
马斯克是如何让Twitter变得面目全非的How Elon Musk Changed the Meaning of Twitter for UsersKATE CONGER2023年10月31日 KELSEY DAKEAfter Nicholas Campiz evacuated from Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, in February 2022, he stayed glued to Twitter. As battles raged across the country, he tracked them on the app, staying up through many nights in a hotel room in Tbilisi, Georgia, to read updates as they rolled in, one tweet at a time. 2022年2月从乌克兰首都基辅撤离后,尼古拉斯·坎皮兹一直死死盯着Twitter。随着战火在这个国家肆虐,他用这个应用了解最新的情况,在格鲁吉亚第比利斯的酒店房间里刷推到深夜,一条条地翻看着实时发出的最新消息。 “As more Ukrainians hopped onto Twitter to tell their story, you had a lot of good accounts from them,” Mr. Campiz said. “越来越多乌克兰人上推分享自己的故事,从他们那里可以了解到不少东西,”坎皮兹说。 When war broke out this month in Israel and Gaza, Mr. Campiz, 40, a cartographer who now lives in Florida, turned to Twitter again. But his timeline on the app, which has been renamed X, was filled with posts from accounts he didn’t recognize and content that had been debunked, he said. 本月以色列和加沙之间的战争爆发时,现年40岁、已经搬到佛罗里达的地图制作师坎皮兹再次诉诸于Twitter。但他说,在这个改名为X的应用上,他的时间线已经满是他不认识的人的帖子,以及已经被证伪的内容。 With the war in Ukraine, “Twitter was invaluable because you were able to get connected to accounts that were providing good information,” he said. “I feel really helpless in this Israel-Gaza thing because on Twitter now, the ability to do that is just gone.” 对于在乌克兰的战争,“Twitter有着无法估量的价值,因为你可以跟提供优质信息的账号建立联系,”他说。“以色列-加沙这个事我就感觉很无助了,因为在现在的Twitter已经没办法做到了。” It has been one year since Elon Musk bought Twitter. Since then, the meaning of the social media service has changed — sometimes drastically — for many of the people who use it. 埃隆·马斯克在一年前买下了Twitter。对许多使用这个社交媒体服务的人来说,它的含义自那以后发生了改变——有些地方是面目全非。 In interviews, Twitter users, content creators and social media experts said that what had once been a trusted news source for them now needed a more skeptical eye. Some said a delightful source of spontaneity, community and humor had turned far more combative. Others said they believed that Mr. Musk had set a heavily censored environment free. Twitter用户、内容创作者和社媒专家在采访中说,这个曾经对他们来说值得信赖的新闻来源,如今在看的时候是需要多加小心的。有人说它原本是个令人愉悦的自发性、社群和幽默的源泉,如今戾气重了许多。但也有人说,马斯克把一个原本受到重度审查的环境变得自由起来。 “I really enjoyed the interaction between certain people,” said Lauren Brody, 54, a human resources manager in the San Francisco Bay Area and a longtime Twitter user. “Some of it would seem so spontaneous and delightful, sometimes a little scary, but you got to see different points of view.” “我很喜欢跟某些人互动,”54岁的旧金山湾区人力资源经理、使用Twitter多年的劳伦·布罗迪说。“有时候是突发奇想而令人开心的,有时候有些吓人,但你能从不同的角度看问题。” Now “I’ve seen a difference,” she added. “I’ve seen images that are not acceptable and a little scary. I try not to go down too many rabbit holes.” 现在“我看到有变化,”她说。“我看到一些不能接受的、有些可怕的画面。我会尽可能不陷进去太深。” What Twitter means to people transformed after Mr. Musk, who also runs Tesla and SpaceX, overhauled the service. He spent $44 billion on the platform with the aim of allowing more free speech on it and turning it into an “everything app” for conversations, payments, deliveries and more. He renamed it X, loosened its content moderation rules, eliminated the jobs of about 80 percent of its 7,500 employees and changed its authentication practices. 