升值并不代表中国经济复苏:“最后一个季度经济是不错,但是这个对人民币的影响很小。” 他说:“人民币主要影响因素是中美关系,再加上美联储是加息还是不加息。只要美国那边一停止加息,一有这个迹象出来,人民币就会被动升值。中美关系要是看起来好点,人民币也会升值。” 美联储锚定的通胀指标9月同比为3.4%,是最近四个月以来首次出现下滑。保罗·匡分析说:“这让市场认为美联储结束加息会较快发生,所以导致了美元指数下跌。目前,美联储尚未达到2%的通胀目标,也就意味着不可能降息,但是会暂缓加息节奏。” 在纽约华尔街某投行工作的金融分析师费先生告诉美国之音,这完全是资本逐利的正常现象:“因为美联储这两年一直加息。然后11月1号的时候美国的CPI,也就是消费指数低于预期。低于预期的话,感觉通胀没那么厉害了,然后大家就觉得美联储可能不会再加息了。之前都觉得12月还可能会再加息。” 他解释说,不加息的话中国跟美国的利差就不会越来越大。比如说,美国的国债是5%的回报率,而中国国债的回报率是2%。大家都不想买中国国债,都想买美国国债。所以都换成美元买。不买中国国债就没有对人民币的需求。 另据路透社11月21日的报道,中国各大国有银行本星期在货币市场表现活跃,积极买入人民币,帮助加速人民币对美元的升值步伐。11月16日,美国财政部的最新数据显示,9月份,中国继续抛售美国国债(美债),为连续6个月减持美债。当时,有分析人士说,中国抛售美债的一大动机就是抬升人民币币值。 能否长期保持强势? 根据中国各大媒体报道,近日,人民银行上海总部、金融监管总局上海监管局、上海证监局、上海市地方金融监管局、上海市科委联合召开金融机构座谈会。会议要求,金融机构要一视同仁满足不同所有制房地产企业合理融资需求,支持房地产企业通过资本市场合理股权融资。 《21世纪经济报道》引用东方金诚首席宏观分析师王青的观点说,今年底明年初宏观政策将继续保持稳增长取向,房地产支持政策也将持续发力,国内经济有望延续回稳势头,这些都会对人民币汇率提供支撑。 保罗·匡认为人民币的币值跟中国股市和楼市完全没有关系。“中国股市现在由国企占据,加上政府严重干预,股市现在已经失去他的正常功能了,最近这段时间不可能起来了。明年也不太可能,除非政府出手让养老金都去买,但是即使那样一般人也不会把自己的钱轻易放进去。政府要求银行给房地产企业贷款,这个也完全和币值没有关系。而且对楼市也不会有什么推动,无非是让他们死得慢一点。” 不过,中国国内舆论关于人民币未来保持升值趋势大都呈乐观态度。 《财新》引用中国银行研究院高级研究员王有鑫的观点说,人民币升值通道逐渐打开。他说:“短期看可能还有所波动,但年底前后,随着国内外形势进一步发生动态演变,国内更多的积极因素将显现,明年人民币将延续回升态势。” 前海开源基金首席经济学家杨德龙分析说,人民币贬值的趋势很可能已经终结。他说:“大胆预测2024年人民币相对美元的汇率可能会重回到6字头,这将有力推动人民币资产的回升,同时吸引外资回流到A股市场。” 保罗·匡告诉美国之音,根据他的观察,外资撤出中国大势所趋。“也不完全是地缘政治的原因,在中国他们没有很多机会。现在有一些跟中国渊源很深的企业已经冒险回来了,但是绝大部分想跟欧美做生意的,他们就跑了。” 保罗·匡分析说,目前世界范围的地缘政治冲突、区域性的冷战热战,以及能源和粮食价格大幅波动等各种因素让全球投资者更愿意采取规避风险的投资行为。“这导致对美元资产的需求走高,从而给人民币带来被动贬值压力。中国国内宏观政策以防风险为主,不可能短期大幅刺激。萎靡的房地产市场和沉重的债务问题还将持续现状一段时间。” 他说:“短期内经济或许可以达到官方目标,但是这不代表市场信心会得到恢复。许多外资对于进入中国仍有顾虑,他们观望或者令投别家,热钱仍在离开中国。所以,人民币短期内下行风险仍存在。” 在纽约华尔街某投行工作费先生认同美中关系的缓和可能起到一定的作用,因为部分投资者会对中国的经济回暖有一定的期待。“经济好的话当然对人民币升值也有作用。经济好的话大家就不着急把人民币换出来了嘛。虽然我觉得总的趋势是资本还是会外流,但是相对来说比大家都悲观还是要好点。” 他说:“明年美元如果减息的话,人民币有可能接着升值。现在中美利差是3%。如果明年美国利息降到4%,利差就只有2%了。大家还是想投资美元,但是就没那么想投了。” 截至本文发稿之时,中国外汇交易中心数据显示,人民币兑美元中间价较上日调升61点至7.1151。 这是美国之音的多媒体播放器。 当您选择一个伴随音频或视频的故事时,它在这里播放。 您可以随时查看原始故事或查找新故事,而无需通过在此页面上向下滑动来停止音频或视频。 通过从屏幕底部的圆形蓝色多媒体按钮向上滑动来再次打开此屏幕。 通过点击多媒体按钮启动和停止音频或视频。 安全访问已启动 设置
以色列谴责西班牙、比利时首脑的加沙言论 西班牙予以反击美国之音 2023年11月25日 06:24 以色列外交部周五(11月24日)召见了西班牙和比利时大使,对两国首脑发表以色列进攻加沙的相关言论进行“严厉谴责”。此前,西班牙和比利时首相发表共同声明,谴责以色列“摧毁加沙”,并呼吁国际社会和以色列承认巴勒斯坦的国家地位。 对于大使被召见,西班牙外交部迅速予以还击,也召见以色列大使,要求其解释以色列政府对西班牙首相“虚假且不可接受”的指控。 比利时首相亚历山大·德克罗(Alexander De Croo)周五访问加沙和埃及之间的拉法过境点时表示,以色列的“行动需要尊重国际人道法”,并谴责其在加沙地带的破坏行为“不可接受”。 西班牙首相佩德罗·桑切斯(Pedro Sanchez)附和了他的观点,称以色列在巴勒斯坦领土上“不分青红皂白地杀害无辜平民,包括数千名男孩和女孩,是完全不可接受的。” 两位首脑都呼吁在加沙饱受战争蹂躏的土地上永久停火。他们强烈谴责哈马斯在10月7日发动的袭击,但在要求停火和尊重加沙人权的问题上,他们也是最直言不讳的欧盟领导人。哈马斯否认利用平民作为人肉盾牌的指控。 以色列外长埃利·科恩(Eli Cohen)在一份声明中指责桑切斯和德克罗的“虚假言论”,批评其“助长了恐怖主义”,并表示已下令召见西班牙和比利时的大使来解释这些言论。 以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)在另一份声明中表示,他“强烈”谴责这两位欧洲领导人的言论。他的办公室发表声明指责这两位欧洲领导人没有将“哈马斯所犯下的反人类罪完全归责于哈马斯,也就是屠杀以色列公民并利用巴勒斯坦人作为人肉盾牌。” 内塔尼亚胡发表上述言论后不久,西班牙外长荷西·曼努埃尔·阿尔巴雷斯(José Manuel Albares)在一份视频声明中表示,“以色列政府的指控是虚假的且不可接受的。我们坚决拒绝这些指控。” 周五晚些时候,阿尔巴雷斯在国家电视台上表示,他已召见了以色列驻马德里大使,让其解释以色列政府的指控。 这次交锋正值以色列和哈马斯休战的第一天,周五哈马斯释放了24名人质,包括以色列妇女和儿童以及泰国农场工人,而以色列则释放39名关押在以色列监狱的巴勒斯坦妇孺。 周四,桑切斯访问以色列并会见了内塔尼亚胡和以色列总统艾萨克·赫尔佐格(Isaac Herzog)。桑切斯也于约旦河西岸的拉马拉会见了巴勒斯坦权力机构主席马哈茂德·阿巴斯(Mahmoud Abbas),桑切斯提出召开关于巴以冲突国际和平会议的想法,以建立一个可行的巴勒斯坦国。 (此文参考了法新社和路透社的报道。) 相关内容欧洲将在政治分歧中讨论对以色列与哈马斯的战争反应 2023年10月16日 21:47 这是美国之音的多媒体播放器。 当您选择一个伴随音频或视频的故事时,它在这里播放。 您可以随时查看原始故事或查找新故事,而无需通过在此页面上向下滑动来停止音频或视频。 通过从屏幕底部的圆形蓝色多媒体按钮向上滑动来再次打开此屏幕。 通过点击多媒体按钮启动和停止音频或视频。 安全访问已启动 设置
要文🇨🇳 🇹🇼 🇭🇰 习远平为自己老哥辨解,听来像是习近平有苦衷自由亚洲论坛 |2023-11-24 声明: 本消息或因风格和篇幅原因进行过编辑,但消息未经核实,也不代表我们的立场、观点和思想,且不可理解为是我们的建议。[ 使用条款 ] 赞助信息 近日,海外自媒体广泛谈论习近平弟弟习远平的一席话,习远平为自己老哥辨解,听来像是习近平有苦衷,好像他的真正底牌并非十年来的大倒退,而是为了更大规模更彻底的政治改革,不得不经营一番维护中共集权的假相,以此骗取党内保守势力的信任,称这是习近平版的韬光养晦。 有分析指出,习近平上台后几番折腾至今,得罪了所有人,搞得天怒人怨,习远平无非是在博同情。 点 击 图 片 看 原 图 海外时评人士颜纯钩撰文指出,中共历史上,确有从大左到大右的转折。老毛大跃进搞到民不聊生,刘少奇搞“三自一包”救回来;毛泽东搞文革搞到国困民穷,老邓搞改革又救回来。但不要忘记,那不是同一个人做的,不是老毛在折腾自己。能想像,毛泽东为搞资本主义,先去搞大跃进,然后再回头搞“三自一包”吗?一个人要蠢到什么地步,才会如此与自己过不去? 点 击 图 片 看 原 图 赞助信息 文章写道,习近平接手时,经济一片好景,中共如日中天,只要他有心改革,不要清剿私企压迫外企,不要搞战狼外交与美国翻脸,像胡温那样这里那里改一点,这里那里往回走一点,那对中国现状不会产生致命的伤害,至少中共的命还会长一点。再说了,千军万马中冲杀出来,升到党内最高位,习近平已经做了十年,他甚至还打破党内几十年的规矩,取消了任期制,准备自任永远领袖,还需要得到党内保守势力的认可吗?当然不是,习近平在倒行逆施时,从来都手起刀落,豪气干云,之所以到最近才曝出党内老人帮群起而攻之,不是因为他不能做不敢做,而是因为习做得太过份,过份到政权难保,这才使党内出现反对声音。因此,习远平的短文,如果是真的,也只是博同情逃避责任的托词,至于什么“好戏在后头”,又要全民直选,又要半法治,那都是画在墙上的大饼。中共执政七十多年,墙上都画满了,还有人会看得流口水吗?香港人看一国两制的大饼,看了二十五年,看到今日却成了监狱的铁窗。 点 击 图 片 看 原 图 文章写道,“出来行迟早要还”,这句话送给习近平最合适。中国的事,不是习近平想向左就向左,向右就向右,每件事都有后果,每个后果都可能引发连锁反应,每个反应都可能不受控,党国大事不是拿来给你玩的。习远平的短文是不是反映老哥在党内的处境不妙?党内有没有人反对习,会不会导致习下台换一个人做,这都是共产党自家的事。唯有中国人反不反习近平,反不反中共,那才是我们需要关心的事。中国人揭竿而起,习近平大左也好,大右也好,都无法挽救中共覆灭的命运。 您或许还感兴趣下面几条新闻■ 王军涛在街上傻站——反共大V为啥都拒绝抗议习总访美?(图) 赞助信息 您的观点至关重要点击朱笔,直抒胸臆 0 1 Google: super cool 200 相关图集 王军涛在街上傻站——反共大V为啥都拒绝抗议习总访美? 1 / 1 复新博客 © 2023 八阕之地™ by Towards Digital Group反馈意见 | 隐私政策 | 使用条款 12

以哈临时停火:马克龙誓言全力争取法国人质获释 拜登呼吁致力于以巴两国解决方案

以哈临时停火:马克龙誓言全力争取法国人质获释 拜登呼吁致力于以巴两国解决方案 以哈临时停火生效后,首批人质获释,人道救援物资也进入加沙。法国总统马克龙周五(11月24日)对首批人质获释表示欣慰,马克龙誓言将全力争取法国人质获释。美国总统拜登表示,"这只是个开始",呼吁致力于以巴“两国解决方案”。 发表时间: 24/11/2023 - 22:41 7 分钟 ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS/HOSTAGES ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS/HOSTAGES REUTERS - RONEN ZVULUN 作者: 法广 广告 法新社报道,以色列与巴勒斯坦武装组织哈马斯临时停火协议周五生效,哈马斯释放了24名人质,其中包括11名泰菲公民,以色列则释放39名巴勒斯坦在押囚犯。 法国总统马克龙周五对哈马斯释放首批人质表示欢迎。在以色列和哈马斯达成停火协议首批获释的人质中没有法国人,马克龙向被扣留的法国人质家属表示,全力争取法国人质获释的"决心"。 马克龙在X社交平台发文称:“我对第一批人质的获释感到欣慰的同时,也想到法国人质和他们的家属。他们可以相信我们(争取人质获释)的决心。”马克龙说:“我们将继续与调停方共同努力,全力争取所有人质的获释。” 卡塔尔周五发出声明指出,哈马斯周五将总共24名人质(其中13名以色列人,十名泰国人和一名菲律宾人)交给了国际红十字会在加沙的代表。 法国外交部周五在一份声明中强调,法国在协议实施的过程中将“全力以赴,争取法国人质的释放”,法国外交部将争取所有法国人质的获释列为"绝对的优先事项",并将为此进行不懈努力。 法国外交部同时对卡塔尔、埃及和美国以及国际红十字会的斡旋努力表示赞扬。 另据法新社消息,美国总统拜登周五表示:“(首批人质获释)这只是个开始,但目前情况(进展)良好。”拜登认为,延长以色列和加沙地带伊斯兰巴勒斯坦运动(哈马斯)之间于周五黎明生效的停火的可能性真实存在。 拜登并表示,"我们必须重新承诺致力于以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的“两国解决方案”,拜登认为这比以往任何时候都更为重要。拜登称:“哈马斯希望看到的是选择继续恐怖主义、暴力、谋杀和战争的道路。" 以色列方面已经确认人质获释,并将他们送到医院并与家人团聚。 红十字会证实,哈马斯释放了24名人质。协助斡旋的卡塔尔说,包括13名以色列公民、10名泰国公民和一名菲律宾公民。以色列也从监狱中,释放39名被扣押的巴勒斯坦妇女及儿童。 下载法广应用程序跟踪国际时事 载着13名获释以色列人质的红十字会车辆,当地时间周五傍晚经加沙南部的拉法口岸进入埃及,并移交给以色列方面。 以色列军方其后确认,被释放的人质已经在以色列境内接受初步检查,将会被送到医院并与家人团聚。官方名单显示,获释人质当中有四名2岁至9岁的儿童,也包括六名70岁以上的妇女。 另外,在以色列工作的泰国劳工遭到哈马斯绑架,泰国外交部周五也证实有12名泰国人获释,他们将从拉法边界关卡进入埃及后再前往以色列,泰国外交部感谢卡塔尔、伊朗和马来西亚等国的外交斡旋努力。 另据法新社报道,德国外长贝尔伯克周五表示,在哈马斯释放的首批24名人质中,有4名德国人质。 分享 : 同一主题 以色列/巴勒斯坦/中东 卡塔尔:停火将于周五早7时开始,首批13名人质将在下午获释 以色列/哈马斯/卡塔尔/休战 哈马斯证实24日起休战 以色列收到首批人质名单 以色列/巴勒斯坦/中东 首批13名以色列人质在加沙被关押49天后获释进入埃及 继续阅读相同主题内容: 以色列 巴勒斯坦 法国 美国 其他新闻 比利时西班牙首相揭露以色列“摧毁加沙” 以色列召见两国大使“强烈谴责” 巴以冲突 比利时西班牙首相揭露以色列“摧毁加沙” 以色列召见两国大使“强烈谴责” 中国猛增的呼吸道传染病会不会很危险? 中国社会 中国猛增的呼吸道传染病会不会很危险? 法德欢迎中国试行单方面免签 商界认为有助促进旅游和经济 中国/法国/签证/外交 法德欢迎中国试行单方面免签 商界认为有助促进旅游和经济 加沙停火:联合国证实137辆满载救援物资货车进入加沙 加沙/以色列/联合国/援助 加沙停火:联合国证实137辆满载救援物资货车进入加沙 以哈临时停火:马克龙誓言全力争取法国人质获释 拜登呼吁致力于以巴两国解决方案 以色列/哈马斯/人质/法国/美国 以哈临时停火:马克龙誓言全力争取法国人质获释 拜登呼吁致力于以巴两国解决方案 警察杀死华人案 法国国家被判定犯有“严重过失”罪 海外华人 警察杀死华人案 法国国家被判定犯有“严重过失”罪 西方制裁失效?欧洲最大资产管理公司预估俄罗斯经济增速明年可能比欧元区快三倍 俄罗斯侵乌战争 西方制裁失效?欧洲最大资产管理公司预估俄罗斯经济增速明年可能比欧元区快三倍 巴黎呼吁北京避免在俄乌战争中支持俄罗斯 中国/法国 巴黎呼吁北京避免在俄乌战争中支持俄罗斯 世界报:一位华人小商贩如何变身有组织犯罪和法国富豪的洗钱者 海外华人 世界报:一位华人小商贩如何变身有组织犯罪和法国富豪的洗钱者 中国中植集团正式爆雷 承认资不抵债至少2200亿元 中国/经济/企业爆雷 中国中植集团正式爆雷 承认资不抵债至少2200亿元 世卫:中国没有通报任何与呼吸道疾病相关的“新的或异常病原体” 中国/世卫/病毒/健康 世卫:中国没有通报任何与呼吸道疾病相关的“新的或异常病原体” 美国尽职调查公司美思明智中国员工仍未获释 中国/经贸/国际 美国尽职调查公司美思明智中国员工仍未获释 实时 中国 美国 拜登 习近平 政治 美国 香港 日本 新加坡 台湾 澳大利亚 德国 马来西亚 英国 国际 我们是谁? 与法广联系 广告部 销售法广产品 加入我们 关于法广 学法语 法广音乐 法广音乐库 世界博客 法国24电视台 蒙特卡洛中东电台 移民信息 CFI 新闻学部 法国世界媒体集团 (France Médias Monde) FRANCE MÉDIAS MONDE 集团其他网站 服务 电邮新闻 如何收听法广 应用 应用 应用 France Médias Monde 版本说明 个人信息保护政策 小型文本文件 / Cookies Facebook X (Twitter) Instagram YouTube Telegram TuneIn © 2023 RFI – 版权所有版权所有。法广对非本网站内容不承担责任。通过 ACPM/OJD 认证。 ACPM / OJD
比利时西班牙首相揭露以色列“摧毁加沙” 以色列召见两国大使“强烈谴责”比利时和西班牙两国政府首脑周五从埃及发表声明,谴责以色列“摧毁加沙 ”,并呼吁以色列 “承认巴勒斯坦国 ”,以色列稍后决定召见两国大使,对其进行 “严厉谴责”。 发表时间: 25/11/2023 - 01:13 5 分钟 2023 年 11 月 24 日,以色列佩塔提克瓦,一架载有根据以色列与哈马斯达成的协议释放的人质的直升机抵达施奈德儿童医疗中心,期盼已久的以色列民众挥舞着国旗迎接。 REUTERS - RONEN ZVULUN 作者:安德烈 广告 根据法新社报道,以色列外交部部长伊莱-科恩(Eli Cohen)的办公室宣布,他已 “下令召见这两个国家的大使,进行一个严厉谴责的谈话”。部长办公室甚至称,西班牙与比利时领导人 “支持恐怖主义”。 以色列总理内塔尼亚胡也在单独发表的声明中 “强烈谴责 ”比利时首相与西班牙首相的言论,指责他们未能 “让哈马斯为其屠杀我国公民和利用巴勒斯坦人作为人盾所犯下的反人类罪行承担全部责任”。 西班牙政府则针锋相对,谴责以色列政府以不实之词攻击西班牙和比利时。 西班牙外交部部长何塞-曼努埃尔-阿尔巴雷斯在西班牙公共电视台宣布,他已 “召见以色列驻马德里大使,要求以色列政府对西班牙首相及比利时首相令人不可接受的不实指控 ”做出解释。 比利时首相亚历山大.德克罗周五在访问埃及拉法终点站时表示,在哈马斯于 10 月 7 日对以色列发动致命袭击后,以色列在加沙地带采取的反击行为必须 “尊重国际人道法”。 根据以色列政府,哈马斯10 月 7 日在以色列领土发动的血腥攻击中,打死 1 200 人,其中大部分是平民。 据哈马斯政府统计,以色列对加沙发动的轰炸已造成近 15 000 人死亡,其中三分之二是妇女和儿童。 下载法广应用程序跟踪国际时事 比利时首相强调说:“必须停止杀害平民!” 周五,比利时首相德克罗与西班牙首相桑切斯在开罗会见埃及总统塞西时呼吁 “以色列应率先采取包括约旦河西岸和东耶路撒冷在内的总体视角”,呼吁 “国际社会和以色列承认巴勒斯坦国”。 自 10 月 7 日战争开始以来,伯利兹和玻利维亚两国已与以色列断绝了外交关系。土耳其、哥伦比亚和智利等其他国家也召回了大使进行磋商。 11 月底,以色列召回了驻南非大使,而此前比勒陀利亚已召回了其派驻以色列的所有外交官。 分享 : 同一主题 以色列/哈马斯/人质/法国/美国 以哈临时停火:马克龙誓言全力争取法国人质获释 拜登呼吁致力于以巴两国解决方案 要闻分析 以哈四日休战协议:人质换囚犯 巴以冲突 以哈战争:联合国要求对违反人道主义法的残忍行为进行国际调查 继续阅读相同主题内容: 巴以冲突 以色列 巴勒斯坦 其他新闻 巴以冲突 比利时西班牙首相揭露以色列“摧毁加沙” 以色列召见两国大使“强烈谴责” 中国社会 中国猛增的呼吸道传染病会不会很危险? 中国/法国/签证/外交 法德欢迎中国试行单方面免签 商界认为有助促进旅游和经济 加沙/以色列/联合国/援助 加沙停火:联合国证实137辆满载救援物资货车进入加沙 海外华人 警察杀死华人案 法国国家被判定犯有“严重过失”罪 俄罗斯侵乌战争 西方制裁失效?欧洲最大资产管理公司预估俄罗斯经济增速明年可能比欧元区快三倍 中国/法国 巴黎呼吁北京避免在俄乌战争中支持俄罗斯 海外华人 世界报:一位华人小商贩如何变身有组织犯罪和法国富豪的洗钱者 中国/经济/企业爆雷 中国中植集团正式爆雷 承认资不抵债至少2200亿元 中国/世卫/病毒/健康 世卫:中国没有通报任何与呼吸道疾病相关的“新的或异常病原体” 以色列/哈马斯/卡塔尔/休战 哈马斯证实24日起休战 以色列收到首批人质名单 中国/经贸/国际 美国尽职调查公司美思明智中国员工仍未获释 实时 中国 美国 拜登 习近平 政治 美国 香港 日本 新加坡 台湾 澳大利亚 德国 马来西亚 英国 国际 我们是谁? 与法广联系 广告部 销售法广产品 加入我们 关于法广 学法语 法广音乐 法广音乐库 世界博客 法国24电视台 蒙特卡洛中东电台 移民信息 CFI 新闻学部 法国世界媒体集团 (France Médias Monde) FRANCE MÉDIAS MONDE 集团其他网站 服务 电邮新闻 如何收听法广 应用 应用 应用 France Médias Monde 版本说明 个人信息保护政策 小型文本文件 / Cookies Facebook X (Twitter) Instagram YouTube Telegram TuneIn © 2023 RFI – 版权所有版权所有。法广对非本网站内容不承担责任。通过 ACPM/OJD 认证。ACPM / OJD 我的「节目播放目录」 您的Playlist尚无内容 请收听播客
专栏作者人工智能将把我们带往天堂还是地狱The Fight for the Soul of A.I.DAVID BROOKS2023年11月24日 JUMBO TSUI/TRUNK ARCHIVEOne of the nice things about OpenAI is that it was built on distrust. It began as a nonprofit research lab because its founders didn’t think artificial intelligence should be pioneered by commercial firms, which are driven overwhelmingly by the profit motive. OpenAI的优点之一是,它建立在不信任的基础上。它最初是一个非营利性的研究实验室,因为它的创始人认为,人工智能不应该由主要受利润驱动的商业公司来开创。 As it evolved, OpenAI turned into what you might call a fruitful contradiction: a for-profit company overseen by a nonprofit board with a corporate culture somewhere in between. 随着发展,OpenAI变成了一个可称为卓有成效的矛盾体的东西:一家由非营利董事会监管的营利性公司,企业文化介于两者之间。 Many of the people at the company seem simultaneously motivated by the scientist’s desire to discover, the capitalist’s desire to ship product and the do-gooder’s desire to do this all safely. 公司里的许多人似乎同时受到三种激励:科学家的探索欲望、资本家交付产品的欲望和行善者安全行事的欲望。 The events of the past week — Sam Altman’s firing, all the drama, his rehiring — revolve around one central question: Is this fruitful contradiction sustainable? 过去一周发生的事件——萨姆·奥尔特曼被解雇,经历各种跌宕起伏,被重新聘用——都围绕着一个核心问题:这种卓有成效的矛盾体能否持续下去? Can one organization, or one person, maintain the brain of a scientist, the drive of a capitalist and the cautious heart of a regulatory agency? Or, as Charlie Warzel wrote in The Atlantic, will the money always win out? 一个组织或一个人能否同时保持科学家的头脑、资本家的动力和监管机构的谨慎?或者,正如查理·沃泽尔在《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)上所写的那样,金钱总会胜出? It’s important to remember that A.I. is quite different from other parts of the tech world. It is (or at least was) more academic. A.I. is a field that had a research lineage stretching back centuries. Even today, many of the giants of the field are primarily researchers, not entrepreneurs — people like Yann LeCun and Geoffrey Hinton, who won the Turing Award (the Nobel Prize of computing) together in 2018 and now disagree about where A.I. is taking us. 重要的是要记住,人工智能与科技界的其他领域有很大不同。它(或者至少曾经是)更加学术化。人工智能这个领域的研究历史可以追溯到几个世纪前。即使在今天,该领域的许多巨头也主要是研究人员,而不是企业家——比如扬·勒昆和杰弗里·辛顿这样的人,他们在2018年一起获得了图灵奖(计算机领域的诺贝尔奖),但现在,对于人工智能将把我们带往何方,他们意见不一。 It’s only in the last several years that academic researchers have been leaving the university aeries and flocking to industry. Researchers at places like Alphabet, the parent company of Google; Microsoft; OpenAI; and Meta, which owns Facebook, still communicate with one another by publishing research papers, the way professors do. 直到最近几年,学术界的研究人员才陆续离开大学,涌向工业界。谷歌母公司Alphabet;微软;OpenAI;还有拥有Facebook的Meta这些公司的研究人员仍然通过发表研究论文的方式相互交流,就像教授们那样。 