
美国能源部称新冠大流行可能源自中国实验室意外泄漏Lab Leak Most Likely Caused Pandemic, Energy Dept. SaysJULIAN E. BARNES2023年2月27日 2021年的武汉病毒研究所。美国能源部得出了“把握不大”的结论,新冠病毒大流行很可能由中国的实验室意外泄漏导致。 THOMAS PETER/REUTERSWASHINGTON — New intelligence has prompted the Energy Department to conclude that an accidental laboratory leak in China most likely caused the coronavirus pandemic, though U.S. spy agencies remain divided over the origins of the virus, American officials said on Sunday. 华盛顿——美国官员周日表示,新的情报促使能源部得出结论,中国实验室的一次意外泄漏最有可能导致了新冠病毒大流行,尽管美国情报机构对病毒的起源仍存在分歧。 The conclusion was a change from the department’s earlier position that it was undecided on how the virus emerged. 这一结论改变了该部门此前不能确定病毒如何出现的立场。 Some officials briefed on the intelligence said that it was relatively weak and that the Energy Department’s conclusion was made with “low confidence,” suggesting its level of certainty was not high. While the department shared the information with other agencies, none of them changed their conclusions, officials said. 一些知情官员表示,情报相对薄弱,能源部以“低置信度”得出结论,这表明其确定性并不高。官员们说,虽然该部门与其他机构分享了这些信息,但其他机构并没有改变自己的结论。 Officials would not disclose what the intelligence was. But many of the Energy Department’s insights come from the network of national laboratories it oversees, rather than more traditional forms of intelligence like spy networks or communications intercepts. 官员们不愿透露情报内容。但能源部的许多情报来自其监管的国家实验室网络,而不是间谍网或通信拦截等更传统的情报形式。 广告 Intelligence officials believe the scrutiny of the pandemic’s beginnings could be important to improving global response to future health crises, though they caution that finding an answer about the source of the virus may be difficult or even impossible given Chinese opposition to further research. Scientists say there is a responsibility to explain how a pandemic that has killed almost seven million people started, and learning more about its origins could help researchers understand what poses the biggest threats of future outbreaks. 情报官员认为,对大流行起源的仔细研究可能对改善全球未来健康危机应对很重要,但他们警告称,鉴于中国反对进一步研究,找到关于病毒来源的答案可能很困难,甚至不可能。科学家们表示,有责任解释这场导致近700万人死亡的大流行病如何开始,更多了解其起源可以帮助研究人员了解未来疫情暴发的最大威胁。 The new intelligence and the shift in the department’s view was first reported by The Wall Street Journal on Sunday. 《华尔街日报》周日首先报道了这一新情报和该部门观点的转变。 Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, declined to confirm the intelligence. But he said President Biden had ordered that the national labs be brought into the effort to determine the origins of the outbreak so that the government was using “every tool” it had. 国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文拒绝证实该情报。但他说,拜登总统下达过命令让国家实验室参与确定疫情源头,以便政府动用其拥有的“一切工具”。 In addition to the Energy Department, the F.B.I. has also concluded, with moderate confidence, that the virus first emerged accidentally from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a Chinese lab that worked on coronaviruses. Four other intelligence agencies and the National Intelligence Council have concluded, with low confidence, that the virus most likely emerged through natural transmission, the director of national intelligence’s office announced in October 2021. 除了能源部,联邦调查局也认为该病毒最初是在一家中国研究冠状病毒的实验室——武汉病毒研究所——意外出现的,该局对其结论有适度的把握。