在马斯克接管该平台后,Twitter对人们的意义发生了转变,同时还在执掌特斯拉和SpaceX的马斯克对它进行了大改。他用440亿美元买下这个平台,意在让它容纳更多的言论自由,并把它变成包括讨论、支付、递送等等服务的“万有应用”。他把它改名为X,放宽了它的内容约束规则,撤销了这家有7500名员工的公司约80%的工作岗位,并改变了它的用户身份验证操作。 People now visit the site less frequently, according to data gathered by the digital intelligence firm Similarweb. Traffic to X’s website dropped 14 percent over the past year, even as the platform still ranks with Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat as the sites and apps that Americans visit most. 根据数字情报公司Similarweb的数据,现在网站的访问量在下降。X的流量在过去一年里下滑了14%,尽管该平台仍然和Facebook、Instagram、Snapchat一样,是美国人最常访问的网站和应用。 X did not respond to a request for comment. In a company meeting on Thursday to celebrate the deal’s anniversary, Mr. Musk said, “We’re rapidly transforming the company from what it was, sort of Twitter 1.0, to the everything app.” He added that X had about half a billion monthly users, according to audio heard by The New York Times. X没有回应置评请求。在周四的一场庆祝收购一周年的公司会议上,马斯克说,“我们已经迅速把公司从原来的样子,某种Twitter1.0,变成了一个万有应用。”根据《纽约时报》掌握的会议录音,他还说,X的月用户约为5亿。 The shift has been especially felt by users who found communities on Twitter. The platform was known for its subcultures, which based their nicknames on their unifying interests: Black Twitter for pop culture, comedy and activism; Weird Twitter for unhinged joke posts; K-pop Twitter for devotees of the music genre. 对那些在Twitter上找到自己的社群的人来说,这种转变尤为清晰。这是一个以亚文化闻名的平台,大家用共同的兴趣来给自己取昵称:关注大众文化、喜剧和行动主义的黑Twitter;分享癫狂笑话的怪Twitter;还有专门面向热衷于这一音乐类别的人群的K-pop Twitter。 Some communities have now withered. Bryan William Jones, 53, a visual neuroscience professor at the University of Utah, used to chat with other academics and pursue his hobby of photography on Twitter. He found exciting scientific research shared with the hashtag #ICanHazPDF, and used the site to organize get-togethers with other photographers. 有的社区现在已经凋零。53岁的犹他大学视觉神经科学教授布莱恩·威廉·琼斯以前会在推上和别的学者聊天,寻找跟他的摄影爱好有关的内容。他用“#ICanHazPDF”(#我有PDF)这个标签分享振奋人心的科学研究,通过这个网站组织和其他摄影人士的线下见面。 “It’s a small world, and Twitter made it way smaller, in all the best ways,” he said. “这个世界不大,Twitter让它更小了,是最美好的那种变小,”他说。 But many of the people in Dr. Jones’s Twitter communities have left over the past year, complaining about misinformation and spam, he said. He has also scaled back his use of X, he said, after becoming annoyed by ads for items like marijuana gummies and finding that the conversations he used to enjoy had quieted down. 但是琼斯说,他的Twitter圈子里有不少人过去一年离开了,他们不满于这里的不实信息和水军。他说他也减少了对X的使用,这是因为大麻橡皮糖之类的广告让他很烦,而且他曾经享受的那种谈话也变少了。 Some users have tried to preserve stories about their experiences in A People’s History of Twitter, a project led by former Twitter employees and users to memorialize the time they spent there. At an event in March for the project, topics included “why we need a ‘people’s’ history” and “is the Twitter we depended on … gone?” 一些用户视图通过“Twitter人民史”将自己的Twitter亲历故事保留下来,这是一个由前Twitter员工主导的项目,让用户可以保存他们在Twitter的回忆。