
拜登称朝鲜若发动核攻击将导致金氏政权“灭亡”In Turn to Deterrence, Biden Vows ‘End’ of North Korean Regime if It AttacksPETER BAKER, DAVID E. SANGER2023年4月27日 周三,拜登总统在白宫欢迎韩国总统尹锡悦。 DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMESWASHINGTON — President Biden moved on Wednesday to bolster the American nuclear umbrella guarding South Korea and vowed that any nuclear attack by North Korea would “result in the end” of the government in Pyongyang, underscoring a broad turn from diplomacy to deterrence in response to the threat from the volatile dictatorship. 华盛顿——周三,拜登总统采取行动,加强了美国向韩国提供的核保护伞,并誓言朝鲜的任何核攻击都将“导致”平壤政府“灭亡”。这凸显出在应对这个反复无常的独裁政权的威胁时,美国正做出从外交转向威慑的总体转型。 Hosting President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea at the White House for a state visit, Mr. Biden committed to giving Seoul a central role for the first time in strategic planning for the use of nuclear weapons in any conflict with North Korea. In return, the South disavowed any effort to pursue its own nuclear arsenal, a move Mr. Yoon briefly appeared to embrace earlier this year. Mr. Biden also announced that the United States would send American nuclear ballistic missile submarines to dock in South Korea for the first time in decades. 在白宫接待前来进行国事访问的韩国总统尹锡悦时,拜登首次做出承诺,在与朝鲜发生冲突时使用核武器的战略规划中让韩国发挥核心作用。作为回报,韩国承诺彻底放弃发展自己的核武库的打算——今年早些时候,尹锡悦似乎一度表现出有这方面的意向。拜登还宣布,美国将派遣美国的核弹道导弹潜艇在韩国停靠,这是几十年来的第一次。 “Look, a nuclear attack by North Korea against the United States, its allies or partisans — partners — is unacceptable and will result in the end of whatever regime were to take such an action,” Mr. Biden said during a news conference in the Rose Garden, where he and Mr. Yoon described their agreement, called the Washington Declaration. “It’s about strengthening deterrence in response to the D.P.R.K.’s escalatory behavior and the deal is complete consultation” between the allies, Mr. Biden said, using the initials for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. “是这样,朝鲜对美国、美国的盟友或党派人士——合作伙伴——发动核攻击是不可接受的,无论哪个政权采取了这样的行动,都会导致它的灭亡,”拜登在白宫玫瑰园举行的新闻发布会上表示。他和尹锡悦在会上描述了他们达成的协议,即《华盛顿宣言》。拜登称,“这是为了加强威慑,以应对DPRK不断升级的行为,这项协议是各方的全面协商。”此处DPRK是指朝鲜民主主义人民共和国。 While past presidents had also warned North Korea that a nuclear attack on the South would result in a devastating American response, the blunt language about bringing about the end of the North Korean regime was reminiscent of Mr. Biden’s bellicose predecessor, Donald J. Trump. Mr. Trump once threatened North Korea “with fire and fury like the world has never seen” if it were to attack. 虽然前几任总统也曾警告过朝鲜,对韩国的核攻击将导致美国做出毁灭性的回应,但拜登关于终结朝鲜政权的直率话语让人想起他好战的前任特朗普。特朗普曾威胁,如果朝鲜发动攻击,他会“以世界从未见过的炮火和怒火”来应对。 Mr. Trump later pivoted 180 degrees to open personal negotiations with Kim Jong-un, the North’s iron-fisted leader, and even declared that the two of them “fell in love,” but their talks never resulted in Mr. Kim surrendering a single weapon. And throughout the Trump presidency, and into Mr. Biden’s, the North has accelerated the expansion of its nuclear arsenal and the variety and range of its ballistic missiles. 特朗普后来180度转弯,与朝鲜铁腕领导人金正恩展开了个人谈判,甚至宣布两人“坠入爱河”,但他们的谈判从未促使金正恩交出一件武器。