
欧洲干旱致多瑙河水位下降,“二战”船舰残骸重见天日Europe’s Rivers, Starved by Drought, Reveal Shipwrecks, Relics and BombsCHRISTOPHER F. SCHUETZE2022年8月26日 在塞尔维亚普拉霍沃,多瑙河上露出了“二战”德国军舰的残骸。 FEDJA GRULOVIC/REUTERSBERLIN — From the depths of the mighty Danube River, the hulking wrecks of more than a dozen German World War II ships have risen once again, exposed by a drought that has starved Europe’s rivers and led to some of the lowest water levels of the past century. 柏林——因为干旱导致欧洲河流干涸,水位降到了过去一个世纪的最低水平,埋葬在多瑙河浩瀚深处的十几艘德国“二战”船舰的巨型残骸再次露出水面。 The exposed wrecks had been on the river’s bottom for nearly eight decades and emerge only when the water level is extremely low. An extraordinarily hot and dry summer rippling across Europe has dropped water levels precipitously, creating a hazard for local river transport and fishing on the Danube. 这些残骸沉没近80年,只有在水位极低的时候才会现身。异常炎热干燥的夏季影响到整个欧洲,导致多瑙河水位急剧下降,给当地河流运输和渔业带来了危机。 More broadly, the scorching weather has caused alarm across the continent as heat waves have increased at a faster rate, with scientists pointing to global warming and other factors as playing major roles. 在更广泛的层面上,由于热浪侵袭的速度更快,酷暑在整个欧陆引起了恐慌,科学家指出,这主要是由全球变暖和其他因素导致的。 The extreme temperatures have led to lower harvests and strained Europe’s ability to create its own energy supply. They have reduced hydropower in Norway and threatened nuclear reactors in France. Britain banned the use of outdoor hoses after England experienced its driest July since 1935. In Spain, towns in Andalusia have restricted water usage. In Germany, environmentalists are concerned that dried up lakes and rivers in the center of the country threaten the survival of fish and other wildlife. 极端气温导致粮食减产,欧洲自身的能源供应能力也受到限制。挪威水力发电减少,法国核反应堆也受到威胁。在经历了自1935年以来最干燥的7月后,英国禁止在户外使用水管浇水。西班牙安达卢西亚地区的城镇也已经限制用水。在德国,环保人士担心该国中部干涸的湖泊河流会威胁到鱼类和其他野生动物的生存。 这些残骸给当地的河流运输带来了危险。 FEDJA GRULOVIC/REUTERSThe drought has also brought sustained interest in relics dating back thousands of years that sometimes surface as water levels drop in rivers across Europe. 这场干旱也重燃了人们对数千年来历史遗迹的持续兴趣,这些遗迹有时会随着欧洲河流水位的下降而露出水面。 The foundations of a 2,000-year-old bridge in Rome emerged in the Tiber this summer. In Spain, the Dolmen of Guadalperal, a four- to five-millennium-old megalithic monument often compared to Stonehenge, rose from the waters west of Madrid. Earlier, a village in Spain, which had been abandoned and submerged when artificial reservoirs were built in the 1960s, became visible after years under water. 今年夏天,罗马一座有2000年历史的桥梁地基出现在台伯河面。在西班牙,瓜达法尔石阵从马德里以西的水域升起,这是一处有四五千年历史的巨石纪念碑,常被拿来与英国巨石阵相提并论。早前,西班牙的一处水下村庄多年后重现人间,该村庄因上世纪60年代修建人工水库而遭废弃并被淹没。 And in July, fishermen found a 450-kilogram bomb in the Po River in Italy. 在7月,渔民在意大利波河还发现了一枚450公斤重的炸弹。 The German ships exposed in the Danube — Europe’s second-longest river — had been part of Nazi Germany’s Black Sea fleet. They were sunk by the retreating German Navy in 1944 to prevent them from falling into the hands of the advancing Soviet Army. 欧洲第二长河多瑙河上露出的德国船舰曾属于纳粹德国的黑海舰队。它们在1944年被撤退的德国海军击沉,以防落入挺进的苏联军队之手。 The wrecks contain nearly 10,000 pieces of unexploded ordnance according to the Serbian authorities, which put the cost of removing the vessels and munition at nearly $30 million. 据塞尔维亚当局称,这些残骸中还有近一万枚未爆炸的炮弹,因此,移走这些船只和弹药的成本将近3000万美元。 “The German flotilla has left behind a big ecological disaster that threatens us, people of Prahovo,” Velimir Trajilovic, 74, a local retiree who wrote a book about the German ships, told Reuters. “德国舰队留下一场巨大的生态灾难,威胁着我们普拉霍沃的人民,”74岁的当地退休人员维利米尔·特拉伊洛维奇对路透社表示,他曾著有一本关于德国船舰的书。 本月,塞尔维亚巴纳斯托干涸的多瑙河河床。 FEDJA GRULOVIC/REUTERSSo-called hunger stones have also resurfaced as rivers have run low. The stones carry engravings from years past when water levels dropped, and the local populations knew the harvest would be bad and the ensuing year tough. 随着河流水位下降,所谓的饥饿之石也重见天日。这些石头上刻有历史水位下降的水平,提醒当地居民歉收将至,来年艰难。 One widely reported example appeared again in the Elbe River close to the town of Děčín in the Czech Republic (it temporarily emerged in 2018). 一个被广泛报道的例子再次于捷克共和国杰钦镇附近的易北河出现(它曾在2018年短暂出现)。 The inscription, which appears to have been engraved in 1616, reads: “If you see me, weep.” 石头上的铭文似乎刻于1616年,上面写着:“视我者请哭泣。” 这些德国军舰曾属于纳粹德国的黑海舰队。 CSABA KRIZSAN/EPA, VIA SHUTTERSTOCK Christopher F. Schuetze自时报柏林分社报道德国新闻和社会议题,有时也报道艺术新闻。在移居德国之前,他曾住在荷兰,在那里报道从郁金香到海平面上升等各种问题。欢迎在Twitter上关注他:@CFSchuetze。 翻译:Harry Wong 点击查看本文英文版。 相关报道高温干旱对中国经济造成新打击2022年8月23日 台湾干旱加剧,节水生活成新常态2021年5月31日 干旱改变加州的厨房与餐桌2015年7月21日 最受欢迎若台海爆发冲突,中国可能怎样封锁台湾 脸书、Twitter等平台移除促进美国影响力相关帐户 电影院里的“正能量”:《小黄人2》中国上映版本结局被改 冰冷的数字背后,乌克兰战争的惨重代价 “世界上的另一个你”也许真的存在 从中俄两国的贸易顺差看独裁统治的麻烦 身陷“文件门”,不再是总统的特朗普如何自保? 乌克兰战争半年后,各方如何看待这场冲突? 中国外长王毅,习近平全球野心的宣传者 高温干旱对中国经济造成新打击,央行宣布降息 国际 中国 商业与经济 镜头 科技 科学 健康 教育 文化 风尚 旅游 房地产 观点与评论 免费下载 纽约时报中文网 iOS 和 Android App 点击下载iOS App点击下载Android App点击下载Android APK © 2022 The New York Times Company.

