
鸿儒私塾观察 And it highlighted how Ms. Pelosi, the first female speaker of the House of Representatives and a longtime fixture of Democratic politics, has been increasingly demonized by Republicans. For the better part of two decades, she has starred in G.O.P. attack advertisements and fund-raising appeals that portray her as a partisan villain, and more recently has figured prominently in right-wing conspiracy theories about Democratic misdeeds, including QAnon. 这一事件凸显出佩洛西这位众议院首位女议长、民主党政界常青树如何被共和党人日益妖魔化。在过去二十年的相当一部分时间里,她的形象出现在共和党的攻击广告和筹款呼吁中,被描绘成恶贯满盈的党棍,并且最近在包括匿名者Q在内的关于民主党不端行为的极右翼阴谋论中,佩洛西扮演了显著角色。