国家情报总监办公室于2021年10月宣布,其他四家情报机构和国家情报委员会以“低置信度”得出的结论是,这种病毒很可能是通过自然传播出现的。 Mr. Sullivan said those divisions remain. 沙利文说,这些分歧依然存在。 “There is a variety of views in the intelligence community,” he said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday. “Some elements of the intelligence community have reached conclusions on one side, some on the other. A number of them have said they just don’t have enough information to be sure.” “情报界有各种各样的观点,”周日,他在CNN的《美国国情》(State of the Union)节目上说。他还说:“情报界的一些人已经得出了一方的结论,另一些人则得出了另一方的结论。他们中的许多人表示,没有足够的信息来确定。” 广告 Mr. Sullivan said if more information was learned, the administration would report it to Congress and the public. “But right now, there is not a definitive answer that has emerged from the intelligence community on this question,” he said. 沙利文表示,如果了解到更多信息,政府将向国会和公众报告。“但目前,情报界还没有就这个问题给出明确的答案,”他说。 Some scientists believe that the current evidence, including virus genes, points to a large food and live animal market in Wuhan as the most likely place the coronavirus emerged. 一些科学家认为,包括病毒基因在内,目前的证据表明,武汉的一个大型生鲜市场是新冠病毒最有可能的发源地。 Leaders of the intelligence community are set to brief Congress on March 8 and 9 as part of annual hearings on global threats. Avril D. Haines, the director of national intelligence, and other senior officials would most likely be asked about the continuing inquiry into the virus’s origins. 情报部门领导人将于3月8日和9日向国会通报情况,这是有关全球威胁的年度听证会的一部分。国家情报总监埃夫里尔·海恩斯和其他高级官员很可能会被问及持续进行中的病毒起源调查。 How the pandemic began has become a divisive line of intelligence reporting, and recent congressional reports have not been bipartisan. 大流行是如何开始的已成为情报报告中的分歧,在最近一些国会报告中,两党也未能取得一致。 Many Democrats have not been persuaded by the lab leak hypothesis, with some saying they believe the natural causes explanation and others saying they are not certain that enough intelligence will emerge to draw a conclusion. 许多民主党人并没有被实验室泄露的假设说服,一些人说他们相信自然原因的解释,另一些人说他们不确定是否会出现足够的情报来得出结论。 But many Republicans on Capitol Hill have said they believe the virus could have come from one of China’s research labs in Wuhan. A congressional subcommittee, created when Republicans took over the House in January, has made examining the lab leak theory a central focus of its work. It is expected to convene the first of a series of hearings in March. 但国会山的许多共和党人表示,他们认为这种病毒可能来自中国在武汉的一个研究实验室。今年1月,共和党人接管众议院时成立了一个国会小组委员会,该委员会已将调查实验室泄密作为其工作的核心重点。预计该委员会将在3月召开一系列听证会中的第一场。 广告 “Evidence has been piling up for over a year in favor of the lab leak hypothesis,” said Representative Mike Gallagher, a Wisconsin Republican who sits on the House Intelligence Committee and leads a new House committee on China. “I am glad some of our agencies are starting to listen to common sense and change their assessment.” “一年多来,支持实验室泄密假说的证据越来越多,”威斯康星州共和党众议员迈克·加拉格尔说。他是众议院情报委员会成员,还领导着一个新的众议院中国问题委员会。“我很高兴我们的一些机构开始接受常理,改变自己的评估。” On Tuesday, Mr. Gallagher will hold the new committee’s first hearing, looking at the threat the Chinese Communist Party poses to the United States. Future hearings, Mr. Gallagher said, will look at biosecurity and China’s efforts to influence international organizations like the World Health Organization. 