
观点乌克兰外长:现在不是跟普京停火和谈的时候I’m Ukraine’s Foreign Minister. Putin Must Be Stopped.DMYTRO KULEBA2022年8月1日 JOHN THYS/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE, VIA GETTY IMAGESKYIV, Ukraine — Russia, apparently, is ready for a cease-fire. The door to negotiations, the Kremlin’s spokesman said last week, has never been closed. 乌克兰基辅——俄罗斯似乎已做好停火准备。克里姆林宫发言人上周表示,谈判的大门从未关闭过。 No one should be fooled. Whatever its officials may say, Russia remains focused on war and aims to ruin Ukraine and shatter the West. The sight of Odesa, hit by Russian missiles just hours after a deal was reached to allow grain exports from southern ports, should dispel any lingering naïveté. For Vladimir Putin, a cease-fire now would simply allow his depleted invasion forces to take a break before returning for further aggression. 此话怎可当真。无论官员嘴上怎么说,俄罗斯仍然是一心打仗,目的是摧毁乌克兰和打击西方。在达成协议允许南部港口出口粮食数小时后,敖德萨就被俄罗斯导弹击中,这一幕应该会驱散任何尚存的天真。对普京来说,现在停火只是为了让精疲力竭的入侵部队休息一下,然后再继续。 The truth is simple: Mr. Putin will not stop until he is stopped. That’s why calls for a cease-fire, audible across Europe and America, are badly misplaced. This is not the time to accept unfavorable cease-fire proposals or peace deals. The task instead is to defeat Russia and limit its ability to attack anyone again in the foreseeable future. With sustained and timely assistance, Ukraine is ready and able to do so. 事实很简单:普京不会善罢甘休,除非被人阻拦。这就是为什么在欧美各地都能耳闻的停火呼吁大错特错。现在不是接受并不理想的停火提议或者和平协议的时候。相反,我们要做的是击败俄罗斯,并限制它在可以预见的未来再次攻击他人的能力。只要能保证持续和及时的援助,乌克兰已经准备好,并且有能力实现这个目标。 No one wanted this war other than Russia, and no country in the world craves peace more than Ukraine. But a lasting, durable peace — rather than the time bomb of a frozen conflict — is possible only after Russia suffers a major battleground defeat. That’s why Ukraine must win. Only then will Mr. Putin seek peace, not war. 除了俄罗斯,没有人想要这场战争,而且世界上没有哪个国家比乌克兰更渴望和平。但是,只有当俄罗斯在战场上遭受惨败后,才能实现持久的和平——而不能指望虽将冲突冻结却随时可能引爆的定时炸弹。这就是乌克兰必须获胜的原因。唯有如此,普京才会寻求和平,而不是战争。 It’s not as if the Russians are setting out a concrete path to a cease-fire. One day, Russia’s foreign minister claims the country is ready to expand its war aims. Next, he says Moscow is prepared to negotiate with Kyiv “on a wider range of issues.” In late June, Mr. Putin’s spokesman suggested Ukraine should accept Russia’s ultimatums and lay down arms to end the war. Last week, he said Russia is ready to resume talks but that the ball is in Ukraine’s court. It’s hard to know what to think — other than that Russia is not serious about ending the conflict. 俄罗斯人似乎并没有制定具体的停火路径。俄罗斯外长一会儿声称该国准备扩大战争目标,一会儿又说莫斯科准备与基辅就“更广泛的问题”进行谈判。6月底的时候,普京的发言人建议乌克兰应该接受俄罗斯的最后通牒,放下武器、结束战争。上周,他又表示俄罗斯准备恢复谈判,但球在乌克兰这边。不知道他们葫芦里究竟卖的什么药——除了让人觉得俄罗斯对结束冲突并非真心以外。 在基辅市中心,一栋遭到俄罗斯导弹袭击的公寓楼。DAVID GUTTENFELDER FOR THE NEW YORK TIMESUkraine, the United States and our European allies need to speak to Mr. Putin in his language: the language of force. Practically, this means strengthening Ukraine militarily, by speeding up deliveries of advanced artillery pieces and armored vehicles, and economically with additional financial assistance. Sanctions should be increased, too, targeting Russian exports, banning its banks and restricting its access to maritime trade. Some might cavil at the price of such support. But the alternative, of an emboldened Mr. Putin, is much worse. 乌克兰、美国和我们的欧洲盟友需要用普京的语言与他交谈,也就是武力的语言。具体来说,就是通过加快先进火炮和装甲车的交付速度来加强乌克兰的军事实力,并在经济上提供更多的资金援助。此外还要加大制裁力度,瞄准俄罗斯的出口,封锁它的银行,并限制它从事海上贸易。有些人可能会因为这种支持而付出代价。但是,如果普京的胆子变得更大,情况只会更糟。 