But the field also has the intensity and the audacity of the hottest of all startup sectors. While talking with A.I. researchers over the past year or so, I have often felt I was on one of those airport moving walkways going three miles per hour and they were on walkways going 4,000 miles per hour. The researchers kept telling me that this phase of A.I.’s history is so exhilarating precisely because nobody can predict what will happen next. “The point of being an A.I. researcher is you should understand what’s going on. We’re constantly being surprised,” the Stanford Ph.D. candidate Rishi Bommasani told me. 但这个领域的激昂与进取,与别的热门创业领域并无不同。在过去一年左右的时间里,当我与人工智能研究人员交谈时,我经常觉得自己站在每小时五公里的机场移动人行道上,而他们站在每小时6000公里的跑道上。研究人员不断告诉我,人工智能历史的这一阶段之所以如此令人振奋,正是因为没有人能预测接下来会发生什么。“作为人工智能研究人员,重点是你应该了解正在发生的事情,我们不断地感到惊讶。”斯坦福大学博士候选人里希·博马萨尼告诉我。 The people in A.I. seem to be experiencing radically different brain states all at once. I’ve found it incredibly hard to write about A.I. because it is literally unknowable whether this technology is leading us to heaven or hell, and so my attitude about it shifts with my mood. 从事人工智能的人似乎同时经历着完全不同的大脑状态。我发现,要写关于人工智能的文章非常困难,因为我们根本不知道这项技术会把我们带到天堂还是地狱,所以我对它的态度会随着我的情绪而改变。 The podcaster and M.I.T. scientist Lex Fridman, who has emerged as the father confessor of the tech world, expressed the rapid-fire range of emotions I encountered again and again: “You sit back, both proud, like a parent, but almost like proud and scared that this thing will be much smarter than me. Like both pride and sadness, almost like a melancholy feeling, but ultimately joy.” 播客主播、麻省理工学院科学家莱克斯·弗里德曼以科技界的忏悔之父形象出现,他表达了我曾多次遇到的那种急剧变化的情绪:“你坐下来,像父母一样自豪,但几乎是又骄傲又害怕,担心这个东西会比我聪明得多。既像骄傲又像悲伤,几乎像一种忧郁的感觉,但最终还是喜悦。” When I visited the OpenAI headquarters in May, I found the culture quite impressive. Many of the people I interviewed had arrived when OpenAI was a nonprofit research lab, before the ChatGPT hullabaloo — when most of us had never heard of the company. “My parents didn’t really know what OpenAI did,” Joanne Jang, a product manager, told me, “and they were like, ‘You’re leaving Google?’” Mark Chen, a researcher who was involved in creating the visual tool DALL-E 2, had a similar experience. “Before ChatGPT, my mom would call me like every week and she’d be like, ‘Hey, you know you can stop like bumming around and go work at Google or something.’” These people are not primarily driven by the money. 当我在5月份参观OpenAI总部时,我发现那里的文化令人印象深刻。我采访的许多人都是在OpenAI还是一个非营利研究实验室的时候来到这里的,在ChatGPT的喧嚣之前——当时我们大多数人都没有听说过这家公司。“我父母并不真正了解OpenAI是做什么的,”产品经理乔安妮·姜(音)告诉我,“他们说,‘你要离开谷歌?’”参与创造了可视化工具DALL-E 2的研究人员马克·陈(音)也有类似的经历。“在ChatGPT出现之前,我妈几乎每周都会给我打电话,她会说,‘嘿,你知道,你别再四处游荡了,该去谷歌之类的公司上班了。’”这些人的主要动机并非金钱。 Even after GPT made headlines, being at OpenAI was like being in the eye of a hurricane. “It just feels a lot calmer than the rest of the world,” Jang told me. “From like the early days, it did feel more like a research lab, because mainly we were only hiring for researchers,” Elena Chatziathanasiadou, a recruiter, told me. “And then, as we grew, it started becoming apparent to everyone that progress would come from both engineering and research.” 即使在GPT成为头条新闻之后,置身OpenAI就像身处飓风眼一样。“这里感觉比世界上其他地方要平静得多,”乔安妮·姜告诉我。“从早期开始,它确实感觉更像是一个研究实验室,因为我们主要只招聘研究人员,”招聘人员埃琳娜·查齐亚塔纳西亚杜告诉我。后来,随着我们的发展,每个人都开始意识到,工程和研究会带来进步。” I didn’t meet any tech bros there, or even people who had the kind of “we are changing the world” bravado I would probably have if I were pioneering this technology. Diane Yoon, whose job title is vice president of people, told me, “The word I would use for this work force is earnest … earnestness.” 我在那里没有遇到任何“技术男”的氛围,甚至没有人有那种“我们正在改变世界”的不可一世——就是当我是一项技术的先驱时可能会有这种架势。任人力副总裁的戴安·尹(音)告诉我:“我想用热忱这个词来形容这个团队……热忱的感觉。” Usually when I visit a tech company, as a journalist, I get to meet very few executives, and those I do interview are remorselessly on message. OpenAI just put out a sign-up sheet and had people come to talk to me. 通常,当我作为一名记者访问一家科技公司时,我能见到的高管很少,而我能采访到的那些人个个守口如瓶。而OpenAI只是拿出一张登记表,然后就让人来跟我交谈了。 I confess I have a history of going into these tech workplaces with a degree of defensive humanistic snobbery: These people may know code, I tell myself, but they probably don’t know the literary and philosophical things that really matter. 我承认,过去我走进这些科技公司的时候,会摆出一种防御性的人本主义架子:我告诉自己,这些人可能懂代码,但他们可能不懂真正重要的文学和哲学。 I was humbled at OpenAI. Yoon grew up as a dancer and acting Shakespeare. Nick Ryder was a mathematician at the University of California, Berkeley, with an interest in something called finite differential convolutions before he became a researcher at OpenAI. Several people mentioned a colleague on the research side who studied physics as an undergrad, went to Juilliard for two years to study piano and then got a graduate degree in neuroscience. Others told me their original academic interests had been in philosophy of mind or philosophy of language or symbolic systems. Tyna Eloundou, a member of the company’s technical staff, studied economic theory and worked at the Federal Reserve before coming to OpenAI. 在OpenAI,我没什么优越感。戴安·尹从小跳舞,出演过莎士比亚戏剧。尼克·莱德是加州大学伯克利分校的一名数学家,在成为OpenAI的研究员之前,他对一种叫做有限微分卷积的东西很感兴趣。几个人提到了一个研究方面的同事,他本科学习物理学,在茱莉亚音乐学院学习了两年钢琴,然后获得了神经科学的研究生学位。还有人告诉我,他们最初的学术兴趣是心灵哲学、语言哲学或符号系统。公司技术人员蒂娜·埃卢恩多在加入OpenAI之前学习过经济理论,并在美联储工作过。 As impressive as they all were, I remember telling myself: This isn’t going to last. I thought there was too much money floating around. These people may be earnest researchers, but whether they know it or not, they are still in a race to put out products, generate revenue and be first. 尽管他们都给人留下深刻的印象,但我记得我当时告诉自己:这不会持续太久。我觉得到处都是金钱的氛围。这些人可能是认真的研究人员,但不管他们是否意识到这一点,他们仍在为推出产品、创造收入和成为第一而竞争。 It was also clear that the folks were torn over safety. On the one hand, safety was on everybody’s mind. For example, I asked Marc Chen about his emotions the day DALL-E 2 was released. “A lot of it was just this feeling of apprehension. Like, did we get the safety.” On the other hand, everybody I spoke to was dedicated to OpenAI’s core mission — to create a technology capable of artificial general intelligence, capable of matching or surpassing human intelligence across a broad range of tasks. 很明显,人们在安全问题上存在分歧。一方面,安全是每个人都关心的问题。例如,我问马克·陈在DALL-E 2发布那天的心情。“很多时候都是这种忧虑的感觉。比如,我们是否能保证安全?”他说。另一方面,与我交谈的每个人都致力于OpenAI的核心使命——创造一种能够实现人工智能的技术,能够在广泛的任务中匹配或超越人类智能。 A.I. is a field that has brilliant people painting wildly diverging but also persuasive portraits of where this is going. The venture capital investor Marc Andreessen emphasizes that it is going to change the world vastly for the better. The cognitive scientist Gary Marcus depicts an equally persuasive scenario about how all this could go wrong. 人工智能领域的卓越人物描绘出截然不同但又有说服力的前景。风险投资家马克·安德森强调,它将极大地改变世界,让世界变得更美好。认知科学家加里·马库斯描绘的场景同样有说服力,他说了这一切可能会出怎样的问题。 Nobody really knows who is right, but the researchers just keep plowing ahead. Their behavior reminds me of something Alan Turing wrote in 1950: “We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.” 没有人真正知道谁是对的,但研究人员只是继续努力。他们的行为让我想起了艾伦·图灵在1950年写的一句话:“我们只能看到前方很短的距离,但我们可以看到有很多事情需要做。” I had hoped that OpenAI could navigate the tensions, though even then there were worries. As Brad Lightcap, OpenAI’s chief operating officer, told me: “The big thing is, is really just maintaining the culture and the mission orientation as we grow. The thing that actually keeps me up, if you’re asking honestly, is how do you maintain that focus at scale.” 我曾希望OpenAI能够找到解决这种对立的办法,然而即便在当时,就已经存在着担忧。正如OpenAI首席运营官布拉德·莱特卡普告诉我的那样:“最重要的是,在我们成长的过程中保持公司文化和使命导向。真要说的话,真正让我感到不安的是,如何在规模化的过程中保持这种专注。” Those words were prescient. Organizational culture is not easily built but is easy to destroy. The literal safety of the world is wrapped up in the question: Will a newly unleashed Altman preserve the fruitful contradiction, or will he succumb to the pressures of go-go-go? 这些话很有先见之明。组织文化不容易建立,却很容易被摧毁。这个问题关系到世界的安危:刚刚被解放出来的奥尔特曼能否保持这种卓有成效的矛盾体,抑或他会屈服于拼命向前的压力? David Brooks自2003年以来一直是时报的专栏作家。他最近出版的一本书是“How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen”。欢迎在Twitter上关注他:@nytdavidbrooks。 翻译:晋其角 点击查看本文英文版。 相关报道人工智能现已属于资本主义2023年11月23日 OpenAI事件再逆转:奥尔特曼复职2023年11月22日 OpenAI“宫斗”事件中的赢家和输家2023年11月21日 政府究竟该如何监管人工智能2023年11月8日 最受欢迎中国出现儿童肺炎感染潮,WHO要求提供更多信息 WHO称中国已提供儿童肺炎数据,未检测到新病原体 驾摩托艇逃往韩国的中国异见人士在韩被判缓刑 瑞士人真的不爱买房爱租房? 人工智能现已属于资本主义 关于以色列与哈马斯的临时停火协议,你应该知道的 人工智能将把我们带往天堂还是地狱 旧金山之行让外界窥见习近平更为真实的一面 为何中国和波音仍需要彼此 币安CEO赵长鹏对洗钱指控认罪,公司被罚43亿美元 国际 中国 商业与经济 镜头 科技 科学 健康 教育 文化 风尚 旅游 房地产 观点与评论 免费下载 纽约时报中文网 iOS 和 Android App 点击下载iOS App点击下载Android App © 2023 The New York Times Company.

Alex W. Palmer

Alex W. Palmer Recent and archived work by Alex W. Palmer for The New York Times Latest Search The Sunday Read: ‘The Silicon Blockade’The Biden administration thinks it can preserve America’s technological primacy by cutting China off from advanced computer chips. Could the plan backfire? Aug. 13, 2023 ‘An Act of War’: Inside America’s Silicon Blockade Against ChinaThe Biden administration thinks it can preserve America’s technological primacy by cutting China off from advanced computer chips. Could the plan backfire? 阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版 July 12, 2023 How TikTok Became a Diplomatic CrisisA Chinese app conquered the planet — and now the U.S. is threatening to shut it down. Can the world’s biggest virality machine survive? 阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版 Dec. 20, 2022 The Sunday Read: ‘They Came to Help Migrants. Now, Europe Has Turned on Them.’The legal ordeal of two aid workers shows that anti-migrant attitudes in Greece and across Europe have hardened to the point that such helpers have become political. targets. April 3, 2022 They Came to Help Migrants. Now, Europe Has Turned on Them.As the legal ordeal of two aid workers shows, anti-migrant attitudes in Greece and across Europe have hardened — to the point that the helpers have become political targets. March 2, 2022 The Man Behind China’s Aggressive New VoiceHow one bureaucrat, armed with just a Twitter account, remade Beijing’s diplomacy for a nationalistic era. 阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版 July 7, 2021 The China Connection: How One D.E.A. Agent Cracked a Global Fentanyl RingFentanyl is quickly becoming America’s deadliest drug. But law enforcement couldn’t trace it to its source — until one teenager overdosed in North Dakota. Oct. 16, 2019 THE DAILY Listen to ‘The Daily’: Hong Kong’s Missing BooksellerWhen the owner of a thriving Hong Kong bookstore disappeared, questions swirled. What happened? And what did the Chinese government have to do with it? April 24, 2018 FEATURE The Case of Hong Kong’s Missing BooksellersAs China’s Xi Jinping consolidates power, owners of Hong Kong bookstores trafficking in banned books find themselves playing a very dangerous game. 阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版 April 3, 2018 FEATURE ‘Flee at Once’: China’s Besieged Human Rights LawyersAs the global spotlight on the nation’s domestic policies has dimmed, lawyers for dissidents increasingly face a terrible choice: acquiescence or imprisonment. 阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版 July 25, 2017 SHOW MORE Site IndexSite Information Navigation© 2023 The New York Times Company NYTCo Contact Us Accessibility Work with us Advertise T Brand Studio Your Ad Choices Privacy Policy Terms of Service Terms of Sale Site Map Canada International Help Subscriptions

Toward the end, the interviewer asked Zhang about his reputation for being extremely realistic, “like a robot.” Zhang replied that failing to face reality always created problems for people. “The best way to predict the future is to create it,” he said, “but only if you face it.” 采访快结束的时候,采访者问张一鸣,他有非常现实主义的名声,“像机器人。”张一鸣回答说,不能面对现实总是会惹来麻烦。“预测未来的最好方式是创造它,”他说,“但前提是面对现实。” Alex W. Palmer是时报杂志的特约撰稿人。他于2019年撰写的关于美国缉毒局对北达科他州一名青少年因芬太尼过量死亡的调查的封面故事曾入围国家杂志奖。Pablo Delcan是来自西班牙的设计师和艺术总监。他于2014年在纽约创立了设计工作室Delcan & Co.。 翻译:纽约时报中文网 点击查看本文英文版。

Toward the end, the interviewer asked Zhang about his reputation for being extremely realistic, “like a robot.” Zhang replied that failing to face reality always created problems for people. “The best way to predict the future is to create it,” he said, “but only if you face it.” 采访快结束的时候,采访者问张一鸣,他有非常现实主义的名声,“像机器人。”张一鸣回答说,不能面对现实总是会惹来麻烦。“预测未来的最好方式是创造它,”他说,“但前提是面对现实。” Alex W. Palmer是时报杂志的特约撰稿人。他于2019年撰写的关于美国缉毒局对北达科他州一名青少年因芬太尼过量死亡的调查的封面故事曾入围国家杂志奖。Pablo Delcan是来自西班牙的设计师和艺术总监。他于2014年在纽约创立了设计工作室Delcan & Co.。 翻译:纽约时报中文网 点击查看本文英文版。