周二,加拉格尔将举行新委员会的首次听证会,讨论中共对美国构成的威胁。加拉格尔说,未来的听证会将关注生物安全以及中国对世界卫生组织等国际组织施加影响的努力。 “Where our committee can have a role is teasing out what this communicates about the DNA of the Chinese Communist Party, an organization that was willing to cover up the origins of the pandemic and thereby cost us critical days, months and weeks and millions of lives in the process,” Mr. Gallagher said in an interview on Sunday. 加拉格尔周日接受采访时说,“我们的委员会可以发挥作用的是,弄清楚这件事能说明中国共产党的DNA,这个组织会去掩盖大流行的起源,从而让我们在这个过程中损失了关键的几天、几个月、几周,乃至数以百万计人的生命。” Chinese officials have repeatedly called the lab leak hypothesis a lie that has no basis in science and is politically motivated. 中国官员一再称实验室泄密假设是没有科学依据的谎言,是出于政治动机。 Early in the Biden administration, the president ordered the intelligence agencies to investigate the pandemic’s origins, after criticism of a W.H.O. report on the matter. While there was material that had not been thoroughly examined by intelligence officials, the review ultimately did not yield any new consensus inside the agencies. 在拜登政府执政初期,世卫组织的一份有关疫情的报告受到批评后,总统命令情报机构调查疫情起源。虽然一些材料没有经过情报官员的彻底审查,但审查最终没有在各机构内部产生任何新的共识。 The March 2021 report by the W.H.O. said it was “extremely unlikely” that the virus emerged accidentally from a lab. But China appointed half the scientists who wrote the report and exerted major control over it. American officials have been largely dismissive of that work. 世卫组织2021年3月的报告称,病毒从实验室中意外出现的可能性“非常小”。但撰写该报告的科学家有一半由中国任命,并施加了强力的影响。美国官员对这项报告基本上不屑一顾。 广告 The intelligence agencies have said they do not believe there is any evidence that the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 was created deliberately as a biological weapon. But they have said that whether it emerged naturally, perhaps from a market in Wuhan, or escaped accidentally from a lab is the subject of legitimate debate. 情报机构表示,他们不相信有任何证据表明新冠病毒是作为生物武器被故意制造出来的。但他们表示,病毒是自然产生的(可能来自武汉的某个市场),还是从实验室意外流出的,这是一个合理的争议话题。 Anthony Ruggiero, a scholar at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and a former National Security Council staff member focusing on biodefense issues during the Trump administration, said he believed China is still “hiding crucial information” about how the virus emerged. He said the lab leak theory should not be dismissed. 保卫民主基金会学者、特朗普政府时期专注于生物防御问题的前国家安全委员会工作人员安东尼·鲁杰罗表示,他认为中国仍在“隐藏有关病毒如何出现的关键信息”。他说,实验室泄露的理论不应被忽视。 “The lab leak origin for the Covid-19 pandemic is not, and was not, a conspiracy theory,” he said. “新冠大流行的实验室泄漏起源过去不是、现在也不是阴谋论,”他说。 Julian E. Barnes是一名国家安全记者,常驻华盛顿,报道情报机构新闻。2018年加入时报之前,他为《华尔街日报》报道安全相关议题。欢迎在Twitter和Facebook上关注他。 翻译:纽约时报中文网 点击查看本文英文版。 相关报道美情报机构新冠溯源报告未下定论2021年8月30日 科学家警告称新冠溯源调查陷入停滞2021年8月26日 中国力推美军实验室泄漏阴谋论2021年8月25日 部分科学家反驳病毒实验室泄漏说2021年7月12日 武汉病毒所石正丽驳斥实验室泄漏说2021年6月15日 最受欢迎香港名媛碎尸案引发轰动,其前夫等四人被捕 中国发布乌克兰战争立场文件,西方反应冷淡 美国能源部称新冠大流行可能源自中国实验室意外泄漏 白俄罗斯总统即将访华,中国对俄立场或将承受更多压力 “兔死狐悲、唇亡齿寒”:包凡事件打击中国商界信心 中国努力推动国民生育,但是否为时已晚? 对于美国来说,中国到底有多危险? 为何西方未能成功孤立俄罗斯 中国医保改革个人账户“缩水”,多地老年人抗议 关于中国医保运行机制及其变化,你应该知道的 国际 中国 商业与经济 镜头 科技 科学 健康 教育 文化 风尚 旅游 房地产 观点与评论 免费下载 纽约时报中文网 iOS 和 Android App 点击下载iOS App点击下载Android App点击下载Android APK © 2023 The New York Times Company.