I am deeply grateful to the United States, and personally to my friend and counterpart Secretary of State Antony Blinken, for all the security and other assistance the country has provided. I am equally grateful to all our partners in Europe and around the world who are standing with Ukraine in this difficult time. 对于美国以及我的朋友和同行——国务卿布林肯,我深表谢意,感谢美国提供的安全及其他方面的种种援助。同样,我也感谢我们在欧洲和世界各地的伙伴,在这样一个困难的时间,他们选择与乌克兰站在一起。 Yet I want to be clear: Military assistance to Ukraine is not charity. It is a necessary investment in Europe’s long-term security. The Ukrainian Army will emerge out of this conflict — Europe’s largest land war since 1945 — as one of the continent’s most capable military forces. After repelling Russia’s invasion, the Ukrainian military will devote itself to safeguarding the security and stability of Europe, protecting democracy from any authoritarian encroachment. 但我想明确一点的是:对乌克兰的军事援助不是做慈善。这是对欧洲的长期安全所做的必要投资。乌克兰军队将从这场冲突(自1945年以来欧洲最大规模的陆战)中脱颖而出,成为欧洲大陆最有实力的军队之一。在击退俄罗斯的入侵后,乌克兰军队将致力于维护欧洲的安全与稳定,保护民主不受任何独裁者的侵犯。 For all the skepticism about sanctions, the fact is that they work. Russia’s persistent attempts to lift them, such as proposals to relinquish its naval blockade of Ukrainian ports in exchange for the removal of sanctions, are the best testimony of their effectiveness. In his efforts to hurt the well-being of Europeans and North Americans, Mr. Putin is weaponizing energy and food, deliberately driving up global prices. Strengthening sanctions, which limit Russia’s ability to continue with the war, is the best way to bring such behavior to an end. 尽管有人对制裁持怀疑态度,但事实上,制裁确实有效。俄罗斯一直在试图解除制裁,例如,该国提议放弃对乌克兰港口的海上封锁以换取解除制裁,就是制裁有效的明证。为了祸及欧洲和北美人民的生活,普京正在将能源和食品作为武器,故意推高全球价格。加强制裁,限制俄罗斯继续作战的能力,是结束这种行为的最佳方式。 With global support, Ukraine has already stabilized the front line and is preparing to regain control over territories currently occupied by Russia, first and foremost in the strategically important south. It’s true that we lost some ground in the Luhansk region, because of Russia’s overwhelming advantage in artillery. But we are now slowly but steadily closing the gap, thanks to heavy weaponry supplied by the United States and others. In recent weeks, Russia has failed to make any significant gains. We are determined to turn the tide in our favor and push Russian forces out of our land. 在世界各国的支持下,乌克兰已经稳住了战争前线,并准备重新控制目前被俄罗斯占领的领土,首先是在具有战略意义的南部。诚然,由于俄罗斯在火炮方面的压倒性优势,我们在卢甘斯克地区的一些地方处于下风。但得益于美国和其他国家提供的重型武器,我们正在缓慢但稳步地取得优势。在过去的几周里,俄罗斯未能取得任何重大进展。我们决心扭转局势,将俄罗斯军队赶出我们的土地。 In that spirit, we in Ukraine call on our partners to increase their support and reject Russia’s fake peace proposals. Nor should they pay any attention to the narrative, amplified by Russian propaganda, of so-called war fatigue. Every war is tiresome, but we need to endure. The price of losing — a crushed Ukraine, a shattered West and a resurgent Russia — is too high to countenance anything else. 基于此,我们乌克兰人呼吁伙伴们提供更多支持,拒绝俄罗斯的虚假和平提议。他们也不应理会被俄罗斯宣传机器放大的所谓“战争疲劳”的说法。每一场战争都令人厌倦,但我们需要忍耐。失败的代价——一个被压垮的乌克兰、一个支离破碎的西方和一个再次抬头的俄罗斯——太高了,我们承受不起。 Dmytro Kuleba(@DmytroKuleba)是乌克兰外交部长。 翻译:杜然 点击查看本文英文版。 相关报道普京改革教育以培养爱国“小战士”2022年7月18日 在乌克兰战场上凝视死亡2022年6月15日 普京的威胁背后:一个更危险的核时代2022年6月2日 俄罗斯威胁之下,北约走向“重生”2022年5月16日 最受欢迎中国成功制造7纳米芯片,这意味着什么 佩洛西访问亚洲多国,避谈是否将前往台湾 佩洛西不该在此时访问台湾 中国市场神话破灭?在华外企谨慎调整增长预期 拜登与习近平通话逾两小时,台湾问题成焦点 危机时期,民主制度与专制制度孰优孰劣? “政治雷区”:为何佩洛西拟议中的访台行程如此敏感 内忧外患之际,习近平会和拜登谈些什么? 一场以习近平为主角的中国领导人接班大戏 中国如何处理外债问题影响深远 国际 中国 商业与经济 镜头 科技 科学 健康 教育 文化 风尚 旅游 房地产 观点与评论 免费下载 纽约时报中文网 iOS 和 Android App 点击下载iOS App点击下载Android App点击下载Android APK © 2022 The New York Times Company.

