
中国官方寻求调停巴以冲突,民间反犹反以情绪高涨As China Looks to Broker Gaza Peace, Antisemitism Surges OnlineDAISUKE WAKABAYASHI, TIFFANY MAY, CLAIRE FU2023年10月30日 中国领导人习近平和巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席阿巴斯今年6月在北京。近年来,中国寻求在中东发挥更大作用。 POOL PHOTO BY JADE GAOAs the Israel-Hamas conflict intensifies, raising the prospect of a wider war, China has stepped up efforts to pitch itself as a neutral broker for Mideast peace. 随着以色列与哈马斯的冲突加剧,可能引发更大规模的战争,中国正加紧努力,将自己定位为中东和平的中立调解人。 Beijing’s top diplomat called his Israeli and Palestinian counterparts on Monday, urging restraint. A Chinese envoy is traveling in the Middle East, pledging to help avert a wider war. At the United Nations on Wednesday, China vetoed a resolution on the war that did not call for a cease-fire. 中国政府级别最高的外交官上周一打电话给以色列和巴勒斯坦的同级官员,敦促双方保持克制。一名中国特使正在中东出访,承诺帮助避免更广泛的战争。上周三,中国在联合国否决了一项没有呼吁停火的战争决议。 But even as China seeks to turn down the temperature diplomatically, a surge of antisemitism and anti-Israeli sentiment is proliferating across the Chinese internet and state media, undermining Beijing’s efforts to convey impartiality. China has already come under pressure from the United States and Israel for its refusal to condemn Hamas for its Oct. 7 attack that started the war. 但就在中国寻求通过外交手段给冲突降温的时候,反犹太主义和反以色列情绪正在中国的互联网上和官方媒体上激增,破坏了中国政府表示保持中立的努力。由于拒绝谴责哈马斯10月7日的袭击,中国已经受到了来自美国和以色列的压力。那次袭击是引发目前战争的原因。 On China’s heavily censored internet, inflammatory speech critical of Israel is rampant, with commenters seemingly emboldened by that refusal. And China’s state-run media is seizing on the conflict to accuse the United States of turning a blind eye to Israeli aggression, while perpetuating tropes of Jewish control of American politics. 在审查极为严格的中国互联网上,批评以色列的煽动性言论泛滥,评论者们似乎因政府拒绝谴责哈马斯而变得更大胆。中国的官媒抓住冲突之机,指责美国对以色列的侵略视而不见,同时不断重复犹太人控制美国政治的老调。 China Daily, a state-run newspaper, ran an editorial on Monday declaring that the United States was on the “wrong side of history in Gaza.” It said Washington was exacerbating the conflict by “blindly backing Israel.” 官方报纸《中国日报》上周一发表英文社论宣称,美国站在“加沙历史的错误一边”。文章称,华盛顿“盲目支持以色列”,加剧了冲突。 在联合国安理会上周三就以色列与哈马斯的冲突举行会议之前,中国常驻联合国大使张军与俄罗斯常驻联合国大使瓦西里·涅边贾进行磋商。 BEBETO MATTHEWS/ASSOCIATED PRESSHu Xijin, an influential commentator and a former editor in chief of Global Times, a Communist Party newspaper, responded to hawkish statements from an Israeli minister directed at Hezbollah, the powerful militia in Lebanon, writing on Chinese social media: “Oh, calm down, Israel. I’m worried you’ll wipe the Earth out of the solar system.” 中共小报《环球时报》前主编、颇具影响力的评论员胡锡进在回应以色列部长针对黎巴嫩的强大民兵组织真主党的鹰派言论时,在中国社交媒体上写道:“喔喔,消消气吧,以色列。我担心你会把地球从太阳系中抹去。” At times, the anti-Israel comments took on a nationalist tone. In a widely viewed post, an influencer with 2.9 million followers on the Chinese social media platform Weibo said that he would opt to call Hamas a “resistance organization” instead of a “terrorist organization,” in keeping with China’s own labeling of the group. He went on to accuse Israel of being a terror organization because its airstrikes on Gaza had caused civilian casualties. 