
  1. Nothing says sensible urban planning like a giant teapot.
  2. Guizhou has a giant teapot, Minneapolis has a giant cherry, my homeland Australia is littered with ludicrously large pieces of fruit. But nobody can beat the giant puffer fish in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu.
  3. 回复 
    Let’s not forget the Gaffney peach. (Although tbh it doesn’t come close to beating that puffer fish.)
  4. 回复 
    I raise you a tourist attraction of an enormous Mongol icon in the middle of the steppe
  5. 回复 
    Handan would like to submit their formidable cabbage to the beauty contest
  6. U.S.-China trade negotiations did not last long, as American cabinet officials came halfway around the world to spend an evening, a morning and part of an afternoon talking. The previous round was nearly 4 days because they were making lots of progress.
  7. 回复 
    somewhere in Falkirk, Scotland...
  8. 回复 
    World's largest cheese slicer - Ånäset, Sweden.
  9. 回复 
    The giant pecan, Brunswick, Missouri. Small town America is fascinating.
  10. Giant koala, Dadswells Bridge, Victoria, AUS.
  11. Flappy McFlapperson, the Beijing Cuckoo, lives on in the form of a cut-out educational book for Chinese schools. A fitting legacy!
  12. 回复 
    I nominate the Denver Airport's hell-horse as the weirdest animal-related public art. It has enormous testicles (I apologize for the photo), its eyes glow red, it's the first thing you see when you drive into the city, and it's the subject of numerous juicy conspiracy theories
  13. Golden turd? Tokyo
  14. Is it just me, or there's strange obsession for giant teapot in Asia?
  15. 回复 
  16. 回复 
    Well, outside Seoul Incheon Airport they have this.