在特朗普和拜登的任期内,朝鲜加快了其核武库的扩张,并增加了弹道导弹的种类和射程。 In his public comments with Mr. Yoon on Wednesday, Mr. Biden all but abandoned any talk of a negotiated diplomatic resolution of the 30-year-old confrontation over North Korea’s nuclear ambitions. While saying he would still “seek serious and substantial diplomatic breakthroughs,” he and Mr. Yoon offered no path for doing so and instead emphasized their plans for “extended deterrence,” implicitly acknowledging that North Korea’s nuclear weapons were a reality unlikely to be reversed anytime soon. 在周三与尹锡悦的公开谈话中,拜登几乎没有谈及通过谈判外交来解决朝鲜核野心引发的长达30年的对峙。虽然他表示仍将“寻求重大的、实质性的外交突破”,但他和尹锡悦都没有给出具体的途径,而是强调了他们的“扩大威慑”计划,明确承认朝鲜的核武器是一个不太可能在短期内逆转的现实。 As part of the new agreement, the United States and South Korea will create a Nuclear Consultative Group to coordinate military responses to North Korea, and Washington vowed “to make every effort to consult” with Seoul before using nuclear weapons to retaliate against the North. 作为新协议的一部分,美国和韩国将成立一个核协商小组,协调对朝鲜的军事反应。华盛顿承诺,在使用核武器报复朝鲜之前,将“尽一切努力与首尔进行磋商”。 Still, the agreement made clear that the American president reserves the sole authority to decide whether to launch a nuclear weapon. And Mr. Biden noted that beyond the mainly symbolic submarine visits, he had no intention of stationing nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula. The United States withdrew its last tactical nuclear weapons from South Korea in 1991. 尽管如此,该协议明确表示,美国总统保留是否发射核武器的唯一决定权。拜登还指出,除了主要具象征意义的潜艇访问之外,他无意在朝鲜半岛部署核武器。美国于1991年从韩国撤走了最后一批战术核武器。 两国领导人签署了旨在阻止朝鲜发动核攻击的新协议。DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMESThe new cooperation agreement in the Washington Declaration is closely modeled on how NATO nations plan for possible nuclear conflict. While the United States has never formally adopted a “no first use” policy, officials said such a decision would almost certainly come only after the North itself used a nuclear weapon against South Korea. 《华盛顿宣言》中的新合作协议基本是以北约国家应对可能发生的核冲突方案为蓝本。虽然美国从未正式采取“不首先使用核武器”政策,但官员们表示,几乎可以肯定,只有在朝鲜本身对韩国使用核武器之后才会做出这样的决定。 “The United States commits to make every effort to consult with the R.O.K. on any possible nuclear weapons employment on the Korean Peninsula,” the declaration stated, using the initials for the Republic of Korea. At the same time, it said, “President Yoon reaffirmed the R.O.K.’s longstanding commitment to its obligations under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty” not to develop nuclear weapons of its own. “美国承诺尽一切努力,就任何可能在朝鲜半岛使用核武器的问题与韩国进行磋商,”声明写道。同时,它还表示,“尹锡悦总统重申了韩国对《不扩散核武器条约》规定义务的长期承诺”,不发展自己的核武器。 The accord is notable for several reasons. First, it is intended to provide assurance to the South Korean public, where pollsters have found consistent majorities in favor of building an independent South Korean nuclear force. Mr. Yoon himself mused openly about that option early this year, though his government quickly walked the statement back. 该协议出于几个原因而引人注目。首先,这是给韩国民众的定心丸,民调发现,大多数韩国人一直支持建立一支独立的韩国核力量。今年早些时候,尹锡悦本人曾公开表示在考虑这个选项,但首尔很快就收回了他的话。 