好文要文 TikTok的成功与宿命:夹在中美之间的时代产物How TikTok Became a Diplomatic CrisisALEX W. PALMER2022年12月27日

TikTok的成功与宿命:夹在中美之间的时代产物How TikTok Became a Diplomatic CrisisALEX W. PALMER2022年12月27日 PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY PABLO DELCANOn March 10, two weeks after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the White House convened a Zoom call with 30 prominent TikTok creators. Jen Psaki, then the White House press secretary, and members of the National Security Council staff briefed the creators, who together had tens of millions of followers, on the latest news from the conflict and the White House’s goals and priorities. The meeting followed a similar effort the previous summer, in which the White House recruited dozens of TikTokers to help encourage young people to get vaccinated against Covid. 3月10日,即俄罗斯入侵乌克兰两周后,白宫与30名知名TikTok创作者开了一次Zoom会议。当时的白宫新闻秘书珍·萨基和国家安全委员会的工作人员向这些粉丝数以千万计的创作者简要介绍了冲突的最新进展,以及白宫的目标和优先事项。白宫在去年夏天也做过类似的工作,招募了数十名TikTok用户,让他们去鼓励年轻群体接种新冠疫苗。 The app had only become more popular in the intervening months. “We recognize this is a critically important avenue in the way the American public is finding out about the latest,” the White House director of digital strategy, Rob Flaherty, told the assembled group. “So we wanted to make sure you had the latest information from an authoritative source.” Yet at the same time, the Biden administration was more than a year into negotiations with ByteDance, the Chinese company that created and owns TikTok, about national security concerns surrounding the app. In fact, the White House staff members who organized and briefed the TikTok creators were barred from downloading the app on their work phones. 在此期间,这款应用的人气越来越高。“我们认识到,这是美国公众了解最新情况的一个至关重要的途径,”白宫数字战略负责人罗伯·弗莱厄蒂向与会者表示。“所以我们希望确保你们能得到有权威来源的最新信息。”但与此同时,拜登政府就围绕该应用的国家安全问题已经和创立并拥有TikTok的中国公司字节跳动进行了一年多的谈判。事实上,组织并向TikTok创作者做介绍的白宫工作人员是不允许在工作手机上下载该应用的。 The administration’s contradictory approach to TikTok — its embrace of the app as a vital conduit to the public, and its fear of the app as a potential tool of foreign influence — is perhaps a fitting response to the utterly unique problem that TikTok poses. Seemingly overnight, TikTok has managed to remake American culture both low and high, from media and music to memes and celebrity, in its own image. TikTok turned Olivia Rodrigo into a household name and propelled the author Colleen Hoover to the top of the best-seller list, with more copies sold this year than the Bible. TikTok coined “quiet quitting,” one of the hallmark phrases of 2022, and introduced a whole new dialect of algospeak — “seggs,” “unalive,” “le dollar bean” — that is now spreading across pop culture. Corporations and brands, from Goldfish crackers to Prada, have redirected billions of dollars worth of advertising to the platform in recognition of its all-encompassing reach, which can, at seemingly any moment, turn even a decades-old product into a must-have item. Last year, TikTok had more site visits than Google, and more watch minutes in the United States than YouTube. Facebook took almost nine years to reach one billion users; TikTok did it in five. 一方面接受该应用,视之为接触公众的重要渠道,另一方面又担心它会成为外国施加影响的潜在工具,拜登政府对TikTok的矛盾态度,或许恰好反映了TikTok带来的独特难题。TikTok似乎在一夜之间就以其自身为形重塑了美国文化,从低俗到高雅,从媒体到音乐,再到米姆和明星,无所不包。TikTok让奥利维亚·罗德里戈家喻户晓,将作家科琳·胡佛推上了畅销书榜首,今年的销量比《圣经》还多。TikTok开创了“躺平”(quiet quitting),这是2022年的年度流行语之一;它还发明了一套全新的算法黑话——“seggs”(性爱)、“unalive”(死亡)、“le dollar bean”(女同性恋)——在流行文化中蔓延。从金鱼饼干到Prada,企业和品牌在这一平台投放了数以十亿计美元的广告,证明了其用户范围无所不包,似乎随时都能将一件几十年前的产品变成必备单品。去年,TikTok的网站访问量超过了谷歌,美国用户的观看时长也超过了YouTube。Facebook用了近九年时间用户数才达到10亿,TikTok只用了五年。 The app’s extraordinary success is made even more remarkable by the fact that it is a product of America’s greatest geopolitical rival. Despite decades of trying, no Chinese company has ever conquered American society like TikTok. It’s difficult to imagine a Russian or Iranian company — or, increasingly, even another Chinese company — pulling off a similar feat. TikTok’s provenance has stoked persistent and longstanding worries about its vulnerability to exploitation and manipulation by the Chinese government. Over the last year in particular, TikTok has faced an unceasing stream of bad press, with each week seeming to bring a fresh revelation about the company’s questionable data practices and spotty internal safeguards. In just the last six months, TikTok and ByteDance have been accused of lying about the access of China-based employees to American user data, using a news app to push pro-Beijing content abroad and allowing Chinese state media accounts to run unchecked and unlabeled as they criticized the American political process. 这款应用是美国最大地缘政治对手的产品,这一事实也让它的巨大成功更加意义非凡。尽管付出了数十年的努力,但没有任何一家中国企业能像TikTok那样令美国社会趋之若鹜。很难想象俄罗斯或伊朗的企业——或者哪怕是另一家中国企业——取得类似的成绩。TikTok的出身引发了长久以来始终存在的担忧,即它可能很容易就被中国政府利用和操纵。特别是在过去一年,关于TikTok的负面报道源源不断,似乎每周都有揭露该公司数据操作可疑和内部安全措施漏洞百出的新爆料。就在过去半年里,TikTok和字节跳动被指控在中国员工访问美国用户数据的问题上撒谎,它利用一个新闻应用在海外推动亲北京内容的传播,并允许中国官媒帐号运营不受审查和标记,让其大肆批判美国的政治进程。 If TikTok’s popularity has thus far provided it some insulation against government action, the app’s time may be running out. In November, Brendan Carr, a commissioner of the F.C.C., said it should be banned outright. Senator Mark Warner, co-chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said of a ban, “The sooner we bite the bullet, the better.” Christopher Wray, director of the F.B.I., told Congress he was “extremely concerned” about TikTok’s operations in the United States. Earlier this month, Senator Marco Rubio introduced legislation that would effectively prevent TikTok from operating in the United States by banning all apps “subject to substantial influence” by China, Russia and other foreign adversaries. 如果说到目前为止TikTok都能凭借其人气而在一定程度上免于美国政府的制裁,那现在,它的时间可能不多了。11月,联邦通讯委员会委员布伦丹·卡尔表示应该直接封禁TikTok。参议院情报委员会联合主席马克·沃纳参议员谈到封禁行动时表示,“长痛不如短痛。”联邦调查局局长克里斯托弗·雷告诉国会,他对TikTok在美国的运营“极为担忧”。本月早些时候,参议员马可·卢比奥提出一项立法,通过禁用所有受中国、俄罗斯等外国敌对势力“严重影响”的应用,实际上阻止TikTok在美国的运营。 The Biden administration, meanwhile, is said to be nearing a deal with TikTok. Speaking at a conference of tech leaders, Kemba Walden, the principal deputy national cyber director, said that the White House had not made any final decision on a ban, but voiced support for “any measure that will raise security.” Maryland, South Dakota, South Carolina, Nebraska, Texas, Alabama and Utah have already banned use of the app on state devices. A bill passed by the U.S. Senate last week would do the same at the federal level. The military has also barred the app from government devices. 另一方面,据称拜登政府即将与TikTok达成一项协议。国家网络第一副总监肯巴·沃尔登在一次技术领袖会议上表示,白宫尚未就封禁做出任何最终决定,但表示支持“任何提升安全水平的措施”。马里兰州、南达科他州、南卡罗来纳州、内布拉斯加州、得克萨斯州、阿拉巴马州和犹他州已经禁止在州府设备上使用这款应用。美国参议院上周通过的一项法案将在联邦层面采取同样的措施。军方也禁止政府设备使用该应用。 What often goes unnoticed in these conversations is that TikTok is as much a product of the West as it is of China. ByteDance owes its very existence to the intermingling of ideas, capital and people that defined the last five decades of U.S.-China engagement. The United States sought to woo China with the appeal of its model and the benefits of the existing international order, in the hope that a liberalized market economy would foster domestic political reform. At the same time, Beijing seemed eager to build up its own tech sector as an engine of economic growth and global soft power. The success of a product like TikTok was only the most visible example of a deeper tech symbiosis that once appeared inevitable. 这些讨论经常忽视的问题在于,TikTok既是中国的产物,也是西方的产物。字节跳动将其存在归功于思想、资本和人才的融合,是过去五十年间美中往来的象征。美国试图以自身制度和现存国际秩序的利益吸引中国,希望一个自由化的市场经济能促进该国国内的政治改革。但北京似乎渴望打造属于自己的技术产业,作为推动经济增长和全球软实力的引擎。TikTok这类产品的成功,只是曾经看似不明显的更深层技术共生关系最为明显的案例。 But now the world has changed. In the United States, being tough on China is one of the few areas of bipartisan agreement. And in this fraught geopolitical context, TikTok is considered a Trojan horse — for Chinese influence, for spying, or possibly both. In China, meanwhile, a broad crackdown has sought to rein in high-flying tech companies and their founders, out of fear that, with their influence, independence and popularity, they were becoming alternative power bases to the Chinese Communist Party. The campaign is only one part of a broader political and social chill that threatens to pull the country back to the days of Mao. TikTok itself is not available in China — users there must access a different ByteDance app, which follows Chinese government directives on censorship and propaganda. 但如今世界已然改变。在美国,对华强硬立场是两党能达成共识的少数领域之一。在这种令人担忧的地缘政治背景下,TikTok就像暗藏着中国影响力、间谍活动、抑或二者兼而有之的特洛伊木马。而在中国,雄心勃勃的科技企业及其创始人遭遇了大规模打压,影响力、独立性和声望正在将其变成能取代中共的政治势力基础,从而引发了担忧。这场运动只是更广泛的政治和社会寒潮的一部分,可能导致这个国家重回毛时代。TikTok本身在中国并不可用,那里的用户只能使用字节跳动的另一款遵循中国政府审查和宣传指示的应用。 Just a few years ago, the rise of ByteDance seemed like a harbinger of an era of Chinese app dominance. Indeed, it would be hard to find a company more self-consciously modeled, in both spirit and substance, on America’s tech giants. ByteDance’s founder internalized the mythos of Silicon Valley, taking to heart the idea, long promoted by Washington, that the American market was the ultimate prize, and that it welcomed any entrepreneur with the talent and ambition to succeed. But now, with walls going up on both sides of the Pacific, TikTok seems likely to be the last of its kind as well as the first. The company is caught in the middle between the old era and the new — too Chinese for America, too American for China. 就在几年前,字节跳动的崛起似乎预示着中国应用程序主导时代的到来。事实上,几乎没有哪家公司在精神和实质上比字节跳动更主动效仿美国的科技巨头。字节跳动的创始人将硅谷的神话内化,将华盛顿长期倡导的理念牢记在心,即美国市场是终极大奖,它欢迎任何有才能和雄心的企业家取得成功。但现在,随着太平洋两岸筑起围墙,TikTok似乎既是第一个,也是同类产品中的最后一个。这个公司夹在新旧时代的中间——对美国来说太中国化,对中国来说太美国化。 On Christmas Day in 2010, a short, bespectacled 27-year-old Chinese programmer named Zhang Yiming logged onto Douban, a Chinese hybrid of Rotten Tomatoes and Goodreads, to share his thoughts on a movie he had just watched. Zhang used his Douban account as a chronicle of his personal development, recording the books he wanted to read (“What Would Google Do?” “Catch-22” and “The Road to Serfdom”) and the movies he’d seen (“The Departed,” “Good Will Hunting,” “Inception”). The movie Zhang watched that Christmas was “The Social Network.” The movie was of particular interest to Zhang; he was only a year older than Mark Zuckerberg and, after several years spent bouncing between small start-ups and an unhappy stint at Microsoft, he had recently become a founder himself. Zhang’s company, 99fang, was a real estate search engine, but he had ambitions to build something bigger. The story of Zuckerberg and his ruthless climb to the top was both inspiration and warning. He gave it four out of five stars. 2010年圣诞节,一位戴着眼镜的矮个子中国程序员登上了豆瓣,那是27岁的张一鸣。豆瓣可以看做是中国版本的烂番茄网站和Goodreads的结合。他分享了对刚看过的一部电影的看法。张一鸣用他的豆瓣帐号作为他个人发展的编年史,记录了他想读的书(《谷歌会怎么做》[What Would Google Do?]、《第二十二条军规》[Catch-22]和《通往奴役之路》[The Road to Serfdom])和他看过的电影(《无间道风云》[The Departed]、《心灵捕手》[Good Will Hunting]、《盗梦空间》[Inception])。张一鸣在那年圣诞节看的电影是《社交网络》(The Social Network)。他对这部电影特别感兴趣。他只比马克·扎克伯格大一岁,此前在小型初创企业和微软的一份不开心的工作之间流转,最近自己也成为了一名创始人。张一鸣的公司是“99房”,一个房地产搜索引擎,但他有更大的抱负。扎克伯格的故事和他爬到顶端的义无反顾既是启迪也是警告。张一鸣给了这部电影五颗星中的四颗。 PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY PABLO DELCANBorn in 1983 as the only son of a librarian and a nurse, Zhang came of age in a China flush with reform and newfound connections to the West. He moved to Tianjin for college, where he studied computer engineering. Zhang loved the freedom that technology offered and displayed a fondness for the West, politically as well as culturally. In 2009, when Chinese authorities blocked access to several websites, he took to his personal blog to voice his disapproval, according to a Wall Street Journal profile. “Go out and wear a T-shirt supporting Google,” he wrote. “If you block the internet, I’ll write what I want to say on my clothes.” 张一鸣生于1983年,是一名图书管理员和一名护士的独生子,他成长的时代正赶上中国改革开放并开始与西方建立联系。他到天津上大学,在那里学习计算机工程。张一鸣喜欢技术带来的自由,并在政治和文化上表现出对西方的喜爱。