- "Late night fears" of China and the PRC apologists among us. @ChristianWhiton. @GordonGChang @Thad... https://audioboom.com/posts/7219893-late-night-fears-of-china-and-the-prc-apologists-among-us-christianwhiton-gordongchang-tha … via @Audioboom
- Gordon G. Chang 转推了Highlight: “We had a history of broken deals on the part of the Chinese,” says @GordonGChang. “Xi Jinping … believes in a state economy. … So question is, how can we change his vision by agreement? I just think that’s just folly.” Full interview:
- On @YahooFinance at noon ET to discuss #China #trade. Today, Beijing released part of his #XiJinping's secret 2013 speech in which he talked about the inevitable destruction of capitalism. So do you think we can maintain satisfactory trade relations with this militant ideologue?
- #SouthKorea is fast becoming #NorthKorea. #MoonJaein is rapidly transforming into #KimJongUn. #Korea is hurtling off the cliff. Will the people of the South stop this disaster?
- #China is now a militant, out-of-control regime ruled by a figure of dangerous ambitions and immense will, #XiJinping. He will kill and harm many more unless he is stopped. We need to stop this monster, the sooner the better.
- UCSD's Susan Shirk, in comments in Beijing, said she worries about criticism of #China and warned of McCarthyism in the US: https://bit.ly/2U8eV03 . We need to worry more about her Chinese friends attacking our free society than any McCarthyism of those trying to defend America.
- #China's debt is probably higher than reported--isn't that why they call it "hidden debt"?--and its GDP is certainly lower than claimed. The debt-to-GDP ratio, therefore, is much higher, perhaps approaching 400%, especially because #XiJinping is now on a borrowing spree.
- If the fast erosion of free speech and other worrisome developments continue, #SouthKorea will resemble a dictatorship by the scheduled end of #MoonJaein's term in 2022. If South Koreans want to preserve their democracy, they will have to act now.
- #SouthKorea will openly violate sanctions until we start imposing penalties on it. It's unfortunate we have to risk the alliance by sanctioning Seoul, but #MoonJaein is leaving us no choice.
- The US, exporter or not, is not the problem. Do you think a world dominated by regimes--where many think we're heading--is going to make headway on the climate? If you want to make climate progress, you need, as a precondition to success, to get rid of some unsavory leaders.
- KBS, #SouthKorea's national broadcaster, has just published a list of #NorthKorea's nuclear sites: https://bit.ly/2JR1cWL . This list, obtained from #MoonJaein's government, helps #KimJongUn because he now knows what we know. It's time to treat Moon as Kim's ally and not as ours.
- In addition to be just plain evil, #China's communists manage to make themselves creepy. #FreeTibet #FreeChina
- #China today under #XiJinping has the look and feel of a totalitarian society. It's unlikely, however, that totalitarianism can sustain itself in a modern, mobile society.
- On @BullsBearsFBN at 4:45 PM ET talking latest #US #China #TradeTalks. Negotiations now focusing on Chinese Cybersecurity Law. What's the point? There is no law that will bind an unaccountable Communist Party.
- Imran Khan's cynical comment illustrates in many ways why we should treat him--and Pakistan--with contempt.
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