中国网上的反以言论有时带有民族主义色彩。在一个博得众多眼球的帖子中,一名在中国的社交媒体平台微博上拥有290万粉丝的大V说,他选择把哈马斯称为“抵抗组织”,而不是“恐怖组织”,这符合中国政府给该组织贴的标签。接下来,他指责以色列是恐怖组织,因为它对加沙的空袭造成了平民伤亡。 A Chinese state broadcaster recently hosted a discussion page on Weibo stating that Jews controlled a disproportionate amount of U.S. wealth. Many of the responses were replete with antisemitic stereotypes and comments downplaying the horrors of the Holocaust. 中国一家官方广播公司最近在微博上主持了一个在线讨论,称犹太人控制着不成比例的美国财富。许多网上反应充满了反犹太主义的刻板印象和淡化大屠杀恐怖性的言论。 Shen Yi, a prominent professor of international relations at Fudan University, likened Israel’s attacks to acts of aggression perpetrated by Nazis. Among the comments on recent posts from the official social media account of Israel’s embassy in China were similar comparisons of Israelis to Nazis. 复旦大学著名的国际关系学教授沈逸将以色列袭击加沙比作纳粹侵略行为。中国网民最近发在以色列驻华大使馆的官方社交媒体账号上的评论中,也有将以色列人与纳粹分子做比较的类似内容。 It is hard to say whether the anti-Israeli positions in state media and antisemitism on the Chinese internet are part of a coordinated campaign. But China’s state media rarely veers from the official position of the country’s Communist Party, and its hair-trigger internet censors are keenly attuned to the wishes of its leaders, quick to remove any content that sways public sentiment in an unwanted direction, especially on matters of such geopolitical importance. 中国官媒的反以色列立场和中国互联网上的反犹太主义是否属于统一行动,目前尚难以判断。但中国官媒很少偏离中共的官方立场,而且,行动迅速的互联网审查员们对领导人的愿望极为熟悉,会很快删除任何对公众情绪产生不利影响的内容,尤其涉及如此重要的地缘政治的内容。 After the family member of an Israeli diplomat was stabbed in Beijing this month, Chinese censors limited the spread of the news by restricting hashtags from search results on social media. Chinese police said the victim was stabbed by a foreign man. It was not clear why the restrictions were put in place. 本月,一名以色列外交官的家人在北京被刺伤后,中国的审查员不让主题标签在搜索结果中出现,限制了该消息在社交媒体上的传播。中国警方称,是一名外国人行凶刺伤了受害者。不清楚中国政府为什么要限制这条消息的传播。 “If China felt that it was dangerous and problematic to allow antisemitic comments to flourish, the censors would stop it. Clearly, the government is conveying the message that it’s tolerated,” said Carice Witte, the executive director of SIGNAL Group, an Israeli think tank focusing on China. “如果中国认为允许反犹太主义言论盛行有危险,会给政府造成困难的话,审查者们会禁止这种言论。很明显,政府正在传递的信息是,它容忍反犹太主义言论,”聚焦中国问题的以色列智库“中以学术交流促进协会(SIGNAL)”执行董事魏凯丽(Carice Witte)说。 以色列驻北京大使馆外的武警和路人,摄于今年10月。NG HAN GUAN/ASSOCIATED PRESSThe official Weibo account for the German Embassy in China rebuked people posting references to Nazis, noting that “casually calling people Nazis only reveals your own stupidity.” It added that people combining the Israeli flag with Nazi symbols in their profile pictures are “either ignorant idiots or shameless bastards!” 德国驻华大使馆的官方微博账号批评了那些在帖子里使用纳粹说法的人,指出“随意地称呼别人为纳粹只会暴露自己的愚蠢”。