据《华尔街日报》报道,2009年,当中国当局屏蔽多个网站时,他在个人博客上表达了他的不满。“穿一件支持谷歌的T恤走出去,”他写道。“如果你封锁互联网,我会把我要说的话写在衣服上。” In 2011, smartphone shipments in China exceeded those in the United States for the first time. Riding the subway in Beijing, Zhang noticed that fewer and fewer people were reading newspapers; instead, they turned to their phones to pass the time. Zhang, a restless entrepreneur, developed an idea for a new company, one that would take advantage of the rise of the mobile internet and the birth of early artificial intelligence. “Just like Zuckerberg founded Facebook to connect people with people, and Travis founded Uber to connect people with cars,” he later said, he wanted to “connect people with information.” 2011年,中国智能手机出货量首次超过美国。在北京乘坐地铁时,张一鸣发现看报纸的人越来越少,相反,他们选择看手机来打发时间。作为一名不安分的创业者,张一鸣产生了创办一家公司的想法,利用移动互联网的兴起和刚出现的早期人工智能。“就像扎克伯格创立Facebook是为了将人与人联系起来,特拉维斯创立优步是为了将人与汽车联系起来,”他后来说,他想“将人与信息联系起来”。 The problem with a lot of the internet, Zhang believed, was the paralyzing number of options it presented to users. The website was “an outdated form of information organization,” he told an interviewer — messy and imprecise and filled with extraneous information. And the RSS feed was an unsuitable replacement, he wrote in a now-deleted blog post, because people were “forced to figure out ‘what I like and what I want’ themselves.” At one meeting with an investor, Zhang sketched out on a napkin his vision of a superior system, powered by artificial intelligence — it would be information finding users, rather than the other way around. In early 2012, he started ByteDance. 张一鸣认为,互联网上的很多问题在于它向用户提供的选项数量多到令人感到麻痹。他告诉一位采访者,网站是“一种过时的信息组织形式”——凌乱、不精确,充满了无关信息。他在一篇现已删除的博客文章中写道,RSS是一个不合适的替代品,因为人们“不得不自己弄清楚‘我喜欢什么和我想要什么’”。在与一位投资者的一次会面中,张一鸣在一张餐巾纸上勾勒出他对由人工智能驱动的高级系统的愿景——信息将会找到用户,而不是反过来。2012年初,他创办了字节跳动。 An early backer took Zhang to almost two dozen Chinese investors, but none of them were interested. Digital media was not a great business, and China had its own emerging internet giants that could simply copy anything novel ByteDance devised. It didn’t help that Zhang was still so baby-faced that, when introduced, people often ignored him and spoke to his colleagues instead. On top of this, Zhang was not an A.I. expert, nor were any of ByteDance’s early employees. There were not yet any detailed reference texts available in Chinese, and, according to Chinese Entrepreneur Magazine, when Zhang tried to buy one that was in pre-publication, he was rebuffed. Zhang eventually taught himself to write a recommendation engine from scattered resources on the internet. 一位早期投资者为张一鸣介绍了20多个中国投资者,但他们都没有兴趣。那时数字媒体不是一项大业务,中国拥有自己的新兴互联网巨头,它们可以直接复制字节跳动设计的任何新鲜事物。而且张一鸣的娃娃脸也是个阻碍,当他被介绍给别人的时候,人们常常不理他,而是跟他的同事说话。最重要的是,张一鸣和字节跳动的任何早期员工都不是人工智能专家。当时还没有任何详细的中文参考文本,据《中国企业家》杂志报道,当张一鸣试图购买一本预出版的参考文本时,他被拒绝了。张一鸣最终从互联网上分散的资源中自学,编写了一个推荐引擎。 A few months after ByteDance’s founding, Matt Huang, an American investor and venture capitalist, visited Beijing to check out the tech scene. A friend told him about ByteDance and set up a meeting. When Huang arrived at the company’s offices, he found a humble operation, with Zhang overseeing about 20 people jammed into two apartments. After two hours of conversation, Huang was ready to invest in Zhang’s idea, despite hesitations about the business model. “I was skeptical of the idea but blown away by the person,” Huang said. Most of his lingering doubt came down to the viability of applying A.I. to a news app. But, he said, “I thought if someone was going to figure it out, it was him.” 字节跳动成立几个月后,美国投资人和风险投资家黄共宇来北京访问,考察了技术行业。一位朋友向他介绍了字节跳动,并安排了一次会面。黄共宇来到公司总部后看到的是几间简陋的办公室,张一鸣带着大约20人挤在两套公寓里工作。经过两个小时的交谈后,黄共宇已准备为张一鸣的想法投资,尽管他对其商业模型有顾虑。“我对想法持怀疑态度,但被人打动了,”黄共宇说。他迟迟不去的疑虑主要是关于手机新闻应用中使用人工智能的可行性问题。但他说,“我当时想的是,如果有人能想办法做这个的话,那个人就是他。” In August 2012, ByteDance launched the first version of Jinri Toutiao (“Today’s Headlines”), an app that used A.I. to, in Zhang’s words, “let every user, at every moment, see their own front news page.” Toutiao pioneered the system that TikTok would later ride to global dominance. Other content platforms, like Facebook and Twitter, required users to manually accumulate friends and connections, whose posts then populated the user’s feed. Toutiao, by contrast, didn’t care whom you knew, only what you liked. It required no sign up at all — no need to create an account and password, or to describe interests or preferences. Users were simply presented with articles upon downloading the app. Based on how a user reacted to a piece of content — reading the whole article or just a few sentences, pausing on a particular paragraph, swiping back up to read something again, leaving a comment — Toutiao’s underlying technology began to generate a picture of who the user was and what they wanted. 2012年8月,字节跳动推出了“今日头条”的第一个版本。用张一鸣的话说,这款使用人工智能技术的应用程序,“让每一个用户,每时每刻,都能看到属于他们自己的资讯头版。”今日头条开创了后来让TikTok登上全球霸主地位的系统。其他的内容平台,如Facebook和Twitter,需要用户手动积累朋友,建立关系,然后朋友们发的帖子构成该用户的信息推送。相比之下,今日头条不关心你认识谁,只关心你喜欢什么。使用这款应用根本不需要注册——不需要建帐号,不需要有密码,也不需要告诉它你的兴趣或偏好。用户只需要在下载该应用后看文章。今日头条在用户对一段内容的反应——比如是阅读了整篇文章,还是只读了几句话,在某个段落停留了较长时间,返回前面读过的内容再读一遍,发表评论——的基础上,用背后的技术开始描绘一个用户是什么样的人,他们想要什么。 Best of all, the recommendation engine got better with every use. It was a virtuous cycle: more users meant more data; more data meant a smarter algorithm; a smarter algorithm meant more users; and on and on. The app hit one million daily average users only four months after it started. By one count, revenue grew from almost nothing in 2014 to $2.5 billion in 2017. The bigger it got, the more criticism Toutiao faced. Detractors said the app catered to the basest human interests — celebrity gossip, scandal, disaster and violence — to keep users hooked as long as possible. The average user was spending more than an hour a day on the app, and Toutiao was, by revenue, one of the fastest-growing apps in the history of the internet. Still, Zhang could see the ceiling: According to the Chinese business press, an internal company assessment placed the total size of China’s newsfeed market at around 240 million daily average users. If Toutiao claimed half the pie, it would max out at 120 million daily average users. To keep growing, the company had to look abroad. 最重要的是,推荐文章的引擎越用越好用。它与用户形成一个良性循环:用户越多意味着数据越多,数据越多意味着算法更聪明;更聪明的算法意味着更多的用户,如此等等。这款应用程序在推出仅四个月后就达到了日均100万用户。据一个估计,收入从2014年的几乎为零,增长到2017年的25亿美元。今日头条发展得越快,面临的批评也越多。批评者说,这款应用为了让用户在其上花尽可能长的时间,迎合了人类最卑鄙的兴趣——名人八卦、丑闻、灾难和暴力。普通用户每天花在该应用上的时间超过一个小时,以收入计算,今日头条是互联网历史上增长最快的应用之一。尽管如此,张一鸣还是看到了天花板:据中国商业媒体报道,一项公司的内部评估认为,中国新闻推送市场的总规模约为2.4亿日均用户。如果今日头条得到其中一半的用户,日均用户的峰值是1.2亿。为了保持增长,公司不得不将目光投向国外。 But the push also reflected something more fundamental than business strategy. Chinese companies, Zhang has said, are “born to be global,” just like American companies. “There was a different kind of leadership, a hunger for growth,” a former ByteDance executive told me. “It was a challenge, in some sense self-imposed — if the big Western tech can do it, why can’t we? We are no less.” 但这种推动也反映了一些比商业战略更根本的东西。张一鸣一直说,中国公司“生来就全球化”,像美国公司一样。“有不同的领导方式和对增长的渴望,”字节跳动的一名前高管对我说。“这是个挑战,在某种意义上是自我强加的——如果西方科技巨头能做到,我们为什么不能?我们也不逊色。” In 2014, Zhang visited Silicon Valley with a group of Chinese founders, touring the offices of Facebook, Tesla and Airbnb. He spotted Xiaomi phones in the hands of American tech workers, and heard conversations about Alibaba’s hotly anticipated American I.P.O. Back in Beijing, Zhang summarized his feelings on his blog: “The golden age of Chinese tech companies is coming.” 2014年,张一鸣与一群在中国做初创的人一起访问了硅谷,参观了Facebook、特斯拉和爱彼迎的总部。他在美国技术人员手中看到了小米手机,听到了人们对热切期待的阿里巴巴在美国上市的讨论。回到北京后,张一鸣在他的博客上总结了他的感受:“中国科技公司的黄金时代即将到来。” A lip-syncing app called Musical.ly was already showing the way. Started in Shanghai by a pair of Chinese entrepreneurs, Musical.ly was a surprise hit in the U.S. market, particularly among teenagers. Musical.ly’s rise intrigued ByteDance, which was on the hunt for a new product to plug into its recommendation engine. In March 2016, the company assigned a handful of employees to a new initiative called Project X, with the goal of replicating Musical.ly as closely as possible. The team discovered that none of the existing Chinese video-sharing apps — there were hundreds of them — had the technology to sync videos with soundtracks. The gap, of about 200 to 300 milliseconds, was small, but noticeable enough to turn off potential users. Fixing the syncing issue was the original selling point of the new app, dubbed Douyin (“Shaking sound”). 一款名为Musical.ly的对口型应用程序已经指明了方向。由两名中国企业家在上海创立的Musical.ly,出人意料地在美国市场大受欢迎,尤其是在青少年中。Musical.ly的成功引起了字节跳动的兴趣,该公司当时正在寻找一种新产品来使用其推荐引擎。2016年3月,公司指派少数员工参与了名为Project X的新计划,目标是尽可能复制Musical.ly的功能。这个研发团队发现,当时中国市场上的视频共享应用程序有数百个,但没有一款有将视频与配乐同步的技术。虽然视频与配乐的时差很小,只有200到300毫秒,但足以让潜在用户望而却步。解决了同步问题是这款名为抖音的新应用的最初卖点。 Douyin was a near pixel-level recreation of Musical.ly. Opening the app, you were thrust immediately into a video, with no play or pause buttons. Swipe up, and you could scroll through a seemingly endless feed of 15-second videos, one after another, filling the full screen of the phone’s display. The interface was doubly effective: simple and intuitive enough for anyone to figure out on the first use, while also designed to capture as much data as possible for the recommendation engine. In most vertical scrolls, you’re shown several items at once, making it difficult for the platform to know what you’re looking at or what you think of it. By putting one video in front of you at a time, Douyin could better decipher how the user reacted, and use that data to refine future recommendations. 抖音是一款基本原封不动地抄袭Musical.ly的娱乐应用。打开抖音,用户会立即看到一段视频,视频没有播放或暂停按钮。上推屏幕,用户可以浏览似乎无穷无尽的15秒短视频,一个接一个,每段视频都占据了手机的整个屏幕。这个用户界面的设计有双重效果:简单直观,让任何人第一次使用时就能上手,而且这个设计同时也尽可能多地为推荐引擎捕获数据。大多数手机应用在用户上下推屏时,会把几条内容同时提供给他们,这让平台很难知道用户在看什么或对内容怎么有何想法。通过一次只播放一段视频,抖音可以更好地辨别用户的反应,并用这些数据来改进未来的推荐。 Douyin took a canny approach to growth. While many other ByteDance products catered to older or more rural populations, Douyin initially focused on young people from first-tier Chinese cities, the kinds of users whom other people wanted to emulate. “They built influencers,” Erin Huang, one of Douyin’s first contracted creators, told me. “They weren’t shouting, ‘Use our app!’ They were saying, ‘Hey, do you see this person? You can be like them.’” Growth exploded around February 2017, as challenges like “Dance as if taking a bath” went viral on other Chinese social media platforms, drawing in new users and stocking Douyin with more and more content. By May, the app had surpassed one million daily average users. Around the same time, Zhang reached out to the founders of Musical.ly, proposing an acquisition. Zhang believed it would be a perfect fit, according to an investor involved in the deal, because each had what the other needed. ByteDance offered algorithmic capability and business acumen; Musical.ly offered a way onto the phones of millions of American teenagers, the most valuable customers in the world. 抖音采取的增长方式颇为精明。虽然字节跳动的许多其他产品更多迎合的是老年人或者农村人口,但抖音从一开始关注的就是来自中国一线城市的年轻人,这些用户是其他人想效仿的。“他们扶植了网红,”抖音的第一批签约创作者之一伊琳·黄告诉我。“他们没有大喊‘使用我们的应用程序!’他们说,‘嘿,你看到这个人了吗?你可以像他们那样。’”用户人数在2017年2月前后爆炸式增长,“像洗澡一样跳舞”等挑战在其他中国社交媒体平台上疯传,吸引了新用户,也为抖音提供了越来越多的内容。到2017年5月时,抖音的日均用户已超过100万。大约在同一时间,张一鸣与Musical.ly的创始人进行了接触,提出了收购建议。据一名参与了交易的投资者说,张一鸣认为两家公司是完美匹配,因为双方都有对方需要的东西。字节跳动提供了算法能力和商业头脑;Musical.ly为占据世界上最有价值的客户——数百万美国青少年的手机提供了一个途径。 According to reporting by Benita Zhang, a prominent Chinese business journalist, Musical.ly put two key conditions on a deal with ByteDance. First, the name of the app had to be changed, to break free from the association with lip-syncing preteens. Second, ByteDance would spend at least $1 billion on marketing. Zhang agreed, and acquired Musical.ly in November 2017 for roughly $1 billion. By that point, ByteDance had already created an international version of Douyin, but had not yet determined how to combine the new acquisition with the existing product. 据中国著名商业记者贝妮塔·张的报道,Musical.ly在与字节跳动的交易中提出了两个关键条件。首先,必须改变应用程序的名称,以摆脱与青春期前孩童对口型的联系。第二,字节跳动将至少花10亿美元用于营销。张一鸣同意了,他于2017年11月以大约10亿美元的价格收购了Musical.ly。当时,字节跳动已经造出了一个国际版的抖音,但尚未确定如何将新收购来的应用与现有产品结合起来。 