He also raised the possibility of reintroducing American tactical nuclear weapons to South Korea, a step that his government has said in recent weeks it is no longer pursuing. 他还提出了把美国的战术核武器重新引入韩国的可能性,但首尔方面曾在最近几周表示,不会再寻求该举措。 The importance of the new declaration to Mr. Yoon was clear in the Rose Garden when Mr. Biden made no explicit mention of it in his opening remarks, while the South Korean leader focused intently on it in his own. Mr. Yoon called it “an unprecedented expansion and strengthening of the extended deterrence strategy” and said that the agreed response to North Korea’s threat “has never thus far been this strong.” 在玫瑰园,拜登在开场讲话中并没有明确提及这份宣言,但尹锡悦的讲话则集中在该宣言上,这清楚了标明了该宣言对这位韩国领导人的重要性。尹锡悦称之为“对扩大威慑战略进行前所未有的扩展和加强”,并表示双方就朝鲜的威胁达成的一致回应“从未像现在这样强烈”。 “Our two countries have agreed to immediate bilateral presidential consultations in the event of North Korea’s nuclear attack and promised to respond swiftly, overwhelmingly, and decisively using the full force of the alliance, including the United States’ nuclear weapons,” Mr. Yoon said. “我们两国已同意,在朝鲜发动核攻击时将立即进行双边总统级磋商,并承诺以迅速的、压倒性的、果断的方式,利用联盟的全部力量做出反应,包括美国的核武器,”尹锡悦表示。 The second reason it is important is one the Biden administration is saying little about: It edges toward reversing the commitment, going back to the Obama administration, to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in American defense strategy. For years, the United States has been improving its non-nuclear strike options, improving the precision and power of conventional weapons that could reach any target in the world in about an hour. 它之所以重要的第二个原因是拜登政府甚少提及的一点:该协议向着推翻奥巴马政府的承诺,即减少核武器在美国国防战略中的作用,又更近了一步。多年来,美国一直在增强核打击之外的选项,提高常规武器的精度和威力,这些武器可以在大约一小时的时间里击中世界上的任何目标。 John F. Kirby, a spokesman for the National Security Council, said, “I would caution anyone from thinking that there was new focus on the centrality of nuclear weapons,” despite the wording of the new declaration. “We have treaty commitments to the Republic on the peninsula,” he said, using the shorthand for the Republic of Korea, and “we want to make sure we have as many options as possible.” 国家安全委员会发言人约翰·柯比表示,“我要提醒所有人,不要认为这是重新聚焦核武器的核心地位,”尽管新宣言的措辞如此。“我们对半岛上的大韩民国有条约承诺,”他说,“我们希望确保我们有尽可能多的选择。” 拜登和尹锡悦在很大程度上没有理会最近披露的信息。这些信息表明,美国对韩国国家安全委员会成员私下里的谈话进行了窃听。 SAMUEL CORUM FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES Peter Baker是时报首席白宫记者,为时报和《华盛顿邮报》报道了五位美国总统的新闻。他还著有七本书,最新的一本是与Susan Glasser合著的《The Divider: Trump in the White House, 2017-2021》。欢迎在Twitter和Faceboook上关注他。 David E. Sanger是白宫和国家安全记者。他在时报任职38年,参与的三个团队获得了普利策奖,最近一次是在2017年获得国际报道奖。他最新出版的一本书是《完美武器:网络时代的战争、破坏和恐惧》(The Perfect Weapon: War, Sabotage and Fear in the Cyber Age) 。欢迎在Twitter和Facebook上关注他。 翻译:纽约时报中文网 点击查看本文英文版。 相关报道为什么说日韩关系回暖对美国意义重大2023年4月26日 中国大规模扩张核武库引发美国担忧2023年4月20日 最受欢迎中国驻法大使称前苏联国家无主权地位引发外交风暴 中国不再要求入境旅客出示核酸阴性证明 中共正在抹杀香港的记忆 中国指控《光明日报》资深编辑董郁玉从事间谍活动 拜登正式宣布竞选连任,对抗特朗普挑战历史 希拉里·克林顿:共和党的算盘正中习近平和普京下怀 新冠大流行目前的情况如何 中国要求AI生成内容需体现“社会主义核心价值观” 新加坡式的威权制度比民主制度更好吗 为什么说日韩关系回暖对美国意义重大 国际 中国 商业与经济 镜头 科技 科学 健康 教育 文化 风尚 旅游 房地产 观点与评论 免费下载 纽约时报中文网 iOS 和 Android App 点击下载iOS App点击下载Android App点击下载Android APK © 2023 The New York Times Company.