使馆的微博还写道,在个人头像里将以色列国旗与纳粹符号相结合的人,“不是无知的蠢货,就是无耻的混蛋!” Ms. Witte said China might see the spread of antisemitic sentiment as well as hostility toward the United States over the conflict as geopolitically useful, as it works to foster stronger ties with Arab nations and deepen its foothold in the Middle East. 魏凯丽说,中国可能会认为,让反犹情绪和在巴以冲突问题上对美国的敌意蔓延有地缘政治用途,因为中国正在加强与阿拉伯国家的关系,加深其在中东的立足点。 In recent years, China has sought to play a bigger role in the Middle East, looking to fill a power vacuum after the reduction of U.S. troops from the region. China helped broker an agreement in March to restore diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, two archrivals that are both key trading allies for Beijing. 中国近年来一直寻求在中东发挥更大作用,想填补美军从该地区撤走后出现的权力真空。今年3月,中国帮助促成了沙特阿拉伯与伊朗恢复外交关系的协议,中东的这两个主要竞争对手都是中国的重要贸易伙伴。 In June, China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, met with the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, and offered a proposal for a two-state solution for an independent Palestinian state. China’s proposal didn’t go anywhere, but Mr. Xi did score a victory when Mr. Abbas condoned China’s repression campaign against Muslim minorities in the far western region of Xinjiang, saying in a joint statement that Beijing’s actions “had nothing to do with human rights.” 今年6月,中国最高领导人习近平会见了巴勒斯坦权力机构主席阿巴斯,提出了建立独立的巴勒斯坦国的两国解决方案。虽然中国的提议没有产生多少影响,但习近平确实获得了一项胜利,阿巴斯接受了中国在新疆西部地区镇压穆斯林少数民族的镇压行动,双方在一份联合声明中称,中国的行动“与人权无关”。 While China and Israel maintain some economic ties, Israel’s close alliance with the United States remains an obstacle to a closer relationship between the two countries, and the growing anti-Israeli sentiment in state media and on the Chinese internet will not help. 尽管中国和以色列保持着一定的经济联系,但以色列与美国的紧密结盟仍是让中以关系变得更密切的障碍,中国官媒和中国互联网上日益高涨的反以情绪也不利于两国关系的发展。 “This is likely to reduce Israel’s willingness to trust China as an ‘honest broker’ in the current war,” said Gedaliah Afterman, head of the Asia Policy Program at the Abba Eban Institute for Diplomacy and International Relations at Reichman University in Israel. “这可能会降低以色列信任中国是当前战争的‘诚实中间人’的意愿,”以色列赖赫曼大学阿巴·埃班国际外交研究所亚洲政策项目主任吉达利雅·阿夫特曼说。 Mr. Afterman said that China did have the opportunity to play a big role in advancing regional stability, for instance by helping secure the release of some of the more than 200 hostages that Hamas holds. 阿夫特曼说,中国确实有机会在促进区域稳定上发挥重要作用,例如帮助确保哈马斯将其劫持的200多名人质中的一些释放出来。 He added that China seemed to be using the war as a way to “shape an anti-American narrative among the Chinese public,” while the online vitriol seemed partly rooted in confusion, conflating denunciations of Israel with those of the United States, and the criticism of Jews with that of Americans. 他补充说,中国看来想把这场战争作为“在中国公众中塑造反美叙事”的方法,网上的尖刻言论似乎部分源于困惑,部分源于把谴责以色列与谴责美国、批评犹太人与批评美国人合并起来。 一名以色列外交官的亲属今年10月在北京被刺伤,事发地点据说是图中这个地方。 