The company had struggled, too, when figuring out what to name the new app. A team at ByteDance had drawn up a list of English words and whittled down the choices. One possibility was “TikTok.” It sounded cool, but the team reportedly worried that, to Western ears, it would call to mind the 2009 Kesha song. Ultimately the imperatives of ByteDance’s global ambitions overrode any concerns. “TikTok” was a name ripe for virality: It could be pronounced in much the same way across the globe, no matter the language, from Japan to India to Argentina. With a name like that, an app could take over the world. 公司在为新应用程序起名时也遇到了困难。字节跳动的一个团队挑选了一批英文单词,然后将选择进一步缩小。一个可能的名称是“TikTok”。虽然这个词听起来很酷,但据称该团队曾担心,这个名字西方人听到后,会让他们想起Kesha在2009年的那首歌曲。最终,字节跳动的全球野心压倒了所有的担忧。“TikTok”这个名字很适合广为传播:从日本到印度再到阿根廷,不管用户使用什么母语,它在全球范围内的发音几乎一样。有了这样一个名字,这款应用就能控制世界了。 ByteDance’s Beijing offices were located in Haidian, the heart of China’s tech industry, and they were laid out much like any millennial-dominated internet firm. Desks were arranged in long rows, internet-cafe style, with a conference room set in the middle of the floor plan and retro-themed phone booths sprinkled throughout. Every corner had a break room stocked with drinks and snacks. Even the very top executives, like Zhang Yiming, worked out of shared offices. 字节跳动的北京办公楼位于中国科技产业的中心海淀区,办公楼里的布局与任何千禧一代主导的互联网公司非常相似。像网吧里那样的一排排办公桌,每层楼中间有会议室,还零星地点缀着几个复古主题的电话亭。每层的四角都是休息室,里面摆满了饮料和小吃。就连张一鸣这样的高层管理人员也在多人共用的办公室里工作。 PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY PABLO DELCANThe fidelity to American business culture ran deep. Zhang was known to quote Jack Welch and Steve Jobs frequently, particularly Jobs’s famous injunction to “stay hungry, stay foolish.” When Zhang organized a book exchange within the company, the title he chose was “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” The first tenet of ByteDance company culture, reinforced through banners and posters throughout the office (including, on occasion, in the bathrooms), is “Always Day 1,” a maxim taken directly from Amazon. 对美国商业文化的忠诚深入内心。据说,张一鸣经常引用杰克·韦尔奇和史蒂夫·乔布斯的话,尤其是乔布斯的名言“保持饥饿,保持愚蠢”(stay hungry, stay foolish)。在公司内部组织的一次图书交流上,张一鸣选择的书名是《高效能人士的七个习惯》。字节跳动公司文化的第一条宗旨是“总是第一天(Always Day 1)”,这是直接取自亚马逊的格言,并通过张贴在办公楼各处(有时包括厕所)的横幅和海报进行强化。 Zhang wore a T-shirt and jeans most days, and insisted that everyone call him by his given name, Yiming — a rarity in the formal and status-obsessed world of Chinese corporations, especially for a high-profile founder. “I hate formality, I hate hypocrisy,” Zhang told an interviewer. He was a frequent Douyin user himself, often creating videos and experimenting with new stickers. At mealtimes, Zhang waited in the same line as the rest of the staff. The idea that executives would have individual elevators, not uncommon at large companies, was “very cheesy,” he once wrote in a note to employees. 张一鸣大部分时间穿的都是T恤和牛仔裤,并坚持让所有人用“一鸣”称呼他,这在做法正规、迷恋地位的中国企业界中是很罕见的,尤其是对于一位知名度很高的创始人来说。“我讨厌形式,我讨厌虚伪,”张一鸣告诉一位采访者。他本人也是抖音的常客,经常制作视频和尝试新的贴纸。吃饭的时候,张一鸣和公司其他工作人员一起排队。为公司高管设置专用电梯的想法在中国的大公司并不少见,张一鸣曾在写给员工的信中称这种想法“非常可笑”。 But according to interviews with current and former ByteDance employees, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of concern for professional consequences, the company was caught between the cultures it was trying to bridge. Employees say they were expected to work “996,” meaning 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week — 72 hours — a standard schedule for Chinese tech companies. During this early period of expansion, calls with overseas offices often ran as late as midnight, and important meetings took place on Sundays. ByteStyle, the company’s code of values, preaches a culture that could have been lifted wholesale from Google or Amazon: diverse, inclusive, radically honest and transparent. But discussing salaries was “a line drawn in blood,” one former employee said, and speaking with the press was absolutely forbidden. The structure was flat, especially by Chinese standards — ByteDance abolished titles for senior positions, and let all employees access other employees’ metrics, including Zhang’s. But it was still clear in which direction orders flowed, and managers were rarely questioned. 但对字节跳动现任和前任员工的采访表明,公司夹在中美文化之间。出于对职业后果的担忧,这些人要求不具名。员工说,公司希望他们“996”工作,即每周工作六天,从早上9点到晚上9点,相当于每周工作72个小时,这是中国科技公司的标准时间表。在扩大业务的早期,与海外办公室通的电话经常打到午夜,重要的会议在星期天举行。被称为“字节范儿”的公司价值观宣扬的文化与从谷歌或亚马逊那里全盘端来的差不多:多元化、包容性、极端诚实和透明。但讨论薪水是“一条用血画的线”,一名前雇员说,而且绝对禁止与媒体交谈。公司的结构是平的,尤其是从中国标准来看,字节跳动取消了高级职称,所有员工都能看到其他员工的衡量指标,包括张一鸣的。但命令从何而来仍然很明确,很少有员工质疑管理人员。 “ByteDance is run like a machine,” a former employee said. In China, the company is nicknamed the Super App Factory, in recognition of its streamlined system for pumping out new products. (By one count, ByteDance had more than 140 apps under its umbrella between 2018 and 2020.) The high level of organization and systematization is one of the company’s strengths, because it allows for rapid progress and growth. But it can also be cold and dehumanizing. “Your goals are publicized, and they instill the mantra that your peers are your competitors, not your friends,” the employee said. “It’s like a boiler room, a Wall Street boiler room.” “字节跳动的运作就像一台机器,”一名前员工说。在中国,该公司被称为“超级应用工厂”,以称赞其推出新产品的精简系统。(据统计,在2018年至2020年期间,字节跳动旗下有140多个应用程序。)高度的组织和系统化是公司的优势之一,因为它允许快速进步和增长。但它也可能是冷酷和非人性化的。“你的目标是公开的,他们灌输的口号是:同事是竞争对手,不是朋友,”这名员工说。“就像一个锅炉房,华尔街的锅炉房。” When the company’s international expansion began, all staff members were told to learn English. Zhang was learning, too, and he sometimes mentioned books he had heard on “Speak English,” a popular E.S.L. app, like the Eckhart Tolle book “The Power of Now.” In 2020, ByteDance hired 40,000 new employees — an average of 150 every working day — many of them outside China, and most under pandemic conditions. Some Chinese employees bristled at the consequences of the expansion abroad. “A lot of Chinese employees may have been working for ByteDance for years, and they didn’t want to start studying English or talking to foreigners or switching the company values,” another former employee told me. “For a lot of people in the Beijing office, they felt they were losing their company to Yiming’s conquest of foreign markets.” Some Chinese employees were reportedly upset at the way that foreign hires described themselves as only working for TikTok in their LinkedIn profiles, with no mention of ByteDance. 当公司开始国际扩张时,所有员工都被告知要学习英语。张一鸣也在学习,他有时会提到自己在热门的语言课程应用“说英语”(Speak English)上听过的书,比如埃克哈特·托尔的《当下的力量》(The Power of Now)。2020年,字节跳动雇佣了4万名新员工——平均每个工作日150人——其中许多人在中国境外,而且大多数是在大流行的情况下雇佣的。一些中国员工对海外扩张的后果感到愤怒。“很多中国员工可能已经在字节跳动工作多年,他们不想开始学英语,不想和外国人交谈,也不想改变公司的价值观,”另一名前员工告诉我。“对于北京办公室的很多人来说,他们觉得自己的公司正在被张一鸣的海外扩张所吞噬。”据报道,一些中国员工对外国雇员在LinkedIn的个人资料中称自己只为TikTok工作,绝口不提字节跳动的做法感到不满。 The integration was complicated for the foreign employees too — particularly those who came to ByteDance from senior roles at big American tech companies. Having been promised autonomy and independence, they found it could be difficult to accept that ultimate authority rested in Beijing. “America has been so used for so long to being the standard setter and arbiter of business practice, to be the home market and the HQ, that it’s not in the American psyche to be one of the regions,” the second former employee said. “The Americans aren’t used to not having their way.” 对于外国员工来说,融入也是很复杂的——尤其是那些从美国大型科技公司的高级职位来到字节跳动的人。在得到独立运作的承诺后,他们可能很难接受最终权力掌握在北京手中。“长期以来,美国一直习惯于充当商业惯例的标准制定者和仲裁者,是本地市场和总部,因此对美国人来说,成为地区分市场之一,在心理上很不适应,”第二位前雇员说。“美国人不习惯不能随心所欲。” For the foreign employees at the Beijing headquarters, the role of cultural translator was an unavoidable part of the job. When ByteDance tried to internationalize one of its short video products, the first former employee recalled, he was called in to consult. In China, the product was known as Xigua Shipin (“Watermelon Video”), and the internationalization team announced that they had chosen an overseas name: “Ripe Melons.” He told them that they couldn’t call it that. “They said, ‘Why?’” the former employee said. “I said, ‘Just trust me, you can’t.’ They thought it was a great name. I said, ‘Melons are a slang word for women’s breasts.’ They’re like, ‘No, it’s melons that are fresh.’” The product was eventually named BuzzVideo. 对于北京总部的外籍员工来说,充当文化翻译是工作中不可避免的一部分。前一位前员工回忆说,当字节跳动试图将一款短视频产品国际化时,他被叫去做咨询。在中国,这款产品被称为“西瓜视频”,国际化团队宣布他们选择了一个海外名字:“Ripe Melons(熟瓜)”。他告诉他们,不能这么叫。“他们说,‘为什么?’”这位前雇员说。“我说,‘相信我,不能这么叫。’他们觉得这是个好名字。我说,‘瓜是一个俚语,指的是女性乳房。’他们说,‘不,就是新鲜的瓜。’”这款产品最终被命名为BuzzVideo。 Gliding across cultures as a kind of internet-era anthropologist was part of what made working at TikTok interesting and novel. When the app was first introduced, every country and every market had a slightly different proclivity. Thai users liked videos of people dancing at school; Japanese users preferred funny videos about otaku, young people obsessed with anime, manga and video games; Vietnamese users especially enjoyed deft camera work. The United States proved harder to crack, until TikTok’s product managers let the users drive the creation of a new category — Americans, it turned out, had an unusual attachment to memes. 作为互联网时代的人类学家,在不同文化之间穿梭,是在TikTok工作新颖有趣的部分原因。当这款应用刚推出时,每个国家和每个市场都有略微不同的倾向。泰国用户喜欢人们在学校跳舞的视频;日本用户更喜欢关于御宅族(沉迷于动漫和电子游戏的年轻人)的搞笑视频;越南用户尤其喜欢灵巧的运镜。事实证明,美国市场更难攻破,直到TikTok的产品经理让用户推动一个新类别的创建——事实证明,美国人对米姆有一种不同寻常的痴迷。 But often, ByteDance’s rapid foreign growth resulted in a strange mash-up. “TikTok’s culture is incredibly Chinese in a way contrary to the advertising materials, in a way that’s jarring to foreigners,” the second former employee said. “But on the flip side, it’s a much more foreign tech company than most Chinese people have worked in before.” In Beijing and foreign offices alike, turnover was often high, as employees burned out on the long hours, the coordination across time zones and the juggling of cultures. But success eventually brought its own kind of stability. “It’s become a mainstream tech firm — we’re getting people from Google, Facebook, Snapchat, consulting, blue-chip firms,” a current American employee said. “It no longer feels in any way like a pariah Chinese company.” 但字节跳动在海外市场的快速增长往往导致了一种奇怪的混搭。“TikTok的文化非常中国化,在某种程度上与它的广告宣传相反,在某种程度上对外国人来说显得不和谐,”后一位前员工说。“但另一方面,这是一家比大多数中国人以前工作过的公司更外国的科技公司。”无论是在北京还是外国办公室,员工流动率往往很高,因为长时间的工作、跨时区的协调以及不同文化之间的复杂切换让员工筋疲力尽。但成功最终带来了稳定。“它已经成为一家主流科技公司——我们从谷歌、Facebook、Snapchat、咨询公司和蓝筹公司招人,”一名现任美国员工说。“它再也不像一家不受欢迎的中国公司了。” While ByteDance was pushing abroad, China was changing. When Zhang first started the company, in 2012, Xi Jinping had not yet taken power, and it was still possible to envision the country moving on a path, however gradual and uneven, toward greater reform and openness. But under Xi, that hope has been smothered. Since taking office, he has embarked on a far-reaching reassertion of state power. Among Xi’s priorities has been a widespread crackdown on big tech, one part of a broader effort to rein in private companies. While most big American tech firms had long been barred from operating inside China, the country’s domestic giants had been tolerated, even nurtured. But fearing that tech firms’ wealth and influence could pose a threat to party power and economic stability, the Chinese government has punished, fined and regulated the sector into line with party objectives. One by one, China’s most prominent firms and their founders came under the hammer. 当字节跳动开始进军海外,中国也在改变。2012年张一鸣创办这家公司时,习近平还没有上台,无论过程多么缓慢崎岖,中国朝着更大程度的改革开放迈进仍是一种可能。但在习近平领导下,这种希望破灭了。自上任以来,他对于国家权力的强调带来了深远影响。大举打击大型科技企业正是习近平的优先事项之一,这是控制私营企业的更广泛努力的一部分。虽然长期以来大多美国大型科技企业在中国的业务都被禁止,但中国国内的科技巨头却得到了容忍,甚至还有滋养。但由于担心科技企业的财富和影响力可能对党的权威和经济的稳定构成威胁,中国政府凭借惩处、罚款和监管,让该行业的方向与党的目标相一致。中国最知名企业及其创始人一个接一个受到了制裁。 PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY PABLO DELCANWhen Ant Group, the financial services arm of Alibaba, was nearing an I.P.O. that was anticipated to be the world’s largest, the government ordered it suspended, and soon after announced a probe into Alibaba’s supposed monopolistic practices. The company’s charismatic founder, Jack Ma, briefly disappeared. In April 2021, Chinese regulators called in the leaders of nearly three dozen of the country’s largest tech companies, ordering them to “learn from Alibaba” and conduct a “comprehensive self-inspection” within a month. In July, Didi, the Chinese version of Uber, was ordered to halt new user registrations just two days after the firm’s American I.P.O.; the company announced that it would delist a few months later. New rules unveiled soon after required internet companies with more than one million users to seek government clearance before listing on overseas stock exchanges. Once seen as the embodiment of China’s economic dynamism and the carrier of Chinese soft power abroad, the country’s tech sector was reminded that it exists at Beijing’s mercy. 