在该项目三月的一场活动中,涉及的话题包括“我们为什么需要一部‘人民史’”以及“我们依赖的那个Twitter……已经不在了?” For others, Mr. Musk has changed X for the better. Twitter’s former leaders were overly censorious, they said, and Mr. Musk has been refreshingly transparent by revealing internal communications from the company’s prior managers and allowing suspended accounts to return. 但对某些人来说,马斯克的X是一次改良。他们说Twitter以前的领导层对言论进行了过度约束,马斯克透明的行事方式令人耳目一新,他公开了公司前任经理们的内部通讯,并允许被封号的用户回归。 “I can’t say I agree with the people who were censored before, but I’m incredibly offended that it was allowed to happen,” said Peter Wayner, a technology writer in Baltimore. “I can think for myself. I don’t need a Trust and Safety Council to do it for me.” “以前被封的一些人,我倒不见得认同他们,但这种事让我受到极大的冒犯,”巴尔的摩的科技文章作者彼得·魏纳说。“我自己会思考。我不需要一个信任和安全委员会来帮我思考。” The biggest shift has been the loss of serendipitous moments — including romantic connections and exhilarating discoveries — that Twitter once generated, some users said. 有些用户说,最大的改变在于那些意外的瞬间不见了——包括浪漫的相遇和令人大喜过望的发现——Twitter曾经可以产生这些。 Asawin Suebsaeng, 35, a political reporter for Rolling Stone, met his wife on Twitter nearly a decade ago. “It really gave you an advanced window into what kind of person you were dealing with — what her interests were, her sense of humor, her priorities, what makes her righteously angry,” he said. 35岁的《滚石》杂志政治记者阿萨旺·苏布撒昂是近十年前在Twitter上结识他的妻子的。“它真的能给你一个‘预览’的机会,看看你在跟什么样的人打交道——她对什么感兴趣,她的幽默感,她看重什么,什么会让她感到义愤填膺,”他说。 Ted Han, a software developer in the San Francisco Bay Area, stopped for an early-morning coffee in Grand Junction, Colo., during a cross-country drive with his wife in 2015. He posted a photo on Twitter of a sculpture he saw in town, and a user he didn’t know responded, saying they recognized the location. 2015年,旧金山湾区软件开发者泰德·韩(音)和妻子在一次穿州过省的自驾游期间来到科罗拉多州大章克申,停下来喝了杯清晨咖啡。他在镇上看到一座雕塑,拍下来发到了推上,一个他不认识的用户回复了,说他们认得那个地方。 Mr. Han, now 41, said he had messaged back and forth with the stranger, who suggested that he take a particular exit off the highway once he reached Moab, Utah. Mr. Han and his wife ended up taking that route — and were stunned by the views of the Colorado River slicing through vivid orange canyon walls. 现年41岁的泰德·韩说他跟这个陌生人聊了起来,后者建议他到了犹他州摩押后在高速路某个出口下来。结果夫妇二人走了那条路线——看到了科罗拉多河从鲜橙色峡谷间湍流而过的壮观景象。 “That was one of those moments for me that was like, ‘Oh, this is exactly what Twitter is for,’” Mr. Han recalled. “就是这种瞬间让我觉得,‘啊这就是Twitter的意义,’”泰德·韩回忆道。 Now, he said, he is wary about posting information about his whereabouts on X because of how heated the conversations on the platform have become. 如今,他说他不太愿意在X上分享他在干什么,因为这个平台上的讨论变得太过剑拔弩张。 “I’m less comfortable with what I share on Twitter and think twice,” he said. “现在我觉得在推上分享就有些不自在了,会再考虑考虑,”他说。 Ryan Mac对本文有报道贡献。 Kate Conger是时报科技记者,常驻旧金山。可以通过电子邮件与她联系:kate.conger@nytimes.com。点击查看更多关于她的信息。 翻译:杜然 点击查看本文英文版。 相关报道七个关键词,新传记带你读懂马斯克2023年9月19日 马斯克正在抛弃一个标志性互联网品牌2023年7月25日 马斯克,不典型的Twitter典型用户2022年4月27日 马斯克为何对“X”情有独钟2023年7月27日 最受欢迎中国人哀悼李克强,也哀悼一个希望尚存的时代 不,习近平不会立即“武统”台湾 中国官方寻求调停巴以冲突,民间反犹反以情绪高涨 中国前总理李克强去世:习近平权威阴影下的温和派 再见,钱德勒:马修·佩里的光芒与挣扎 为何巴以问题在美国大学引发风暴 以色列对哈马斯多年误判和政策失败如何酿成恶果 以色列对加沙轰炸规模之大、伤亡之重令全球瞩目 中国国防部长李尚福被免职,此前已近两月未公开露面 从胡耀邦之死到天安门的枪声 国际 中国 商业与经济 镜头 科技 科学 健康 教育 文化 风尚 旅游 房地产 观点与评论 免费下载 纽约时报中文网 iOS 和 Android App 点击下载iOS App点击下载Android App © 2023 The New York Times Company.

