
新年九条健康饮食小贴士9 Nutrition Tips for the New YearDANI BLUM2022年12月30日 HYOSUN HWANGAs 2022 comes to a close, Well is taking a look at our coverage of food and nutrition over the past year and reflecting on what we have learned about eating (and drinking). Here are some of our favorite nuggets of healthy wisdom. 2022年接近尾声,健康栏目回顾了过去一年里我们对食物和营养的报道,并对我们在吃吃吃(以及喝喝喝)方面所学到的知识进行了反思。以下是一些我们最喜欢的健康智慧。 1. Chia seeds deserve a place in your diet. 1. 奇亚籽应该在饮食中占有一席之地。 The superpowered seeds found their way into puddings, pretzels, jams and TikTok trends in 2022 as chia — once again — rose to popularity. Experts say chia seeds have earned their hype: They’re packed with fiber and rich in antioxidants. You can add a tablespoon of seeds to a smoothie or soak them in plant milk to make a snack. 2022年,随着奇亚籽再次风行,这种超级种子出现在了布丁、椒盐卷饼、果酱里,以及TikTok趋势中。专家表示,奇亚籽再怎么宣传也不为过:它们富含纤维和丰富的抗氧化剂。你可以在奶昔中加入一匙奇亚籽,或者把它们浸泡在植物奶中当零食吃。 2. You don’t need to throw out all the berries. 2. 不需要扔掉所有的莓果。 广告 A single mold-coated strawberry might look gross, but unless the other berries in the box have visible signs of spores, you can keep them in the fridge — just make sure to double-check that they’re fuzz-free before you eat them. 一颗发霉的草莓可能看起来很恶心,但除非盒子里的其他草莓有明显的长孢子迹象,你还是可以把它们存放在冰箱里——不过吃之前要仔细检查,看看是不是长毛了。 3. You can feel better about that morning coffee. 3. 早上喝咖啡让你心情舒畅。 Researchers found that people who drank 1.5 to 3.5 cups of coffee per day, even with a teaspoon of sugar, were up to 30 percent less likely to die during the study period than those who didn’t drink coffee — another reason to justify reaching for your first (or second, or third) mug. 研究人员发现,每天喝1.5到3.5杯咖啡的人,即使在咖啡里加了一茶匙糖,在研究期间死亡的可能性要比不喝咖啡的人低30%——这是你每天喝第一杯(或第二杯、第三杯)咖啡的另一个理由。 4. Natural wine may not actually be better for you. 4. 自然酒实际上可能并不适合你。 There’s little research to back up claims that natural wine leads to improved gut health, and a hangover is a hangover whether you’re drinking a natural wine or the conventional stuff. 几乎没有研究支持自然酒可以改善肠道健康的说法,无论喝的是自然酒还是传统葡萄酒,宿醉都是宿醉。 5. Foods can help hydrate you. 5. 食物可以帮助补水。 You don’t need to rely solely on water to replenish fluids; your favorite fruits and vegetables are also great sources of hydration. Reach for melons, strawberries, oranges, grapes, cucumber or celery. 你不需要仅仅靠喝水来补充水分;你最喜欢的水果和蔬菜也是补水的重要来源。多吃甜瓜、草莓、橙子、葡萄、黄瓜或芹菜。 6. Limit the amount of processed meats you eat. 6. 限制加工肉类的摄入量。 The occasional hot dog won’t wreck your health, but processed meats have been linked to cancer, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Plant-based alternatives are a safer bet, but they’re not all equal: Find an option that’s as minimally processed as possible. 偶尔吃吃热狗并不会损害你的健康,但加工过的肉类与癌症、II型糖尿病和心脏病有关。植物基替代品是一个更安全的选择,但也并非皆然:你需要找到尽可能少加工的选择。 7. Make whole grains a staple. 7. 把全谷物作为主食。 Most Americans aren’t eating enough of them, but you can go against the grain by incorporating these high-fiber foods, like oats or corn, into your diet. A slice of whole wheat bread, a half cup of cooked oatmeal and three cups of popped popcorn, in combination, would satisfy the recommended daily requirement for whole grains. 大多数美国人的全谷物摄入量还是不够多,但你可以反其道而行之,在你的饮食中加入高纤维食物,如燕麦或玉米。一片全麦面包、半杯煮熟的燕麦片和三杯爆米花加在一起,就能满足每日推荐的全谷物摄入量。 广告 8. Swap your afternoon tea for matcha. 8. 把下午茶换成抹茶。 This bright green tea powder is ubiquitous, and while there isn’t definitive research to show it’s a health food, matcha may have some benefits, including providing abundant antioxidants and plenty of caffeine. 这种颜色鲜艳的绿茶粉相当常见,虽然没有明确的研究表明它是一种健康食品,但抹茶可能有一些好处,包括提供丰富的抗氧化剂和大量的咖啡因。 9. Steer clear of sticky snacks. 9. 避免黏牙的零食。 Dried fruit, candy, gummies — these foods can lodge in your teeth and the spaces between them, allowing sugar to linger in your mouth and fuel bacterial growth. There are, however, some steps you can take to ward off tooth decay, including chewing sugar-free gum and gulping down a sugary drink instead of sipping it throughout the day. 干果、糖果、软糖——这些食物会黏在你的牙缝里,让糖分滞留在你的口腔,助长细菌的生长。不过,你可以采取一些措施来防止蛀牙的发生,包括嚼无糖口香糖、大口吞下含糖饮料——而不是小口慢慢喝。 Dani Blum是时报健康版面的助理记者。 翻译:晋其角、Harry Wong 点击查看本文英文版。 相关报道2023年,如何改善你的心理健康2022年12月28日 什么是健康食物?2022年9月30日 睡眠质量差?可能是饮食的原因2020年12月23日 健康饮食,就是这么简单2015年12月31日 最受欢迎中国疫情形势有多严峻?一场大型科学猜谜游戏 中国人就应该默默接受一切痛苦吗? 美国赌场里那些孤独的老年中国移民赌客 中国新冠危机最前线:医疗系统极限承压,面临“惨烈战役” 美国针对中国采取入境限制措施,中国人怎么看? 美国称中国战斗机危险靠近美军飞机,险致撞机 新年九条健康饮食小贴士 “清零”证明了中国政府的控制能力,但治理是另一回事 过去一年,新闻中的重要数字 中国逐步重开国门,外界反应喜忧参半 国际 中国 商业与经济 镜头 科技 科学 健康 教育 文化 风尚 旅游 房地产 观点与评论 免费下载 纽约时报中文网 iOS 和 Android App 点击下载iOS App点击下载Android App点击下载Android APK © 2022 The New York Times Company.