当阿里巴巴金融服务部门蚂蚁集团准备完成全球规模最大的上市时,政府将其叫停,并在不久后宣布对阿里巴巴所谓的垄断行为进行调查。该公司个性鲜明的创始人马云一度失踪。2021年4月,中国监管部门召集了近30家国内最大科技企业的负责人,责令他们“吸取阿里巴巴的教训”,并在一个月内进行“全面自查自检”。7月,中国网约车应用滴滴在美国上市仅两天就被勒令停止新用户注册;该公司也宣布将在几个月后退市。此后不久出台的新规要求,用户超过100万的互联网企业在海外证券交易所上市前必须获得政府许可。曾被视为中国经济活力象征和中国海外软实力载体的中国科技行业得到了警告,那就是它的命运完全由北京掌控。 A raft of legislation has made clear the government’s priorities. The Cybersecurity Law and National Intelligence Law, each of which took effect in 2017, created affirmative legal responsibilities for Chinese companies and citizens to assist the investigative and intelligence-gathering activities of state organs. “Any organization or citizen shall support, assist and cooperate with state intelligence work in accordance with the law,” the National Intelligence Law states, “and maintain the secrecy of all knowledge of state intelligence work.” In 2021, two new laws on data security asserted the extraterritorial reach of the Chinese state over any data on Chinese citizens anywhere in the world. 一系列立法明确了政府的优先事项。2017年生效的《网络安全法》和《国家情报法》规定了中国企业和公民所要承担的法律义务,即协助国家机关的调查和情报收集活动。“任何组织和公民都应当依法支持、协助和配合国家情报工作,”《国家情报法》规定称,“保守所知悉的国家情报工作秘密。”2021年,两项关于数据安全的新法案宣称,中国政府对全球任何地方的所有中国公民数据都拥有治外法权。 Communist Party cells, a fixture of China’s state-owned enterprises, have taken on a larger and more prominent role throughout the economy. Under Chinese law, all organizations with more than three party members are required to form a party cell, which reports directly to the party bureaucracy and often exerts control over business decisions. Companies frequently publicize the activities of their Party cells as a way of currying favor with the state. “At the end of the day, the Chinese state holds all the cards,” Jordan Schneider, a China analyst at the Rhodium Group and host of the “ChinaTalk” podcast, said. “Firms and their leadership have learned that pushing back too much on government demands can have severe consequences.” 作为中国国企必须设立的部门,党支部在经济中发挥了更大、更突出的作用。依照中国法律,所有拥有三名以上党员的机构都要成立党支部,受党组织直接领导,通常也会对商业决策加以管控。企业经常宣传其党支部的活动,以此来讨好政府。“归根结底,牌都在中国政府手里,”荣鼎咨询的中国分析师、《话中国》播客主持人司马乔丹(Jordan Schneider)表示。“企业及其领导层已经认识到,过度抵制政府的要求可能会带来严重后果。” In late 2017, as ByteDance passed $20 billion in valuation, government regulators ordered that updates to several popular verticals on Jinri Toutiao be halted for 24 hours. The app, regulators said, was “spreading pornographic and vulgar information” and “causing a negative impact on public opinion online.” ByteDance later announced that it would hire 2,000 new “content reviewers,” with preference given to party members. The company also shut down the gossipy Society section and created a new vertical called New Era, featuring state media coverage. 2017年底,在字节跳动估值超过200亿美元之时,政府监管部门下令要今日头条多个热门垂直频道暂停更新24小时。监管部门称该应用“传播色情低俗信息”,并“对网上舆论生态造成恶劣影响”。字节跳动后来宣布将招募2000名“内容审核员”,优先考虑党员。该公司也关闭了议论不休的社会频道,并开辟了新的垂直频道“新时代”,主打官媒报道。 A few months later, ByteDance pulled one of its short-video products from app stores after state media accused the platform of glorifying teen pregnancy and hosting advertisements for fake products. Within a week, Jinri Toutiao was temporarily pulled from app stores as well. Regulators then ordered ByteDance to shut down the company’s oldest product, a humor app called Neihan Duanzi (“Subtle Jokes”). The app’s content — a mix of not-so-subtle jokes and sketch videos — had “caused strong dislike among internet users,” the authorities said. 几个月后,在被官媒批评美化未成年怀孕以及投放假冒商品广告后,字节跳动将一款短视频产品从应用商店下架。一周之内,今日头条也在应用商店暂时下架。监管部门随后命令字节跳动关停其最古老的产品,一个名叫“内涵段子”的搞笑应用。该应用的内容包含了相当露骨的玩笑和段子视频,当局称其“引发网民强烈反感”。 At around 4 a.m. Beijing time the morning after the measures were announced, Zhang posted a long apology. He said he had been unable to sleep, filled with remorse and guilt. Neihan Duanzi had failed to live up to “core socialist values,” Zhang continued. “Over the past few years, the regulatory authorities have provided us with much guidance and assistance, but in our hearts we failed to properly understand and recognize it.” For that, he was sorry — and grateful for the government’s leadership. “As a start-up company developing rapidly in the wake of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, we profoundly understand that our rapid development was an opportunity afforded us by this great era,” Zhang wrote. “I am grateful for this era. I am grateful for the historic opportunity of economic reform and opening; and I am grateful for the support the government has given for the development of the technology industry.” 禁令下达次日的北京时间凌晨4点左右,张一鸣发文致歉。他说自己一夜未眠,充满自责和内疚。内涵段子“与社会主义核心价值观不符”,张一鸣接着写道。“过去几年间,主管部门给了我们很多的指导和帮助,但我内心没有真正理解和认识到位。”对此,他非常抱歉,并感谢政府的领导。“我们作为一家十八大后快速发展起来的创业公司,深知公司的快速发展,是伟大时代给的机会,”张一鸣写道。“我感恩这个时代,感恩改革开放历史机遇,感恩国家对于科技产业发展的扶持。” In order to ensure that ByteDance would improve its understanding and implementation of the “four consciousnesses” of Xi Jinping Thought and hew to “public opinion guidance,” the company would “strengthen the work of party construction,” deepen cooperation with party media and “strengthen the editor-in-chief responsibility system” — a role that, only a few years earlier, Zhang said ByteDance did not need, since it would privilege the preferences of one individual over the aggregated wisdom of all the company’s users. 为确保字节跳动能更深刻地理解和践行习近平思想中的“四个意识”,遵守“公序良俗”,该公司将“加强党建工作”,深化与党媒的合作,并“强化总编辑责任制”——就在几年前,张一鸣才宣称字节跳动不需要总编辑岗位,因其存在会将个人喜好置于所有用户的聚合智慧之上。 The contrast with Zhang’s blog post from a decade earlier, when he criticized the expulsion of Google, was stark. It is unlikely that Zhang, who was not a party member, had any great love for the party’s demands. Perhaps he had changed; he now had a multibillion-dollar business to consider, and the livelihoods of tens of thousands of employees. But either way, China certainly had. 这与张一鸣十年前批评谷歌被驱逐的博客文章形成了鲜明对比。这并不是说本身并非党员的张一鸣对党的要求有多大的热情。或许他是变了;现在他要考虑的是价值数十亿美元的企业前途,以及数以万计员工的生计。但无论他改变与否,中国肯定是变了。 Major American platforms at first saw little to worry about in TikTok. No Chinese platform had ever truly captured the American market, and for all that TikTok had gained from the Musical.ly deal in terms of users, it seemed likely to pay for in terms of future growth. Musical.ly had swept up a preteen audience and then stagnated; there was little reason to think TikTok would fare any differently. Besides, TikTok was not really a social network at all. The reason people wanted to be on Facebook, Snap or Instagram was because their friends were on it. “People thought the social network is where the moat comes from; it’s why Facebook is hard to compete with,” an early adviser to ByteDance told me. The major players in American social media were considered so entrenched and immovable that they faced calls to be broken up on antitrust grounds. 美国主流平台起初并没把TikTok放在心上。此前没有任何中国平台能真正占领美国市场,虽然TikTok靠着收购Musical.ly获得了用户,但其未来增长可能会受到打击。Musical.ly曾在青少年受众中极度风靡,随后遭遇瓶颈;几乎没有理由认为TikTok能够另辟蹊径。此外,TikTok根本也算不上真正的社交网络。人们想用Facebook、Snap或Instagram的原因是他们的朋友也在那里。“大家以为社交网络才是护城河;那正是Facebook难有敌手的原因,”字节跳动的一位早期顾问告诉我。美国的主流社交媒体平台看起来是如此稳固不可动摇,以至于它们面临着以反垄断为由被拆分的呼声。 If anything, the flush newcomer from China seemed like good news. In 2018, ByteDance spent almost $1 billion in advertising for TikTok, with a budget that reportedly doubled for three straight quarters. TikTok blanketed Facebook, Instagram, Snap and other American social media platforms with ads. TikTok upped the pace again in 2019, reportedly doling out $3 million a day in U.S. advertising alone, a majority of it on Snap. Executives at Snap, who believed their niche as a messaging service was insulated from any threat by TikTok, welcomed the spending. “We were buying so many ads, the money was eye-popping,” a former ByteDance employee said. The response from Snap, he recalled, was, “What can we do to keep this coming?” 因此,有个来自中国的新兴对手似乎是件好事。2018年,字节跳动为TikTok投入了近10亿美元的广告,据称其广告预算连续三个季度翻番。TikTok广告席卷了Facebook、Instagram、Snap和其他美国社交媒体平台。2019年,TikTok加快步伐,据称在美国的单日投放广告费用就达到300万美元,绝大多数都在Snap。Snap高层对这样的广告投入表示欢迎,他们以为TikTok不会对自己在即时通讯服务细分市场的地位产生任何威胁。“我们买了那么多广告,投入的金钱堪称惊人,”一位前字节跳动员工表示。他回忆称,Snap对此的态度是,“要我们怎样做才能继续保持这种投入?” At the time, TikTok’s 30-day user-retention rate was rumored to be just 10 percent. By the standards of most social media companies, TikTok was flailing — burning money with nothing to show for it. But ByteDance was playing a different game. Before it could take off, TikTok’s recommendation algorithm needed to be trained to know what was cool — this time for an American audience. The data from Musical.ly’s users provided a first tranche, but in order to make TikTok a compelling product, the algorithm needed to feed on as much data as possible. “It was about getting people, people, people,” a former executive at an American social media company told me. “The more people we get, the more it learns and the more people we can get. That’s the flywheel.” 当时有传闻称,TikTok的30天用户留存率只有10%。按照大多数社交媒体企业的标准,这都是徒劳的挣扎——烧了钱却一无所获。但字节跳动在玩一种截然不同的游戏。在取得成功之前,TikTok的推荐算法需要经过训练才能了解什么内容很酷——这一次是针对美国受众。Musical.ly的用户数据是个开始,但要让TikTok成为一款引人注目的产品,算法还需获得尽可能多的数据。“一切都在于吸引用户,用户,用户,”一家美国社交媒体企业的前高管告诉我。“获得的用户越多,它学到的东西就越多,我们就能吸引越来越多的人。这就是飞轮效应。” By mid-2019, the other platforms began to realize that TikTok was not going away. The app had eclipsed 100 million daily average users worldwide, and minted its first bona fide superstar in the artist Lil Nas X, establishing TikTok as a launching pad for musical fame. Then, with the pandemic driving whole countries into lockdown in 2020, TikTok prospered like never before. According to reporting in the Chinese business press, TikTok gained 110 million daily average users between March and April alone. In Iraq, TikTok counted 40 percent of the country’s total mobile-internet population as monthly active users, despite conducting no advertising, promotion or outreach there. The mobile-intelligence firm Apptopia estimated that TikTok was downloaded 89 million times in the United States in 2020, eclipsing even Zoom. In just the first half of the year, according to the research firm Sensor Tower, the app had more than 620 million downloads worldwide. 到2019年年中,其他平台开始意识到TikTok不会消失。这款应用在全球的日均用户数已突破了1亿,还造就了第一个真正的超级巨星——歌手Lil Nas X,使TikTok成为了音乐知名度的孵化器。然后,随着疫情在2020年导致各国进入封锁状态,TikTok以前所未有的速度繁荣起来。据中国的商业媒体报道,仅在3月至4月期间,TikTok的日均用户数就增加了1.1亿。在伊拉克,TikTok的月活跃用户占该国移动互联网总用户的40%,尽管它没有在那里做广告、促销或推广。据移动情报公司Apptopia估计,2020年,TikTok在美国的下载量为8900万次,甚至超过了Zoom。根据研究公司Sensor Tower的数据,仅今年上半年,这款应用在全球的下载量就超过6.2亿次。 For Facebook in particular, the threat was acute. The platform was bleeding young users, and engagement was plunging; its fortunes seemed to be cratering just as TikTok’s surged. ByteDance had also been poaching Facebook executives, including Instagram’s head of public policy for the Asia-Pacific region, and Facebook’s public policy leads for Indonesia and Japan. 对Facebook来说,威胁尤其严重。该平台正在流失年轻用户,用户粘度大幅下降,它的命运似乎随着TikTok的骤升而跌落。字节跳动还一直在挖Facebook的高管,包括Instagram的亚太地区公共政策主管,以及Facebook在印度尼西亚和日本的公共政策负责人。 In a speech at Georgetown University in October 2019, Zuckerberg drew the battle lines. He draped Facebook, which had tried unsuccessfully for years to enter the Chinese market, in the American flag, portraying the contest between the two platforms as one of freedom versus oppression. “China is building its own internet focused on very different values, and is now exporting their vision of the internet to other countries,” he said. He noted the strong encryption protections on WhatsApp, a Facebook product, and its use by protesters around the world. By contrast, he said, TikTok was said to be censoring discussions, even in the United States. “Is that the internet we want?” he asked. 2019年10月,在乔治城大学的一次演讲中,扎克伯格开战了。多年来,Facebook一直试图进入中国市场,但未能成功。