NG HAN GUAN/ASSOCIATED PRESSYet when it comes to state security, China regards Israel as a model. The National Police Academy of China, in a research paper published in 2014, discussed the “success story” of Israel’s antiterror strategy. A Chinese official now holding a senior position in charge of ethnic affairs had written in a 2002 dissertation that China should to take lessons from Israel’s deployment of West Bank settlers and infrastructure in Palestinian lands for its own campaign targeting 11 million Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang. 但在国家安全问题上,中国将以色列视为典范。《中国刑警学院》曾在2014年发表文章讨论了以色列反恐战略的“成功经验”。目前担任国家民族事务委员会主任的中国官员曾在他2002年的博士学位论文中写道,以色列在约旦河西岸建定居点、在巴勒斯坦土地上建基础设施的做法对中国的西部大开发有借鉴意义,他所说的西部指的是1100万维吾尔族穆斯林居住的新疆。 And Chinese authorities consider anti-Zionist speech — when made by Muslims in China — as extremist, said Darren Byler, a professor and anthropologist studying Uyghur culture and Chinese surveillance at Simon Fraser University, in Canada. Chinese courts used anti-Zionist texts as evidence in a 2018 trial involving a Kazakh Muslim in Xinjiang. He was sentenced to 17 years in prison over extremism charges. 加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学教授、研究维吾尔文化和中国监控维族人做法的人类学家雷风(Darren Byler)说,中国当局将中国穆斯林发表的反犹太复国主义言论视为极端言论。中国法院曾在2018年审理一名新疆哈萨克穆斯林的案件时把反犹太复国主义的文字作为证据,该人因极端主义指控被判处17年有期徒刑。 Historically, Chinese people tended to perpetuate positive stereotypes about Jews, according to Mary Ainslie, an associate professor at the University of Nottingham’s campus in Ningbo, a city in eastern China, who has done research on antisemitism in the country. She said they were often depicted as hard-working, influential and financially savvy. For example, the Talmud is translated into Chinese and marketed for its lessons in making money. 历史上,中国人往往对犹太人保持着正面的刻板印象,在诺丁汉大学位于宁波的校区教书的副教授玛丽·艾因斯利说道,她研究过中国的反犹太主义。她说,在中国人看来,犹太人努力工作、有支配力、会赚钱。例如,《塔木德》(犹太法典——译注)被翻译成中文,并作为赚钱教材来营销。 But in recent years, she said, the stereotypes have turned increasingly antisemitic because of rising nationalism, a growing mistrust of the West, a worsening economy, and the popularity of conspiratorial discourse on the Chinese internet. 但她说,近年来的刻板印象已越来越多地带有反犹倾向,原因是中国的民族主义情绪上涨,对西方的不信任日益加深,经济状态不佳,以及中国互联网上阴谋论言论盛行。 “The current situation is giving this fuel,” she said. “And it is growing.” “目前的情况正在给反犹太主义煽风点火,让这种情绪进一步增长,”她说。 Daisuke Wakabayashi是时报驻亚洲商业记者,常驻首尔。点击查看更多关于他的信息。 Tiffany May自亚洲为《纽约时报》报道新闻,她于2017年加入时报。点击查看更多关于她的信息。 Claire Fu在首尔为《纽约时报》报道中国大陆的新闻。点击此处了解更多关于她的信息。 翻译:纽约时报中文网 点击查看本文英文版。 相关报道西方在俄乌和加沙问题上被指双重标准2023年10月23日 从俄乌到巴以,被重塑的全球政治格局2023年10月19日 被绑架混血女孩母亲呼吁中方提供帮助2023年10月13日 新一轮巴以冲突与全球新秩序2023年10月10日 最受欢迎中国人哀悼李克强,也哀悼一个希望尚存的时代 不,习近平不会立即“武统”台湾 中国官方寻求调停巴以冲突,民间反犹反以情绪高涨 中国前总理李克强去世:习近平权威阴影下的温和派 再见,钱德勒:马修·佩里的光芒与挣扎 为何巴以问题在美国大学引发风暴 以色列对哈马斯多年误判和政策失败如何酿成恶果 以色列对加沙轰炸规模之大、伤亡之重令全球瞩目 中国国防部长李尚福被免职,此前已近两月未公开露面 从胡耀邦之死到天安门的枪声 国际 中国 商业与经济 镜头 科技 科学 健康 教育 文化 风尚 旅游 房地产 观点与评论 免费下载 纽约时报中文网 iOS 和 Android App 点击下载iOS App点击下载Android App © 2023 The New York Times Company.

