
Donald J. Trump ‏ 认证账号 @realDonaldTrump 9小时9小时前 更多 Facebook, Google and Twitter, not to mention the Corrupt Media, are sooo on the side of the Radical Left Democrats. But fear not, we will win anyway, just like we did before! #MAGA

  1. Facebook, Google and Twitter, not to mention the Corrupt Media, are sooo on the side of the Radical Left Democrats. But fear not, we will win anyway, just like we did before!
  2. “You can’t dispel this mood of positive energy.” The Economy is Great!
  3. A total loser!
  4. The Fake News Media has NEVER been more Dishonest or Corrupt than it is right now. There has never been a time like this in American History. Very exciting but also, very sad! Fake News is the absolute Enemy of the People and our Country itself!
  5. 6:56
    140万 次观看
  6. 4:47
    146万 次观看