他给Facebook披上了美国国旗,将这两个平台之间的竞争描绘成自由与压迫的较量。他说,“中国正在建设自己的互联网,专注于非常不同的价值观,现在正在向其他国家输出他们的互联网愿景。”他指出,Facebook的产品WhatsApp拥有强大的加密保护功能,世界各地的抗议者都在使用它。他说,相比之下,据说TikTok正在讨论审查,甚至在美国也是如此。“这是我们想要的互联网吗?”他问道。 According to reporting by The Wall Street Journal, at a dinner with President Trump during the same Washington visit, Zuckerberg pressed Trump on the threat to American businesses from Chinese internet companies. Stopping Chinese platforms should be a higher priority than concerns over Facebook’s hegemony, he reportedly argued. (A representative for Facebook said that Zuckerberg did not remember discussing TikTok in particular.) Facebook set its substantial lobbying operation to work, meeting with lawmakers and White House staff members to fan the flames against the Chinese app. 根据《华尔街日报》的报道,在同一次华盛顿之行期间,扎克伯格在与特朗普总统的晚宴上,就中国互联网公司对美国企业的威胁向特朗普施压。据报道,他认为阻止中国平台应该比关注Facebook的一家独大更重要。(Facebook的一位代表说,扎克伯格不记得自己具体提到过TikTok。)Facebook启动了大量的游说行动,与立法者和白宫工作人员会面,煽动对这款中国应用程序的不满。 TikTok had opened a Washington office earlier that year, with a single employee. Sitting at the intersection of three of the most contentious issues in American politics — China, big tech and social media — TikTok knew it would face scrutiny. “There was no way this wasn’t going to be a tough slog,” a person familiar with TikTok’s lobbying operations said. “It wouldn’t matter who was here or what they did; just the basics of the company make it very hard.” 当年早些时候,TikTok在华盛顿开设了分公司,只有一名员工。TikTok处于美国政治中最具争议的三个问题——中国、大型科技公司和社交媒体——的交汇点,它知道自己会面临审查。“这绝对是一个艰难的过程,”一名熟悉TikTok游说活动的人士说。“谁在这里或他们做了什么都不重要;仅仅是这家公司的基本情况就让事情变得困难重重。” When the Facebook campaign began, the office was just starting its Washington outreach. According to someone who was present at a September 2019 event at the Langham Hotel in Pasadena, Zhang asked officials from SoftBank, the Japanese conglomerate and one of ByteDance’s biggest investors, for guidance on how to staff up a D.C. operation at a rapid clip. The pace of hiring quickened later in the fall as Zuckerberg pressed the case against Chinese companies. The resulting ByteDance lobbying team was a who’s who of Washington, composed of former congressional aides to leaders in both parties, including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi; Kevin McCarthy, House minority leader; Chuck Schumer, Senate majority leader; and Jim Clyburn, House Democratic whip. From just over $500,000 in 2019, ByteDance’s lobbying budget grew nearly eightfold in 2020, then almost doubled again the next year. “They literally went from one person to, like, 30 in a year and a half,” the person familiar with TikTok’s lobbying operations told me. “It was one of the biggest ramp-ups I’ve ever seen.” Facebook开始行动时,这个华盛顿分公司刚刚开始在当地的推广活动。据出席2019年9月在帕萨迪纳市朗廷酒店活动的人士透露,张一鸣向日本企业集团、字节跳动最大的投资者之一软银的高管请教,如何快速为华盛顿的业务配备人手。秋天晚些时候,随着扎克伯格对中国公司施压,招聘步伐加快了。由此组建的字节跳动游说团队都是华盛顿的名人,由两党领袖的前国会助手组成,包括众议院议长南希·佩洛西、众议院少数党领袖凯文·麦卡锡、参议院多数党领袖查克·舒默,以及众议院民主党督导吉姆·克莱伯恩等人的前助手。字节跳动的游说预算从2019年的50万美元多一点,到2020年增长了近八倍,第二年又几乎翻了一番。“他们真的在一年半的时间里从一个人变成了30个人,”熟悉TikTok游说活动的人告诉我。“这是我见过的最大规模的扩充之一。” In mid-July 2020, President Trump, Vice President Pence and members of the cabinet gathered in the Cabinet Room of the White House for a meeting. Among the agenda items was TikTok. After a briefing by the deputy national security adviser, Matt Pottinger, there was a short discussion. “It was clear that there was more or less unanimity that TikTok is a national security threat,” a person present said. “The discussion was how to deal with it.” 2020年7月中旬,特朗普总统、彭斯副总统和内阁成员在白宫内阁厅开会。会议议程之一是TikTok。副国家安全顾问马特·波廷格介绍情况后,众人进行了简短的讨论。“很明显,大家或多或少一致认为,TikTok是国家安全威胁,”一名在场人士说。“讨论的是如何应对。” Administration officials had first begun outreach to Capitol Hill about TikTok in early 2019. At the time, the administration was preparing a series of actions against Huawei, the Chinese telecommunications firm, and TikTok seemed to evoke some of the same concerns about data privacy and Chinese government influence. But while TikTok was growing in popularity, it was still confined to a small enough audience to keep it from being a government priority. “There was hope that it would be a fad, like Myspace,” said a Trump White House official, who requested anonymity to discuss internal governmental deliberations. “That it would just fade out.” 政府官员于2019年初首次就TikTok问题与国会山联系。当时,美国政府正准备针对中国电信公司华为采取一系列行动,TikTok似乎也引发了人们对数据隐私和中国政府影响力的一些相同担忧。不过,尽管TikTok越来越受欢迎,但它的受众仍然很小,无法成为政府的优先事项。“人们曾希望它会像Myspace一样,成为一时的时尚,”特朗普政府的一名官员说。由于是在讨论政府内部的议情况,他要求匿名。“然后就会慢慢消失。” By 2020, it was clear that wouldn’t happen. TikTok’s growing dominance provoked two primary concerns: First, that the data gathered on American users could be accessed by Beijing and deployed for the purposes of blackmail, harassment or espionage. Second, that the algorithm itself could be used to advance the Chinese government’s foreign-policy goals, whether by promoting content favorable to Beijing or by suppressing views deemed objectionable. The company had already been accused of censoring content considered politically sensitive in China, as well as removing or burying videos related to Black Lives Matter, protests in Hong Kong and the repression of the Uyghurs in China’s Xinjiang Province. (TikTok has said that these were temporary issues that do not reflect the current workings of the app.) 到2020年已经很明显,期待中的情况不会发生。TikTok日益增长的主导地位引发了两个主要担忧:首先,北京可能会获取收集到的美国用户数据,并将其用于勒索、骚扰或间谍活动。其次,该算法本身可以被用来推进中国政府的外交政策目标,无论是通过推广对北京有利的内容,还是通过压制被视为不受欢迎的观点。该公司已经被指控审查在中国被视为政治敏感的内容,并删除或掩盖与“黑人的命也是命”、香港抗议活动和新疆维吾尔族镇压有关的视频。(TikTok表示,这些都是暂时的问题,并不能反映该应用程序当前的运行情况。) Trump’s cabinet considered three options. The first was to let the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States take the lead. CFIUS — an interagency panel tasked with assessing the national-security implications of investment from overseas — had already opened an investigation into ByteDance’s acquisition of Musical.ly. The committee would make a recommendation to the president, suggesting either a full divestment of Musical.ly — a death sentence for TikTok in its most important market — or mitigation measures that could allay the government’s concerns. The second option, favored by the U.S. Treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, was to allow TikTok to remain a Chinese company but operate in partnership with an American company, which would host its data servers on U.S. soil. 特朗普内阁考虑了三个选择。第一个是让美国外国投资委员会牵头。这是一个负责评估海外投资对国家安全影响的跨部门小组,已经对字节跳动收购Musical.ly展开过调查。该委员会将向总统提出建议,要么完全剥离Musical.ly——这等于是在TikTok最重要的市场宣判了它死刑——要么采取缓解措施,减轻政府的担忧。美国财政部长史蒂文·马努钦支持的第二种选择是允许TikTok继续保持中国公司的身份,但要与一家美国公司合作运营,后者将把数据服务器设在美国本土。 The third option was an outright ban of the app. The government of India had already banned TikTok and dozens of other Chinese apps on national security grounds, following deadly border clashes with China. In the United States, a similar move would require a strong and well-developed legal theory, taking into account First Amendment concerns and the distinction between objectionable publishers, which cannot be banned, and a foreign-owned platform. 第三种选择是直接禁止该应用程序。在与中国发生致命的边境冲突后,印度政府已经以国家安全为由禁止了TikTok和其他几十款中国应用程序。在美国,类似的举措需要强有力的、完善的法律基础,这关系到第一修正案方面的担忧,并且令人反感的出版商与外国拥有的平台也存在差异,前者不能一禁了之。 Presented with three choices, Trump chose the flashiest and most legally dubious: an outright ban. The previous month, TikTok users pranked Trump’s re-election campaign by organizing people around the world to register for a rally in Tulsa with no intention of showing. Brad Parscale, the chairman of Trump’s re-election campaign, tweeted that they had received more than one million ticket requests; about 6,200 people ultimately showed up. The botched rally seemed to have put TikTok on the president’s radar. “That was a pretty major factor in the executive order,” said a former Trump administration official who requested anonymity to speak candidly about the White House’s decision-making. Trump signed an executive order preventing further downloads and updates of TikTok in the United States if the company was not sold to an American buyer within 45 days. Eight days later, CFIUS concluded its investigation, recommending that the president order a divestment. 面对三个选择,特朗普选择了最触目惊心、在法律上问题最大的一个:一禁了之。之前一个月,TikTok用户组织世界各地的人注册参加在塔尔萨举行的特朗普连任竞选集会,但只是恶作剧,并不准备真的露面。特朗普的连任竞选经理布拉德·帕斯卡尔发推表示,他们已经收到了超过100万张门票申请;最终约有6200人参加。这次失败的竞选集会似乎让TikTok进入了总统的“雷达”。“这是导致行政命令出台的一个相当重要的因素,”特朗普政府的一名前官员说。他要求匿名以便坦率地谈论白宫的决策。特朗普签署了一项行政命令,如果45天内TikTok没有出售给美国买家,将禁止这款应用程序在美国的下载和更新。八天后,美国外国投资委员会结束了调查,建议总统下令撤资。 The weeks following Trump’s announced ban were a circus to rival anything the administration had produced to date. Seeing a chance to snatch the world’s most popular app at a fire-sale price, suitors swooped in. Seemingly every major American tech company was rumored to be pursuing a deal, including Microsoft, Apple and Alphabet, the parent company of Google. Eventually, the contours of an agreement were reached. Walmart and Oracle would jointly purchase a stake in a new U.S.-based entity, with ByteDance remaining the majority shareholder. Oracle would oversee the app’s data, ensuring that the personal information of American users was stored only in the United States. At the same time, ByteDance reportedly redoubled efforts already underway to move more of the company leadership to Singapore. 特朗普宣布禁令后的几周引发的混乱不亚于特朗普政府在此前造成的任何一场闹剧。看到有机会以极低的价格抢走世界上最受欢迎的应用程序,追求者蜂拥而至。据传,似乎所有美国大型科技公司都在寻求交易,包括微软、苹果和谷歌的母公司“字母表”。最终达成了一份协议框架。沃尔玛和甲骨文将联合购买一家新的美国实体的股份,字节跳动仍是大股东。甲骨文将监督该应用程序的数据,确保美国用户的个人信息只存储在美国。与此同时,据报道,字节跳动公司也在加倍努力,将更多的公司领导层转移到新加坡。 Zhang reportedly learned of the proposed ban when a friend sent him a link to an interview with Trump. From his base in Beijing, Zhang kept American hours, huddling with advisers and investors about how to respond. He wrote a letter to his employees, reiterating his desire to lead “a trustworthy global company.” In China, Zhang’s letter received hundreds of sharp replies, condemning him as a traitor, a coward and an American stooge, sometimes referencing his youthful blog posts that favorably described American culture and politics. Zhang hardly deserved to be called Chinese at all, some angry online commenters said — really he was a jingmei fenzi, an “American at heart.” 据称张一鸣是在朋友给他发了特朗普采访的链接之后才得知拟议禁令一事。在北京总部里,以美国时间作息的张一鸣与顾问和投资者商议应对办法。他给员工写了一封信,强调了他领导“一家值得信任的全球公司”的意愿。张一鸣的全员信在中国收到了大量尖刻回复,谴责他是叛徒、懦夫和美国的走狗,他年轻时发表的称赞美国文化和政治的博文有时还被引用。一些愤怒的网络评论者称张一鸣不配为中国人,他其实是是个“精美分子”,有一颗“美国心”。 And then, just as capriciously as it had burst forth, the drama subsided. After the 2020 election, the proposed deal was shelved, and the Trump administration seemed to forget about the issue entirely. Though Biden quickly rescinded Trump’s executive order, the CFIUS divestment order remained in place. TikTok was left in limbo: operating normally for all appearances, but with the lingering threat of a ban or other government action constantly overhead. 然后闹剧就平息了,和它的爆发一样难以捉摸。2020年大选后,拟议中的交易被搁置,特朗普政府似乎完全忘记了这个议题。尽管拜登迅速撤销了特朗普的行政命令,但美国外国投资委员会的撤资令依然有效。TikTok被困在了悬而未决之中:业务运营看起来一切正常,但禁令和其他政府行动的威胁始终挥之不去。 The Biden administration came into office promising to repudiate its predecessor in both style and substance. But China policy — and China tech policy in particular — has represented a clear continuity. The Biden administration has come to see tech advancement as a zero-sum game that the United States must not lose. The centerpiece of Biden’s China tech policy thus far has been a set of sweeping restrictions on the sale of the most advanced semiconductor chips and chip-making equipment to China. Semiconductors are the lifeblood of the digital age, powering every industry and field in which the United States and China are competing, from autonomous cars to artificial intelligence, supercomputing and advanced missiles. The new rules were striking for their unprecedented breadth, cutting off not just the chips themselves but also access to any U.S.-made software or components needed to make the chips. 拜登政府上任后承诺要在执政风格和实质上与前任背道而驰。但对华政策——尤其对华科技政策——的延续性非常明显。拜登政府已将技术进步视为美国决不能输的零和博弈。迄今为止,拜登对华科技政策的核心内容就是全面限制向中国出售最先进的半导体芯片和芯片制造设备。半导体是数字时代的命脉,从自动驾驶汽车到人工智能、超级计算和先进导弹,它为美中竞争的每一个行业和领域提供了动力。新规前所未有的覆盖范围引人瞩目,不仅切断了芯片供应,还禁止中国获得制造芯片所需的任何美国制造的软件或部件。 Under the policy, any “U.S. person” — citizens, permanent residents, anyone who lives in the country and U.S. companies — must receive a government license to work with a Chinese company in the field of advanced-semiconductor production. Taken together, the restrictions seem designed to smother China’s tech industry before it can catch up to America’s. Tech decoupling between the United States and China, once seen as extreme option, is now debated only in its details: when, how and where. “This is going to manifest across trade, investments, people and ideas,” said Schneider, the Rhodium Group analyst. “You’ll likely end up seeing decoupling as a slow and steady march on every dimension.” But in the middle of the Biden administration’s China tech policy sits a TikTok-size hole. 在此政策下,任何“美国人”——包括公民、永久居民以及居住在美国的任何人和美国企业——都必须获得政府许可才能在先进半导体制造领域与中国企业合作。总而言之,这些限制措施似乎就是为了在中国科技产业赶超美国之前将其扼杀。美中之间的技术脱钩曾被视为极端选项,但如今,争议仅存在于细节:何时脱钩、如何脱钩、以及在何处脱钩。“这将影响到贸易、投资、人文和思想,”荣鼎咨询分析师司马乔丹说。“最终可能会看到一个在各个层面上缓慢而坚定的脱钩进程。”然而,拜登政府的对华科技政策存在一个可供TikTok利用的漏洞。 If TikTok has escaped the scrutiny faced by other Chinese companies (or even other American social media giants), it is in part because the user base skews so young. According to the Pew Research Center, two-thirds of 13-to-17-year-olds in the United States use TikTok. Few lawmakers or regulators even understand TikTok. The app’s opacity has also offered a shield. Unlike Facebook and Twitter, TikTok does not share data with researchers or allow outsiders to study the platform. (Last month, TikTok said it was preparing a beta version of a platform-research tool.) 如果说TikTok之前躲过了其它中国企业(甚至其他美国社交媒体巨头)所要面对的审查,那么部分原因在于其过于年轻的用户基础。根据皮尤研究中心的数据,美国13至17岁青少年中有三分之二的人使用TikTok。连TikTok是什么都不知道的议员或监管机构不在少数。该应用的不透明也成为了一种保护盾。与Facebook和Twitter不同,TikTok不与研究人员共享数据,也不允许第三方对该平台进行分析。(上个月,TikTok表示正在准备一个平台分析工具的测试版。) The controversies swirling around TikTok have done little to blunt the app’s ascent. In September 2021, the company announced that it had reached one billon active monthly users, meaning that it had been adding new users at an average rate of nearly 550,000 per day for five straight years. Even with the ban in India, TikTok was the most-downloaded and highest-earning nongame app in the world for the first half of this year. Between Douyin and TikTok, more than one billion people around the world use a ByteDance app every day. On Douyin alone, the average cumulative use time each day accounts for something like 90,000 years. 围绕TikTok的争议并没有阻碍这款应用的崛起。2021年9月,该公司宣布月活用户已达10亿,这意味着该公司的新用户连续五年以每天近55万人的平均速度增加。哪怕在印度被禁,TikTok仍是今年上半年全球下载量最高、收入最高的非游戏应用。综合抖音与TikTok数据,全球每天有超过10亿人在使用一款字节跳动的应用。仅在抖音上,每天平均累计使用时间就有差不多9万年。 Facebook, which renamed itself Meta in 2021, is still pressing Washington for help. According to emails viewed by The Washington Post, the company has hired one of the biggest Republican consulting firms in the country to lead a nationwide public relations campaign against TikTok. The firm, Targeted Victory, has placed opinion columns and letters to the editor in regional newspapers, encouraged journalists and politicians to dig into TikTok and helped spread damaging news stories. The overall aim is to “get the message out that while Meta is the current punching bag, TikTok is the real threat, especially as a foreign-owned app that is #1 in sharing data that young teens are using,” a director for the firm wrote in a February email. 2021年更名为Meta的Facebook仍在向华盛顿施压,寻求帮助。根据《华盛顿邮报》审阅的电子邮件,该公司聘请了美国最大的共和党咨询公司之一,领导了一场打击TikTok的全国性公关活动。这家名为“目标胜利”(Targeted Victory)的公司给地方报纸投放专栏文章和读者来信,鼓励记者和政客深挖TikTok内幕,并帮助散播损害性的新闻故事。其终极目标是让“外界知道,虽然眼下Meta成了出气筒,但TikTok才是真正的威胁,尤其是作为一款外国应用,它分享青少年正在使用的数据是最多的,”该公司一名主管在2月的一封电邮中写道。 TikTok has proved a ripe target. Over the summer, BuzzFeed reported on leaked audio from dozens of internal company meetings revealing that, contrary to TikTok’s public assertions, data on American users was still routinely accessed by China-based employees. Soon after, BuzzFeed reported that ByteDance had used TopBuzz, a now-shuttered American news app modeled on Toutiao, to push pro-China content to users, while also censoring stories critical of Beijing. (ByteDance has denied this, calling it “ridiculous.”) More recently, Forbes found that Chinese state media accounts were flourishing on TikTok, often by promoting attacks on specific U.S. politicians and the state of American institutions in general. Forbes also reported that a team at ByteDance headquarters planned to use TikTok to track the location of specific American users — exactly the nightmare scenario that critics had warned about. Taken together, these stories have only amplified concerns that TikTok cannot be trusted with its power over American data and attention spans. TikTok已被证明是个现成的靶子。BuzzFeed今夏对大量公司内部会议的泄露音频进行了报道,揭示了TikTok的行为与其公开声明相反,中国员工仍在频繁访问美国用户的数据。那之后不久,BuzzFeed有报道称字节跳动利用TopBuzz(一款模仿今日头条的美国新闻应用,现已关停)向用户推送亲中国的内容,并对批评北京的报道进行审查。(字节跳动予以否认,并称之为“荒谬”。)《福布斯》近来发现,中国官媒账号在TikTok上人气高涨,其流量通常来自于宣扬对特定美国政客和美国机构的状况的攻击。《福布斯》还报道称,字节跳动总部的一个团队计划使用TikTok追踪特定美国用户的位置——这正是批评者警告过的噩梦场景。总的来说,这些报道只会放大外界担忧,即TikTok对美国用户数据和关注时长的掌控是不可信任的。 The company’s response has done little to allay concerns. Instead of acknowledging the unique hazards of their situation, company officials have sought to distance TikTok as much as possible from its Chinese origins and ownership. TikTok has claimed, for instance, that it is not a Chinese company because the legal entity that owns TikTok and all of the businesses in China is actually registered in the Cayman Islands. TikTok and ByteDance executives have also repeatedly said, including in sworn testimony to Congress, that TikTok has never provided user data to the Chinese government, nor would it if asked — an assertion that the company would knowingly violate Chinese law. “If you look at the people who draw the analogies between Google and Facebook and TikTok, they’re either unsophisticated or they have an ax to grind in favor of TikTok,” said Dan Harris, a lawyer who works with foreign companies in China and writes the China Law Blog. “Most serious people see a difference. It doesn’t mean they’re all great or all bad, but there is a difference.” 该公司的回应并没有减轻担忧。高管没有承认该公司自身情况所带来的独特风险,反而在尽力让TikTok与其中国血统和所有权保持距离。例如,TikTok声称自己并非中国公司,因为拥有TikTok的法人实体以及所有中国业务实际上都在开曼群岛注册。包括在向国会宣誓作证时,TikTok和字节跳动高管都一再申明,TikTok从未向中国政府提供用户数据,即便被要求也不会提供——这一说法意味着该公司可能故意违反中国法律。“那些把Google、Facebook和TikTok相提并论的人,要么论点经不起推敲,要么就是暗藏支持TikTok的企图,”丹·哈里斯说,他是为在华外企工作的律师,同时也是中国法律博客的作者。“严肃看待此事的人都能找到不同之处。这并不意味着这些应用都很棒或都很烂,但它们是有区别的。” TikTok is reported to be making progress on a deal with the Biden administration that would allow the app to retain its Chinese ownership, but keep its American user data on servers in the United States. That arrangement seems unlikely to satisfy anyone, but all the available solutions are imperfect. An outright ban, especially one targeting Chinese companies writ large, risks looking like Sinophobia, and also — somewhat counterintuitively — like acquiescence to the Chinese Communist Party’s view that every citizen and entity in China is a willing appendage of the party. Yet to turn a blind eye to the potential risks posed by a company like TikTok is to ignore the political, economic and social infrastructure of control that the Chinese government under Xi has spent more than a decade constructing. 据报道,TikTok正在与拜登政府达成一项协议,允许该应用保留其中国所有权,但将其美国用户数据保存在美国的服务器上。这种安排似乎不太可能让任何人满意,但所有可用的解决方案都不完美。彻底的禁令,特别是针对中国公司的禁令,有可能看起来像是恐华症,而且——有点违反直觉——像是在认同中国共产党的观点,即中国的每个公民和实体都是党的自愿附属品。然而,对TikTok这样的公司所带来的潜在风险视而不见,就是忽视了习近平领导下的中国政府花了十多年时间所构建的政治、经济和社会控制的基础设施。 Whatever happens with ByteDance, the lessons for the next Chinese entrepreneur are sobering. “He can do what ByteDance is trying to do: get a Singaporean passport and incorporate there,” said Ivan Kanapathy, a former director for China, Taiwan and Mongolia on the National Security Council staff. “There’s no answer if he’s in China. If he wants to be a global tech company, that’s it. You can’t have both. If you want the China market, go to China. If you want the West, go West. That’s where we’re going. I have no doubt.” 无论字节跳动发生了什么,对下一位中国企业家来说,教训都是深刻的。“他可以做字节跳动试图做的事情:拿到新加坡护照,在那里注册企业,”曾在国家安全委员会担任中国、台湾和蒙古事务主任的伊万·卡纳帕提说。“如果他在中国,那就没有办法了。如果他想成为一家全球科技公司,那就是这样。你不能两者兼得。如果你想要中国市场,那就去中国。如果你想去西方,那就去西方。这就是我们的趋势。我毫不怀疑。” In May 2021, Zhang Yiming announced that he would transition out of his role as C.E.O. of ByteDance over the next six months. It was time for him to take on a new role, Zhang said in a letter to employees, both to avoid the trap of becoming too central to the organization, and to help spur the type of longer-term thinking that would lead to ByteDance’s next breakthrough. “The truth is, I lack some of the skills that make an ideal manager,” he wrote. He preferred to spend time alone, reading, being online and daydreaming about the future. 2021年5月,张一鸣宣布,他将在未来六个月内辞去字节跳动首席执行官的职务。张一鸣在给员工的一封信中说,是时候让他承担新角色了,这既是为了避免成为组织的中心,也是为了帮助激发字节跳动的长期思考,从而实现下一个突破。“事实是,我缺乏成为理想管理者的一些技能,”他写道。他更喜欢独处,读书,上网,幻想未来。 A few months later, news broke that the Chinese government had taken an ownership stake in a ByteDance subsidiary. The subsidiary held operating licenses for some of the company’s most important Chinese businesses. Though the size of the stake was small — just 1 percent, divided between the China Internet Investment Fund; China Media Group, controlled by the Communist Party’s propaganda department; and the Beijing municipal government’s investment arm — the implications were unavoidable. The Chinese government took one of three seats on the subsidiary’s board, wielding a level of influence incommensurate with its nominal stake. 几个月后,有消息称中国政府收购了字节跳动一家子公司的所有权。该子公司持有该公司一些最重要的中国业务的经营许可证。虽然股份的规模很小——只有1%,由中国互联网投资基金、共产党宣传部控制的中央广播电视总台、以及北京市政府的投资部门分担——其影响是不可避免的。中国政府占据该子公司董事会三个席位中的一个,其影响力与其名义上的股份不相称。 Zhang is reported to have spent most of his year in Singapore, ostensibly to escape the onerous restrictions and lockdowns of China’s “zero Covid” policy. But it’s not hard to see the relocation as driven by other factors. “I don’t think Zhang Yiming is all that interested in being a tool of any government,” Schneider said. “I think he wants to build an online empire and make a lot of money. Most entrepreneurs in most corners of the globe don’t have to worry about their success being branded a tool of the state.” 据报道,张一鸣今年大部分时间都在新加坡度过,表面上是为了逃避中国“清零”政策的繁重限制和封锁。但不难看出,此次搬迁是由其他因素推动的。“我不认为张一鸣有兴趣成为任何政府的工具,”司马乔丹说。“我认为他想建立一个网络帝国,赚很多钱。全球大多数地区的大多数企业家,都不必担心自己的成功会被贴上政府工具的标签。” In 2016, just after the release of Douyin, Zhang gave a long and wide-ranging interview to the Chinese magazine Caijing. Though Toutiao was a well-established success, Zhang was not yet a household name in China, and he was almost totally unknown overseas. Over the course of the interview, Zhang talked about human nature, corruption, integrity, books that had influenced him, the importance of delayed gratification and much else. It was his dream, Zhang said, to “learn English well,” though running a company left little time for anything besides work. 2016年,抖音发布后不久,张一鸣接受了中国《财经》杂志的长篇采访,内容很广泛。尽管今日头条已经取得了巨大的成功,但张一鸣在中国还不是一个家喻户晓的名字,在海外也几乎无人知晓。在采访过程中,张一鸣谈到了人性、堕落、正直、影响他的书籍、延迟满足感的重要性等等。张说,“学好英语”是他的梦想,尽管经营公司令他在工作之外几乎没有时间做其他事情。 Toward the end, the interviewer asked Zhang about his reputation for being extremely realistic, “like a robot.” Zhang replied that failing to face reality always created problems for people. “The best way to predict the future is to create it,” he said, “but only if you face it.” 采访快结束的时候,采访者问张一鸣,他有非常现实主义的名声,“像机器人。”张一鸣回答说,不能面对现实总是会惹来麻烦。“预测未来的最好方式是创造它,”他说,“但前提是面对现实。” Alex W. Palmer是时报杂志的特约撰稿人。他于2019年撰写的关于美国缉毒局对北达科他州一名青少年因芬太尼过量死亡的调查的封面故事曾入围国家杂志奖。Pablo Delcan是来自西班牙的设计师和艺术总监。他于2014年在纽约创立了设计工作室Delcan & Co.。 翻译:纽约时报中文网 点击查看本文英文版。 相关报道TikTok CEO被指决策权有限2022年9月20日 TikTok难题:拜登政府将如何权衡?2022年8月15日 研究称TikTok浏览器可追踪用户键盘操作2022年8月22日 TikTok是如何让你上瘾的2021年12月10日 张一鸣宣布辞任字节跳动CEO2021年5月20日 最受欢迎中国出现儿童肺炎感染潮,WHO要求提供更多信息 WHO称中国已提供儿童肺炎数据,未检测到新病原体 驾摩托艇逃往韩国的中国异见人士在韩被判缓刑 瑞士人真的不爱买房爱租房? 人工智能现已属于资本主义 关于以色列与哈马斯的临时停火协议,你应该知道的 人工智能将把我们带往天堂还是地狱 旧金山之行让外界窥见习近平更为真实的一面 为何中国和波音仍需要彼此 币安CEO赵长鹏对洗钱指控认罪,公司被罚43亿美元 国际 中国 商业与经济 镜头 科技 科学 健康 教育 文化 风尚 旅游 房地产 观点与评论 免费下载 纽约时报中文网 iOS 和 Android App 点击下载iOS App点击下载Android App © 2023 The New York Times Company.